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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. Hey, everypony! Just watch the Dark Knight Rises with my friends last night.

    Now, I gotta say, I was definitely not in the right environment since my friends just couldn't sit still nor stop talking. I'll be seeing it again next weekend with my brothers, who are a lot quieter, thankfully.


    This movie was a perfect cap to the whole package that is the Batman story. Brilliantly told, and there are many references and messages that can be understood in the story itself that fits our world today, what with everything happening almost everywhere, with corruption and deception used not only by the powerful, but by society itself. And Bane exploited that, of course, while Batman----well, you watch the movie. :P

    Now, I don't class that I've fully watched the film (because of my friends' talkativeness), but I still felt like the Dark Knight had some better elements concerning directing and timing.

    BUT....that doesn't mean this movie didn't KICK BUTT in almost everything! The music, the action, the characters, and the all out symbolic plot of good versus evil!

    My favorite scene would definitely be when Bane literally 'broke Batman's back'! :lol:

    What's everyone else's favorite scene?

  2. One suggestion I would make for future shows; I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I mainly do so when I'm on the move. As such I would highly recommend making an audio-only version available to download. Also, I'd love to see the featured artist getting a bigger share of the screen, as it is the main visual element of the show. Perhaps some slow pans across each piece would give your YouTube viewers a chance to see some of the details of the stuff you showcase.

    You make a very valid point, dear sir!

    I'll be sure to upload an episode both to Youtube and soundcloud. Is that okay?

    As always, your feedback is very much appreciated, Saucy. ;)

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