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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. How I see it, all things come to an end.

    That's the unfortunate truth. But we shouldn't let that worry get in our way of enjoying the moment. :)

    I usually don't enjoy to type that much, but I'm hoping this post gives off what I feel about the subject.

  2. By the way. Since I haven't said this that much let me do it while I have the time and enegry:

    I love this community with all my heart. Every single person, even if I am not one hundred perfect to them have a special place to me here and It always so wonderful to see you all strecthing out with ideas and ways to contribute to the site. It only saddends me that I always tangled up in something lately that I can't post more often or rapidly give things to the site.

    I couldn't have said it better myself, Sulvuss. I love this community in a way I can't explain.

    But don't be sad, because your contributions aren't little at all, and we're all grateful. :D

  3. Welcome to Canterlot, Eqeen! Good to see another enthusiastic member join the community! :D

    I agree, Rainbow Dash is awesome, but I don't see anything wrong with Twilight. She's, like, my favorite pony of them all! @_@

  4. Tharr.

    Penumbra's drewed pictuuurrrre is now his avatar

    He still thinks its small

    Well maybe it his avatar.

    It hasn't changed yet.

    he expects it to by he time he wakes up.

    Because it's night.

    10.46 to be exact.

    And there's no one.

    It's just Penumbra.

    All Alone.

    In this big, cold thread.

    *Sits with a sigh

    *Looks into the night sky.

    Eternal quiet

    Maybe this is what its like to be a ghost.

    No, it's day time.

    Your statement is questionable, since you said it was night time, when it's obviously day time!!

    Your questionable statement is questionabbleleleleblel!!!! I need facts, ponies!

    *Tears papers*

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