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Everything posted by jim

  1. Metal maker was surprised by theh exchange between the Disguised aqua mare and the white pony with the pretty mane. A love affair that hit a rough spot? He could tell jealousy when he saw it and was sorry for them both. He finally found the source of the foul odor and was tempted to step out of line and tell the offending pony to take a long overdue bath, but he held himself in check. He was a stranger here and was not about to give advice to a strange pony, however offensive he smelled. He only wished for a clothespin like AJ and the others in the booth were using. He had some in his wagon but was loathe to give up his spot in line. The stories unfolding in the line, especially at the kissing booth were almost as exciting as the expected kiss from a Ponyville, Nay Equestria hero. He held his breath as another odorous smell wafted on the breeze and only hoped that AJ wouldn't faint when he came due in line. He spoke to Thorn and asked Do you know who that offensive pony is? He is almost dropping the rest of us in our tracks, I am tempted to track him down and dunk him in a pond myself, when this is over, stranger or no Then he saw a strange unicorn do exactly what he was sure every pony wanted, Pigpen got a soaking and a good bath.. . He then heard Apple Blossom or whatever her name was, call Apple Jack a mango lover What was wrong with that? Mangos were delicious, though hard to find, Must be something that Cheery Jubi something had told her. He merely shook his head as the drama played out . Today was getting more interesting by the minute.
  2. Double M was glad the line was moving, though he was a bit surprised about what happened to AJ and Rarity. Well, two heterosexual mares could be a bit awkward and a deal was a deal. He felt sorry for Applejack as she was obviously nervous and upset about something he couldn't see clearly but involved a dirty towel and words between both of them. Then it was a pony he heard called Starburst's turn. AJ also had Apple bloom or blossom or whatever the younger pony's; name was aksing about mangos in an loud voice. Where had that come from? He glanced at Cherry Jubilee and saw that she had told the little filly a bit too much about her older sister/cousin. He started to get protective again, but stifled it. The whole kissing booth was in good fun as well as a way to stock up on apples. He relaxed and decided he like the people and the town quite a bit. Then he smelled Pigpen again and almost fainted like Granny Smith.
  3. Double M was pleased to hear that his idea was doable. First, we need to disquise you folks while I distract the guards again. Once on the train that Larry is holding for us, Silver can project the image of he and Tilly running away. I will call out to get the guards attention. Once they seem to run out of sight, We take of in a hurry and no one is the wiser. BY the time they figure their gpne, as Holo whatevers are not common is Canterlot, they would just think they lost them, The only sticky point was a disguise Tilly could be covered with a blanket, but Silver needed something more elaborate. He finally figured that a Royal Guard uniform was required and he could say he was wearing armor for protection from the Runaways He had picked out the largest of the guards and a swift kick from Metal Makers powerful legs sent him spraled out unconsious for at least 1 hour. If the other guards didn't see them, no bystanders would be the wiser. He got a blanket from his wagon and draped it over Tilly He unbuckled the armor form the unconsious guard with his magic and quietly toted it back to Silver and helped him squeeze into it. Now all that was needed was the distraction. He came up the guards around the locomotive, and made the offer of inspecting their hooves, free of charge. As he suspected, one watched him as the other had his hooves examined. He hoped Tilly saw the opening and took off for Larry's train
  4. Metal Maker watched A Pony called Cherry Jubiles's call out to Applebloom. He wasn't sure he liked her spreading secrets about applejack behind or in front of her back. Then again, He was protective of the Pony from the stories he had heard. You're getting over protective again, he thought. Have to watch that. Applejack is big enough to handle herself, as was amply proved by the stories her had heard. He was also sorry not to be able to talk to Rarity, another of the Mane 6 who controlled the elements of whatever. She dd have a dress shop however and a lady in fashion could always use new footwear, so He did have a chance to meet her after all. In fact, he wished he had brought one of his signs advertising horseshoes custom made To pass the time, he decided to ask Thorn what he had been doing. Say Thorn, what have you been up to since we last met?
