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The upcoming truth behind my OC's.



So, I've tried a lot on this site already. Starting from joining the forums, going through writing and successfully passing a few OC apps, to considering various staff positions (and eventually denying myself all of them due to random free time patterns) and ending up with... well, a lot of different things I'm not going to mention.

From everything I've done here, there's just this one thing I never yet touched. Blogs. Therefore, after a fierce fight with my own mind, I've decided to gather myself up and actually create one.

Blogs... they can be about everything and nothing. Good and evil, light and darkness, potatoes and carrots. Heck, even Charlie Chaplin and Tommy Lee Jones. But, I've decided not to aim so high. I mean, Charlie Chaplin? That blog would have to be a godly tier. Or something near that at least. Though, meh, I could probably write Tommy Lee Jones one with closed eyes. Anyway. I've decided to start where a lot of people here start. More precisely...


Yes, that's it. I will confess. I'm not QL. I don't have time, strength and most importantly patience and will to create so many. I'm going with three for this day, and I'm quite content with that. There is a T3 cast app somewhere on the horizon too, but it's currently far, far away. I've been here for more than year. I am patient (Loopend knows something about my patience probably :] ).

Thus, I'll try to enclose something about my OC's in nearest time. What exactly? Not sure. No idea to be honest. Perhaps how I've came up with the idea? What issues I had while creating them? What intentions I had initially but had to change them or I'll simply explain a few reasons behind my choices/decisions. I guess I'll just roll with this one.

See you around~

PS: I consider this as a good practice to writing stuff.


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