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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. I've had many interesting friends in Highschool.

    I had this one very close friend of mine who had a tragic childhood and continues to suffer under an abusive father, yet he does what he can to be a person in society. Aside from his inevitable misunderstandings of some things in life, he knows that he has faults and doesn't drag on about it. He's a sporty guy with a great intellect and I wish him the best.

    But some people just don't do much in their lives, letting their mind get occupied by thoughts that don't matter, which could sometimes lead to worries building up and getting depressed for no reason at all.

    Being proactive helps out a lot, I believe. Whether it's reading, drawing, or playing sports, it's all stuff that occupies the mind and makes you feel good for achieving something or having fun.

  2. Oh, hi there Tenkan!

    Conspirators? Rather pushy, you think?

    I just came out of watching MI:4. Everyone's a conspirator/secret agent! >.>

    It's cuz WE ALL LOVE YOU TENAKN~ /)*3*(\

    Really? No...conspiracies?! @_@

    Well that's good because Penumbra just cut himself on the cake




    There's blood every were



    Its just like his 12 birthday party





    Somebody call me an ambulance


  3. I might as well post it here, if not anywhere else. :P

    My little brother always wants me to play with him and his collection of toys and action figures. When my elder brothers aren't around, I take no hesitation to play with him and we go on for hours, haha.

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