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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. We've all seen Spike's many forms (newborn and mature), but we're not fully sure what kind of dragon he is.

    He doesn't have wings, meaning he's some sort of a....land dragon?

    Or perhaps...a water dragon?




    I found this sketch on the MLP:FiM wiki and found it very interesting.


    It's a sketch from Lauren Faust of a female dragon.

    Do you think we might see this in the show?

  2. Hey, Conor!

    Mornin' Imagination! :D





    OMG, YEAH!

    *Starts running in place*


    I have an exam in three hours. I'm still in bed ._.

    Good luck! And beware, for beds can be very treacherous...

    ...at any moment, you may fall to sleep. @_@

    At least you aren't viewed as Imperialist gluttons who do nothing but hide behind their moral depravity and big guns.

    I feel like the world is changing for the better, this new year.

    Sure, the history of one's people can say a lot, but nowwadays society has become more aware. :)

    Eh, the majority of Americans are unthinking, uninformed idiots :I

    Nah, we've all got knuckle heads running amock across the land.

    U.S history is one of my favorites, and I've always found America quite inspirational. :)

    Plus you guys have Dubai, the greatest city on Earth.

    At least...

    I think you guys have Dubai.

    Saudi Arabia is apart of the Middle East, right?

    I.... I think it is x:

    Yeah, Saudi Arabia's got the majority of land in the Middle East.

    Dubai is a city in the United Arab Emirates. Next to Saudi Arabia.

  3. Easy exam was easy!

    It was like going through the alphabet! :D

    *Fist pump*

    I can now sleep some more!


    You folks have TESTS now?

    Good thing us Americans came over and rebuilt your civilization back up out of that desolate wasteland of a desert!

    What WOULD you barbarians do without us? : D

    ^Stereotypical American view :I


    *Lays down on his tank*

    Sarcastic or not, now you've got me thinking...

    ...I had no idea others see us that way.

    ...Then again, we've had worse reputations. :P

  4. My little brother and I just finished watching the episode!

    This episode proved to me more that as long as the Mane 6 stay true to their beliefs, Ponyville will always stay the safe and honest land that it's always been.

    Now, concerning other things, I found this episode such a joy to watch!

    T'was awesome! I love how we're seeing so much of the Mane 6 all together in one episode, each getting their own moments, while still getting a good dose of our favorite BG ponies like Doctor Whooves, Bon Bon and Lyra. :D

  5. Whatever spare money or clothes I have, I send it as a charity straight to Syria. The people up there are strong willed and can handle themselves against any enemy, but not on an empty stomach, and not without a home to return to.

  6. Wooh! A new comer!

    Welcome to Canterlot, Somari! I'm Tenkan, and your brony story sounds like a pretty cool one, haha. You're uncle was a secret brony afterall. :P

    Anyways, you've come to the right place! :D

  7. I'm quite ashamed to think of how I got my nickname, actually, hah. :/

    I came up with 'Tenkan' as an alias 'cause I used to vandalise all over my school's walls. :sleep:

    But it was Middle School, and I've changed, I promise! :-(

    I did it for a good reason! I swear! :P

  8. After watching the Cutie Mark Chronicles and realizing how Pinkie Pie seemed to have influenced her family through her...happiness-ness,

    I'm wondering if we're ever going to see Pinkie Pie's family again. And if we do, would they act any different from when we last saw them in Pinkie's flashback?

    Would they have continued to live in the farm, or would they have decided to change their ways and, dare I say it, turn to the Pinkie Pie side? :P


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