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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. haha, great! Any suggestions?

    Well, I'm always hanging out in the General Discussion section. You'll pretty much find a lot of members talking about anything there. Mostly about stuff we can all relate to, or stuff we're into.

    But don't forget, Canterlot's got a great RP community, and serves as an awesome hub for everything pony! It's pretty much the only MLP:FiM site I visit, aside from EquestriaDaily and Brony memebase. :D

    ok this is going to sound sooo bad.... but ah did not even new of South Africa. XD ah was thinking it was just all Africa. you know with guys in huts and all that.

    But Dusty! Cape town! Last year's FIFA World Cup! Nelson Mandela, for crying out loud! :-|

  2. Welcome to Canterlot, YINNY! I'm Tenkan, and I have a feeling you'll fit right in to this great place!

    I love South Africans! I'm very familiar with many from where I come from, to be honest. You guys have such an interesting culture!

    Also, good luck with your last year, man! It was exactly half-way through my Senior year of Highschool that I discovered the awesomeness that is MLP: FiM, which unfortunately served as a very big distraction from my studies. So be careful about that. :P

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