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Posts posted by Tenkan

  1. Welcome to Canterlot, Aeneas! Your avatar is awesome, and to hear that you've played Total War games got me off my seat!

    I love Total War games! I can tell you were way into Rome: Total War more than anything, since you're a Trojan fan. ;)

    I'd say my favorite was Medieval and Empire. Those two were great.

    In any case, I'm Tenkan, and I believe you've made the right choice coming here. :D

  2. Hey there, Canterlot! Tenkan here!

    Why is it that no pony had already posted a thread like this? In any case, the question still remains...What movie did you just watch?

    I just finished watching Lion King in 3D. I would've preferred it 2D since it made no difference, but the story still captivated me.

    Aaah...childhood memories.

    So, what movie did you just finish watching?

  3. A sci-fi lover and not into Star Wars? Noooooooooo!!!! :wail:

    In any case, welcome to Canterlot, MC. You'll find this place awesome if you're looking for RP, and generally anything pony related. :D

    And don't feel ashamed about anything you enjoy doing, pal. It's what defines us all. :)

  4. Welcome to Canterlot, MintSpire!

    Did you draw that Lyra pic? If not, it's okay, 'cause it's still an awesome avatar. :D

    In any case, I'm hoping you'll feel at home here in Canterlot, since everyone is so friendly. Enjoy your stay!

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