  5. Metal Maker was mildly amused at Klondike's nervous behavior. He also recognized Lyra, despite her disquise and wondered why she was wearing it.. He saw that Rarity had recovered from her ordeal with Pig Pen, or so he heard him called. ( Apt name!) He was glad to be moving up in the line and happened to see a pony who looked like the living image of Daring Do, the pony from the stories he had read as a foal. Daring Do was a fictional character, of course , but some fan had made herself over to resemble her. he asked the pony in front of him, who the stranger was and got the answer Pathfinder. A fitting name for an adventerous pegasus. He wondered about the expense of having one;s pelt dyed and a new cutie mark applied,. He could only assume she was a literally dyed in the the pelt fan. He wanted to swap stores with her but she was too far forward in line. He hoped to look her up after the Apples were purchased. He slowly moved ahead and saw that Klondike was going the wrong way. He was about to call out to him, but his right ear curiously twitched and he turned around. Interesting, as very many of the ponies in this town. He checked his saddlebag and found plenty of bits to buy 1-2 bushels of apples. Better to get more as he was a big eater. He randomly eyes the ponies in line and saw some interesting characters. He hoped to settle down for a bit as the place looked like he could get plenty of business in horseshoes. He only hoped that applejack didn't hit her quota of kisses before he got there. Kissing a hero of Equestria was an event not to be missed. OOC; Could someone tell me where I am in line? I am near Rarity and Pig pen but not sure who else is ahead of me. I have been in and out and not sure who is on first. Thanks Jim aka Metal Maker
  6. OOC: Good point, theh illusion will have to be only a few seconds and someone to point it out, But I think it is doable. Depends on Whoever is running Silver ( Mojo) I think. What about it Mojo, can Silver use a quick disquise to get on the train after a few seconds of hologram projection?
  7. Metal Maker smiled at seeing Thom, it had been a long time. Good to see you mate. I see that these Apples are quite in demand, as is a favor from Applejack.. Just wish this line would move more quickly. The fellow up there now seems to be having a long conversation with AJ. Wish he;ed move on, I am not too far back in theh line, but I do want apples and a kiss from a hero is something to remember. Suddenly the wind carried a rotten smell to his nose. It made his eyes water and he looked for the source, It was that unkempt and unbathed pony talking to Rarity. He heart went out to her, even if they hadn't met. Then there was Misty Morning, one of the famous wonderbolts, actually talking to the unsanitary beast. He shook his head and wondered at the level of patience of ponies in this town. He was actually hoping that they didni,t run out of apples before he got to the stand where AJ and what must be her younger sister were arguing between sales. Whoever she was, she was a cute little filly, If Metal Maker had had a sister, he would want her to look like that. Well, just a few more ponies to go. OOC: Sorry to be gone so long, I will try and post a lot moreoften as the story unfolds.
  8. OOC: is the RP still Alive. I posted and no one has posted since,
  9. I surely do, Ms Bistro.and I appreciate you offer of a hot meal and a stall to stay in. As for the horseshoes, Anytime is a good time as it only takes me a few minutes to measure and fit a set. Also, Doc, I would sure like to look over that vacant store. My work will involve some banging, however, so I don;t want to disturb the Neighbors. Thanks for the offer. I also appreciate an referrals for hoof ailments as I am a farrier also. Not trying to cut into your work, of course, Doc, Speaking of horseshoes, would you like them in any particular color Ma 'Am? This was great. A real shop and some good potential friends. Appalossa looked like a town to settle into for a good spell. Geary looked like a guy who could make new instruments for him also. He had plenty of bits, so staying at Ms Bistro;s place would be a nice way to meet other potential customers.
  10. Metal Maker, blacksmith and farrier, was pulling his stock wagon/living quarters/workshop behind him when he saw a line of ponies watiing to see someone in a booth. It was Sweet apple acres and He assumed they were selling apples. He knew, by rumor and story, that they were fine apples, but a line to get them? That was a bit odd. He saw the tail end of a scuffle in the line and a pretty filly step in and sort it out. He smiled at her resolve and courage He hoped that others in the line were more civilized, but if not, his size and muscles would dissuade any troublemakers. He saw a poster that mentioned a free kiss from Applejack when one bought a bushel of apples.. He had never met the famous AJ, but had heard a lot about her and her friends and something called the Elements of Harmony. He liked apples, his larder was nearly empty and getting to kiss a hero seemed like a good way to spend some time. He unhitched his wagon and went to stand in the line. There were several ponies ahead of him, but he was sure there were more than enough apples. He hoped to get a look at the famous Apple Jack when he got closer. In the mean time, He looked over the other ponies in line.
