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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. It might sound a little cliche, but I always use my father as a prime example for how I should approach my life.

    Coming from a blood-stained country, my father has been through a lot. I respect him for being the honest and hard-working person that he is now, and I'm always inspired by his stories of conflict and travels and all the strange things he's been through.

    But no, I don't enjoy the weird food he tries to get me to eat from the home country. :P

    On a side note, there are some that inspire me, but to a small scale, really.

  2. Very nice ideas, Tamerlane. I like where you're coming at. I'm very familiar with Middle Eastern and Turkish Ottoman history, and I'm always very concerned about whatever goes on in the Arab world.

    The thought of having Arabian ponies always crossed my mind, but I never really knew how to implement it.

    Looks to me like you've already gone and done that! Well done! :D

    Haha, I love the changes you've made to some significant city names, like Damascus being Destriascus. Don't think I didn't notice that. ;)

    But to be honest, I thought that if I were to ever approach such an area of storytelling, I would try to introduce a story like that of the Crusades.

  3. I use to be afraid of being different than the others. I used to always yearn to be a normal person in society, that way I felt people wouldn't look at me and notice my differences....and perhaps criticize me.

    Yeah, people used to criticize me a lot for being who I was.

    But now I realize that it was only a passing thing. I am who I am and I'm not going to change myself just for the sake of others who don't respect me either way.

    I always apply Dr. Seuss well known quote.

    "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

  4. Welcome to Canterlot, Starlight!

    I think you've made the right choice by not listening to what the loud-mouthed haters say.

    This place is as spectacular as the community. :D

    Also, I gotta admit that it's usually the shy ones that catch my eye. ;)

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