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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. Perhaps it best if we don't know.

    Welp, I better get Willtravel's request done,

    BTW, Tenkan. I thought of an asktumblr idea-Pinkie pie and Deadpool as room mates.

    That sounds like a pretty cool idea!

    Problem is, I'm not familiar of Tumblr, and I don't really know how it works.

    Nonetheless, I think you should go for it. Give it a try, no?

  2. OMG, dubstep and soccer?!

    Epicosity! That's like the epic-est compilation.

    I foresee you creating some sort of epic dubstep music video with soccer clips of world champions doing double kicks and perfect goals!

    Welcome to Canterlot, Spark. I'm Tenkan. :D

  3. About myself.: Hey there. My names Jaison, though I normally go by the names of Jeroin or Liroir on the internet.

    I recently came back from living three years in India, which is where my parents are from. I hated it there. I didn't live with my parents and my relatives treated me like crap. But now I live with my parents again and it's all peachy keen!~ They bought me a PS3 and never forget to tell me they love me. And I never forget.

    I love to draw and write, though my hobby is to make stories. I often spend most of my free time just sitting around and dreaming up fantastic little stories. And I love to read!

    I'm sorry to hear about your ordeal, friend.

    But at least now you're happy, right! :D

    Sometimes we gotta forgive and forget, and move on with our lives.

    We live longer that way, right?

    Right. Wohooo! Welcome to Canterlot!

  4. About myself.: I am a person of few words who hails from a very small Island, known as Ireland. Specifically the country to the north, meaning, Northern Ireland (Because Ireland only refers to the land-mass apparently). I have an impressively intimidating accent and a slightly sarcastic attitude but I'm not as scary as I sound. Really.

    I like tea, toast, air, sleeping and eating. :D

    We've got too much in common, my friend! I also live on a very small island, and I eat toast and drink tea every bloody morning!

    Welcome to Canterlot! :D

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