  11. OOC: Forgot that thyros left the game. I think Glad to help Always Ma'am he said. He hoped that the A&A miss Brambleberry would at least find the location ( she called it a locus, whatever that was) soon. He was getting attracted to Tilly and knew it wouldn't work, but feelings are feelings, I suggest we head out as soon as Opehila is OK. Winter is too much of a distraction and I think he will close that bar anyway. He looked around and it seemed that everyone was ready to go, except Larry who was still trying to get the apple out of his mouth. He liked Tilly more all the time.
  12. Double M, as his friends called him, walked out to the train station and saw a few guards eyeing the passengers. Normal precaution he thought. What they need is something they can;t resist. he thought and an Idea was born.He headed back to where they were hiding and told Silver"'The best way to not be seen is to have yourself be seen going in the other direction. That is a sure fire distraction and I have some cloaks that will serve as temporary disguises. walk up tp the train platform and then show the holo whatever image of yourselves running away from the station. The guards will take off after "you" and then you can get on Larry;s train and hightail it out of here. He then waited to see if anyone else had a better idea. He still sensed that Tilly and Silver were "wanted" for totally different reasons, but he kept his own counsel.
  13. Pleased to meet you fine folk. Geary,If I can;t assist you in construction, do you need a means of getting more raw stock? I have a supply in my wagon, though I plan to use some of it to make horseshoes. Could I interest you fine ladies and you Dr in new Shoes.? I can make then shiny and even in colors, if the ladies want. Like Geary, I use magic to melt and shape metal and I take precise measurements for each pony.. Is there a vacant blacksmith shop or a barn where I can set up shop? He said ( whew; more words than I usually say at one time)
  14. OOC: Then we need a distraction to get the guards away from where they are and to Lawrence;s locomotive. I can provide that when the story resumes.
  15. OOC: Sorry I must you confused with another character. I thought Larernce had the power of making illusions. Have to go back in archives and find out WHO did.
  16. in Answer to Geary's question, Double M said Hello, I am Metal Maker and as the pretty mare said, I am a blacksmith and more. He demonstrated by heating and bending a piece of metal stock on Geaay's counter I can solder and weld also. Maybe you could use my services in your shop on occassion. He then turned to the new ponies and said, Sorry, I didin't catch your names folks.
  17. Lawernce's idea of skipping town still sounds good if Silver can provide a distraction at the train station. Lawernce said he was good at illusions also so getting there shouldn;t be a problem. Say, let me see what is on that poster anyway? A quick glance and he saw the words questioning and meeting with princess Celestia.. Something stirred in his mind but it wasn't ready to come out yet. Suppose that the princess had learned of their plight and could use her considerable magic to reverse it? In that case, running away was the worst thing they could do. But as Tilly pointed out, it was a risk.Somehow he couldn't believe that Canterlot had evil intentions in mind. The Princess was benevolent at the very least. But they were convinced that their plight was better served by leaving. The Princess could find the anywhere anyway, if she truly wanted to help He wouldn't leave Tilly, no matter what. Pony or bobcat, he had grown fond of her and her "speak your mind" attitude. Well, let;s make with illusions and" get the heck out of Dodge", as the old Appalossa saying went.
  18. BTW, I am willing to continue with an abbreviated cast
  19. OOC: I lost track. Whose turn is it to o post?
  20. Double M smiled at Tillys apple trick. Fact was, he was getting tired of Larry;s constant string cof lame jokes also. MIss Brambleberry, I think it is Ophelia that needs looking after. She had quite a spill when she tried to land but seems to shake it off easily. Let me know if you need power again to find Tilly and Siilvers Location and possible end of their condition.
  21. Jim was walking his wagon to Appalossa on his quest to see more of Equestria and saw the shop "The Rusty Rivet" A place that made do hickeys would be a possible source for his excess metal stock and he could work part time soldering welding and brazing things for him. That is until his Blacksmithing business took over.
  22. A new thread is fine by me. I can offer the same advice and maybe add some touches and a new character (Copper thorn) to the mixx.
  23. Then I shall say good bye also. I was fun working with all of you. Jim
  24. OOC: What about Tilly and Silver?. I have an idea for the guards looking for them.
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