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Canterlot Community Art

Original work only!

The Canterlot Gallery is a place where members can share original MLP related artwork that they themselves have created and follow the criteria below.

General Rules and Regulations

  • Please try and put as much effort into your work as possible, using plain paper rather than ruled/lined will get more attention and look far better and less tacky.
  • Submissions must be suitable for PG-13 audiences.
  • Characters must conform to the creator's original vision as possible.
  • Art must contain characters or themes related to My Little Pony (Any Generation). Anthropomorphization and "Humanized Ponies" are acceptable as long as they conform to the guidelines.
  • Photographs of physical items (custom MLP etc) must be your own work and stated as such in the description.
  • Comments must follow the Board Rules.

Examples of Prohibited Items

  • Gore, extreme violence, and criminal acts
  • Sex, sexual situations, or innuendo
  • Illegal drugs, drug references, and/or paraphernalia
  • Screenshots and photographs, with the exception of photos of crafted works such as plushies.
  • Non-original artwork such as that built from traces or bases.
  • Plagiarized artwork in whole or in part
  • Image macros (eg: memes, reaction faces, etc.)
  • Treating the Gallery as a "Photobucket" style host. Canterlot is not to be used to link images off-site or for banners/signature images etc.
  • 'Pony Maker' or other generated images.
  • Costumes / cosplay, photographs that do not feature ORIGINAL MLP artwork, logos, etc.

NOTE: Art created by others of your own original character may be posted where full credit is given to the original artist. Submissions made containing other people's work that do not follow the conditions above will be considered a violation of the Terms of Service and will be removed without warning.

Canterlot Staff reserves the right to remove any material they determine as unacceptable or inappropriate.

Art by the members of Canterlot!


  1. MLP cast

    Doodles and drawings of the MLP cast
    • Album created by PurpleBird
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 4 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 4 image comments
  2. Hocotate-Gallery

    I was told i could post stuff on the website,which would be convenient for me since i don't get much feedback on DeviantArt.
    • 1 image
  3. Thank You

    Art by other people. This is a place of thanks... do not forget that.

    All OCs here are of my mind. But as I said the art is others!
    • Album created by Gearlock
    • Updated
    • 3 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 3 images
    • 3 image comments
  4. Asta's Stuff

    • Album created by Astalakio
    • Updated
    • 93 images
    • 601 image comments
    • 93 images
    • 601 image comments
  5. Sillydog's Artwork

    Little pony stuff I've done.
    • Album created by ThunderboltTGreat
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 14 image comments
    • 6 images
    • 14 image comments
  6. Ginger Mint's Thingamajigs

    There be ponies here!
    • Album created by Ginger Mint
    • Updated
    • 150 images
    • 756 image comments
    • 150 images
    • 756 image comments
  7. Random gifts

    Where I doodle things for other peeps~
    • Album created by The-Jaded-Bug
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 4 image comments
    • 1 image
    • 4 image comments
  8. Jaded's Oh See Corner

    OCs and how I draw them~
    • Album created by The-Jaded-Bug
    • Updated
    • 5 images
    • 12 image comments
    • 5 images
    • 12 image comments
  9. OC's

    Album of OC's
    • Album created by PurpleBird
    • Updated
    • 8 images
    • 23 image comments
    • 8 images
    • 23 image comments
  10. Diego's Art

    Stuff I Did
    • Album created by BaconofChaos
    • Updated
    • 40 images
    • 77 image comments
    • 40 images
    • 77 image comments
  11. Zeta art

    An album of various Zeta(My OC) art consisting of digital art, recolors, and drawings.
    • Album created by ThatOneBrony
    • Updated
    • 6 images
    • 10 image comments
    • 6 images
    • 10 image comments
  12. Ping111's Not-Too-Shabby Art Gallery

    I don't usually draw, but when I do, it's either more horrendous than any kindergartener could imagine, or, more rarely, decent to good.
    • Album created by ping111
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image
  13. QuietSapphire's art

    Artwork that I create every now and then
    • Album created by QuietSapphire
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments
  14. Vectored OCs

    Most of these OCs are done for other people. If you want one, I am taking commissions! http://crpdude.deviantart.com/journal/Commissions-288672530 <--Info here!
    • Album created by crp_dude
    • Updated
    • 22 images
    • 38 image comments
    • 22 images
    • 38 image comments
  15. Briar

    An album for my rough earth pony Briar, and those of her family and friends who like to get on her bad side :P
    • Album created by PetiteLaSouris
    • Updated
    • 15 images
    • 25 image comments
    • 15 images
    • 25 image comments
  16. Character Art Requests and Commissions

    Art of my characters done for me by others!
    • Album created by MyLittlePonyTales
    • Updated
    • 71 images
    • 50 image comments
    • 71 images
    • 50 image comments
  17. LM's Original Characters (And Then Some)

    An album of all my OC's. Some more realistic than others. (As real as talking ponies get anyway.)
    • Album created by PIJIN
    • Updated
    • 44 images
    • 138 image comments
    • 44 images
    • 138 image comments
  18. Fan Made Lovinity Drawings

    Here's some fan-made pictures of me hehe.

    All pictures were posted with the permission of the artist.
    • Album created by Lovinity
    • Updated
    • 4 images
    • 4 images
  19. Dovetail's Gallery

    I do mostly digital art and this gallery features some of my favorite pieces.
    • Album created by Dovetail
    • Updated
    • 9 images
    • 3 image comments
    • 9 images
    • 3 image comments
  20. Whisper

    A strange little earth pony
    • Album created by PetiteLaSouris
    • Updated
    • 12 images
    • 10 image comments
    • 12 images
    • 10 image comments
  21. shadows art and sketches

    its for all those drawings I'm posting
    • Album created by shadowblaze417
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 4 image comments
    • 1 image
    • 4 image comments
  22. Glass Glow

    • Album created by IcyHooves
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 11 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 11 image comments
  23. Art i guess

    Random stuff i made
    • Album created by Shadowrunner
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 6 image comments
    • 1 image
    • 6 image comments
  24. Random Doodles.

    • Album created by Crescent
    • Updated
    • 1 image
    • 1 image comment
    • 1 image
    • 1 image comment
  25. TechBrush's Drawings

    • Album created by TechBrush
    • Updated
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments
    • 2 images
    • 2 image comments

53 images

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