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Canterlot Community Art

Original work only!

The Canterlot Gallery is a place where members can share original MLP related artwork that they themselves have created and follow the criteria below.

General Rules and Regulations

  • Please try and put as much effort into your work as possible, using plain paper rather than ruled/lined will get more attention and look far better and less tacky.
  • Submissions must be suitable for PG-13 audiences.
  • Characters must conform to the creator's original vision as possible.
  • Art must contain characters or themes related to My Little Pony (Any Generation). Anthropomorphization and "Humanized Ponies" are acceptable as long as they conform to the guidelines.
  • Photographs of physical items (custom MLP etc) must be your own work and stated as such in the description.
  • Comments must follow the Board Rules.

Examples of Prohibited Items

  • Gore, extreme violence, and criminal acts
  • Sex, sexual situations, or innuendo
  • Illegal drugs, drug references, and/or paraphernalia
  • Screenshots and photographs, with the exception of photos of crafted works such as plushies.
  • Non-original artwork such as that built from traces or bases.
  • Plagiarized artwork in whole or in part
  • Image macros (eg: memes, reaction faces, etc.)
  • Treating the Gallery as a "Photobucket" style host. Canterlot is not to be used to link images off-site or for banners/signature images etc.
  • 'Pony Maker' or other generated images.
  • Costumes / cosplay, photographs that do not feature ORIGINAL MLP artwork, logos, etc.

NOTE: Art created by others of your own original character may be posted where full credit is given to the original artist. Submissions made containing other people's work that do not follow the conditions above will be considered a violation of the Terms of Service and will be removed without warning.

Canterlot Staff reserves the right to remove any material they determine as unacceptable or inappropriate.

Art by the members of Canterlot!


  1. Traditional Artseseses

    Pencils, pens, and crayons. Hooray!
    • Album created by GhostGirl
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 3 images
    • 3 image comments
  2. Males Galore

    An album full of cute stallions and male gryphons, drawn by me.
    • Album created by princebluemoon1
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 20 image comments
    • 8 images
    • 20 image comments
  3. OC Art

    This is all the finish art work. And I do considered inked artwork to be finished as well! Basically anything that does not look overly sketchy, and is of OCs.
    • 1 image
  4. Ocs/Doodles

    random things i do, doodles..my OCs..random stuff mostly
    • Album created by MidnightRose
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  5. Stuff for others

    other stuff
    • 1 image
  6. Oc drawings

    Drawings of my oc's.
    • Album created by AUXRpwnies
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  7. Rainbow Trolls Ponies

    All my ponies weather drawn by me or others (I will indicate what is drawn by who.)
    • Album created by Therainbowtroll
    • Updated
    • 5 images
    • 1 image comment
    • 5 images
    • 1 image comment
  8. Dusk Symphony

    Doodles of Dusk and her involved rps.
    • Album created by NightSymphony
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 2 image comments
    • 1 image
    • 2 image comments
  9. Smartbrony's Art

    All art created by me, Smartbrony.
    • Album created by Smartbrony
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 7 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 7 image comments
  10. My Drawings

    Just a quick album of my drawings :P
    • 2 images
  11. OC's

    These are all my own characters which I intend to create a fan fiction with. If anyone has any plot Ideas I'm open for suggestions.
    • Album created by PrideFire9639
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 6 images
    • 3 image comments
  12. ColtbainScratchorn's arts

    My art gallery straight from my DeviantArt!
    • 6 images
    • 5 image comments
  13. Pyro's OCs

    A collection of drawings/art of my OC's
    • Album created by PyroNomad
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  14. Shade's artwork

    An album for artwork I have made and want to share with the ponies of Canterlot. :D
    • Album created by ShadeFire
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 9 image comments
    • 3 images
    • 9 image comments
  15. OC Requests

    This album that will contain all the pics of requests that I have done.
    • Album created by GalaGirls
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  16. Shadow's Griffon Practices.

    Watch as I progress in Griffon drawing. Don't expect top notch but give me some credit, they ain't easy.
    • 1 image
  17. Duskfall's Pencil Art

    I draw with pencil... I'm not a very good digital artist.
    • Album created by Duskfall
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 8 images
    • 2 image comments
  18. Kuda's Art

    Arty art fart!
    • Album created by Kudalyn
    • Updated
    • 72 images
    • 166 image comments
    • 72 images
    • 166 image comments
  19. Harv0kz's Poneh and Weaponz Drawz

    Title says all. This will be a mix of Pony and Weaponry+ armour and both. May also include random misc drawings.

    Contains traditional drawing of pencil sketches.
    • Album created by Harv0kz
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 4 image comments
    • 3 images
    • 4 image comments
  20. blah blah blah

    • Album created by SongHeart
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image comment
    • 1 image
    • 1 image comment
  21. The Growing Phases Of Galick

    This is just Galick in each of his growing phases, excluding his normal, baby dragon stage for obvious reasons.
    • Album created by Galick
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 3 images
    • 2 image comments
  22. My Galick Artwork

    Some images of Galick. So far I have two. One of him sitting more casually, and another one of him in a cuter style.
    • Album created by Galick
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 images
  23. Not Digital Stuff

    For all the art that I make that is not computer stuff.
    • Album created by RainbowFoxxy
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 4 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 4 image comments
  24. Wood Work

    Pieces in here are all the wood pieces I have completed or are WIP.
    • Album created by RyuNeko
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 3 images
    • 3 image comments
  25. ClassyHooves Eye Candy

    Where I keep all my doodles and sketches made while at work.
    • Album created by ClassyHooves
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 6 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 6 image comments

53 images

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