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You know what I noticed about myself that's ironic? *MLP comic related*



You know how I'm upset over the Twilight/Tirek fight scene, just because it displayed a power imbalance between Twilight Sparkle and her friends? And you know how I'm also upset at the fans for liking the fight scene so much, that they seem to have forgotten the show's core friendship themes, especially since they hated two of the key episodes, the Rainbow Power, and Rainbow Castle?

Well, there was another fight scene with the same circumstances as the Twilight/Tirek fight I didn't mind. It was in the climax of the first comic book story-arc, the Return of Chrysalis arc. The final battle between Twilight and Queen Chrysalis was the same situation as the Twilight/Tirek fight: A big magic fight between Twilight and a villain, an external source powering up Twilight, and her friends being held hostage for her magic. Except in the comic's case, it was almost the reverse; where Tirek fought Twilight before holding her friends hostage for her magic, in Chrysalis' case it was almost the other way around. And, even though Twilight was a unicorn at the time of the final battle against Chrysalis, and therefore could not wield alicorn magic, her magic was being enhanced by an entirely different source: The Secretariat Comet.

The outcome of the Twilight/Chrysalis battle was also different from the results of the Twilight/Tirek fight. With Tirek, Twilight could not fight him without ending the battle in a draw, so the giant centaur took the coward's way out and held her friends hostage for her alicorn magic. She surrenders it for her friends, and even though on the short term Tirek won, long term it earned Twilight her final key, which allowed her and her friends to unlock friendship-powered rainbow magic, which they apply to Tirek and restore everypony's magic, even build the girls a new castle to replace Twilight's library.

But the Twilight/Chrysalis fight? It did not end with Twilight using friendship magic against Chrysalis, the same way she would with Tirek over a year later. Instead, her normal unicorn-at-the-time magic was enhanced by the Secretariat Comet so much, that she practically obliterated Queen Chrysalis. Granted, the changeling queen was still alive and was eventually tortured by Pinkie Pie's incessant singing and dancing. But even before she became an alicorn princess, Twilight still blew up her surrounding environment with her unicorn magic, instead of use the old friendship magic that saved her life and the lives of countless other ponies on a regular basis. That, and her friends were cheering for her by the sidelines, after spending three and a half issues escorting her to the final battle.

Lastly, was the role her friends played in getting her to the two final battles. In both cases, Twilight's friends all led her to each of the two final battles, before she eventually had to fight these battles on her own. In the Return of Chrysalis arc, the Mane Five escorted Twilight to Queen Chrysalis' lair, surviving giant spiders and a cave troll, before eventually splitting up into three pairs as the result of an argument. Then, once they reunite and apologize, they continue on to the climactic showdown as if their argument never happened. It lasted three and a half short issues.

As for the Twilight/Tirek fight, the build up was the Mane Five's key episodes, where each of the girls learn a valuable lesson about their Elements of Harmony, resulting in them getting a key. Granted, two of them were considered bad, including Rainbow Falls and It Ain't Easy Being Breezies, the third was average, Leap of Faith, and the last two were considered the best of the key episodes, including Rarity Takes Manehattan and Pinkie Pride. But much like the three and a half issues of build up where Twilight's friends escort her to Queen Chrysalis, it was still the Mane Five leading Twilight to the fight with Tirek and her final key. It took a Season Four premiere and five half-hour episodes to build up to that fight, with several slice-of-life stories in-between to extend the season's length.

And yet, despite all of those similarities between the Twilight/Tirek fight and the Twilight/Chrysalis fight, I never seem to mind the latter as compared to the former. Why? I have no clue. I guess it has to do with the fact that the Twilight/Tirek fight became the most overrated thing on Earth, to the point that it overshadowed nearly every other aspect of the television show itself, just because of its resemblance to Dragon Ball Z. As for the Twilight/Chrysalis fight, no one seems to talk about that, either, because no one bothers reading the comics, either because they don't have the money or means to get them, or because they aren't canon.

But other than that, perhaps I'm a hypocrite regarding my own tastes and the tastes of other people.


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Sometimes, it's just better to let something go for your own sake - this is one of those times!

Right. By now, two months had already passed since the Season Four finale. So, perhaps I do have to let it go.

But you see where I'm coming from, right? As I said in the blog, I hated the Twilight/Tirek fight, but preferred the Twilight/Chrysalis fight, even though both hinged on the disempowerment and victimization of the Mane Five, in-exchange for the empowerment of Twilight Sparkle and her magic. And, it doesn't make a lot of sense, even for me, when you think about it.

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