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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. Hey, everypony!

    The 1st annual BTVA (Behind the Voice Actors) awards have begun!

    So get your votes in and vote for your favorite voice-over actors! :D

    They've made sure to pick out all sorts of VO actors from video games to TV shows and even featured films.

    What's important is that they've included Andrea Libman (Pinkie Pie) and John de Lancie (Discord), but I think they should have included the entire cast of the show, since they're all great voice actors. :blah:

    Remember, to vote you just have to make an account.

    The Official Page for all categories:


    The general page (Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle included)


    The page for TV Shows (Pinkie Pie and Discord are in this category):


    Tara Strong (Twilight's voice actress) is included but she's getting honored for the role of Timmy Turner.

    But hey, you can vote for whoever you want. I'm just pointing out the VO's from the show. :blush:

    I'm personally voting for other VO's from other shows as well. Correy Burton's one of my favorites.

    • Like 1
  2. I love the Onion and its sarcasm. :lol:



    I am rather in support of the Assad regime as the lesser of two evils.

    Information in Syria, like information in Libya, is being well distorted. Neither were popular revolutions by the people, but were instead foreign funded coups guised as democracy movements. All support to the Arab Socialist Party.

    LOL, are you kidding me? :/

    Please visit Syria within a few months, I'll be glad to meet you there personally once this is all over. :blah:

    But don't worry, I'm sure the dying governments of Cuba and North Korea are still in need of supporters like you. ;-)

  3. March 15, 2011 was the first day ever that Syrians took to the streets in protest against the suppressive dictatorship government that has ruled over them for more than 40 years.

    It's been a whole year now, and the protests have expanded tenfold and nationwide, crippling the government and its economy.

    The Syrian people won't stop till every government official quits. :lol:

  4. Well, I remember watching a German war movie once called Stalingrad. Although it came out in the early nineties, the effects were pretty decent and the story telling was still great and it actually told quite a tragic tale about how the soldiers of the battlefield were forgotten.

    Such a story can be implimented in all unjustified wars that have passed through history.

    Plus, the music was pretty awesome and watching it always makes me wanna play the first Call of Duty game. ;)

  5. When I accidentally spilled a full cup of hot chocolate all over my friend when going down the escalator in front of the university! Priceless! xD

    1. I love the day, but find the night very sinister and awkwardly quiet for some reason.

    2. I used to be against patriotism and pride in one's country, but I inevitably find myself becoming more proud of my home countries than ever before. :)

    3. I've never been on rollerblades/skates in my entire life.

    What was your goal for the day?

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