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Everything posted by CrossStitch

  1. Cross-Stitch worked quickly, glancing up at the measurements every now and then, and also measuring the jacket he now worked on. The patterns for his clothes were ingrained into his skull, and he could not forget them. Sherlock commented on him being faster then a unicorn, which brought Cross-Stitch to a halt. He played it off as if he was looking at the measurements again, and simply went back to work. The truth was; the fact that Cross-Stitch wasn't a unicorn was a rough blow to his career. Ponies seemed to think only elegant and sophisticated unicorns should make garments, not lowly Earth-Ponies. Honestly, Cross-Stitch wished every day of his life that he was a unicorn... His face betrayed his thoughts and retained a look of contentment, whereas his brain was a battleground of emotion. He didn't let it show though, and instead continued working on the garment he so promised to be perfect. And perfect it was. He raised the jacket up and admired it, inspecting every little last detail. He gave it his nod of approval and then held it up for Sherlock to see, "Do you like it?"
  2. Gladwin had a look on his face as if his brain shut off for a second. Truly, he was utterly confused about the scene that just took place. He stood in place for a few moments, being left behind by the others, as he took his time trying to piece together what the buck had just happened. He eventually shook himself out of his stupor, "Uh, yeah! Coming." He said, trotting towards the doors of the doughnut shop. The place DID hold fond memories to him, as it was the place that him and Holly first met. He looked at the doors with a sense of Deja Vu, feeling like it was once again his first time opening the doors. A warm smile rose up on the griffin's beak; he remembered, clear as day, the day that Holly bumped into him, and there was a little spark he felt. A small laugh circled in his chest, and he was glad the others were inside so they couldn't see his 'soft' display. He closed his eyes and looked, down, "Thanks," he whispered to himself. Gladwin opened the doors and his face was back to that of his casual look. "Now THIS place looks familiar!" He said loudly, announcing their arrival. Pony Joe looked up instantly at the crew as they entered. He must of recognized Colton, Holly, and Gladwin, because he instantly waved to them with a warm smile. Gladwin returned the greeting and went to sit at a table, which ironically was the same table that he, Sketch, Holly, and Colton all sat at on the day they met.
  3. Gladwin smiled, a deep red hitting his face like a ton of bricks, and a wave of heat hitting him harder then summer itself. "Oh! R-right!" He laughed nervously, trying to cover his own foolishness. But she didn't exactly say no... Still, those results were inconclusive! He sighed, but she did insist on them being together later, which did show a glimmer of hope. Gladwin's embarrassed smile grew to one of sincere joy. He nodded, "S-Sure thing!" He turned to Colton and Sketch, "Well, you guys aren't 'too old' to play around a bit, are ya?" He said with a playful look in his eyes as he lowered himself to the ground, assuming a pre-pounce like posture. He then resumed his normal standing posture and began trotting off again. The foals looked at Gladwin with awe-filled eyes. A griffin was a rare-sight in Canterlot after all, this was a city of unicorns! Gladwin smiled to the new foals, knowing they knew no better then to stare. They weren't staring in disgust though, they were staring in awe and surprise! Gladwin spread his mighty wings with a large grin and a 'cool' face, and the foals responded with Ooh's and Aah's. He laughed contently too himself, missing the good old days of when he was a chick...
  4. Gladwin leaped forward, and his wings extended, giving a mighty flap that allowed him to glide to where the now snow-buried Holly waited. He reared his head back and then shoved it into the pile of snow. He tapped Holly's head with his own, "You alright?" He asked, looking directly into her eyes with a grin. He popped his head out and began digging in an almost dog-like method, moving the cold snow with his talons, and forming a neat pile of it behind him. "I think we've had enough almost freezing to death for one lifetime." Gladwin laughed softly to himself, trying to play it off as a joke, but was rather serious about the matter. He eventually moved the snow from her head, and was now working on freeing her body, continuing his dog-like digging. His Talons WERE starting to get a little chilly though, but it wasn't bothering Gladwin. He definitely wanted to help Holly before he helped himself. He worked a bit more, and freed her front hooves. He figured he could pull her the rest of the way out. He trotted backwards and rose up on his hind legs, offering his talons out to Holly so she could be pulled.
  5. Cross-Stitch laughed at the colt, "Oh please, you flatter me! As if my shop could ever become 'busy." Cross-Stitch continued working diligently, "Good, the shirt is done." He said, picking up the shirt and moving it to the same pile with the ties, "Just let me finish your jacket. I'll have it in a snap." He said, adding a wink at the term 'snap'. He went back to the machine and began working with some new bolts of cloth. "I try to cater to all the latest tastes in Canterlot, and Eqeustria. Though it is a tad hard to keep up with it all." Thoughts of hiring a secretary came to Cross-Stitch's mind, which he passed off as not a bad idea. The idea of being popular did excite Cross-Stitch though, and his work sped up a bit as he got more excited. Thoughts of the top designers in Equestria, wearing his work, danced through his head. His eyes lit up, inspired by the mere thought of such a thing. He looked back down to what he was working on, and with a faint smile, realized that everypony had to start out small. He went back to work once more, "Perhaps...One day," he giggled, "One day." He said, absentmindedly.
  6. Gladwin couldn't help but blush as he felt Holly kiss his cheek, but he smiled widely none the less. He loved the little things about her, how she would always surprise him with simple gestures like that. He nuzzled against her playfully, "You are so cheesy! And I love it!" He said, laughing but also playfully ruffling her mane with his feathers. He ended his playful nuzzling with a kiss on her forehead and a wink before turning to Colton. "Pony Joes?" He said, tilting the side of his head towards Colton, acting as if he didn't hear the pony right. "Nope! Never heard of it!" Gladwin said, raising his beak as if he was a stuck up Canterlot pony, "What about you, my dear? Have you ever heard of a 'Pony Joes'?" He said, adding an odd accent to the "Pony Joes" part of his sentence. He began laughing again, living up to his name. "Sure Colton, that sounds amazing. That is, if Flux is OK with it?" Gladwin said, leaning to see Flux, to get her opinion.
  7. Gladwin had a small smile growing across his face, "This place is awesome!" he said in a cheery tone. He began walking around, seeing all that there was to see. He eyed the blue sky above, and the luscious green grass below. He wandered to the trees and inspected them, finding one or two squirrels every now and then, to which he promptly apologized for waking them in and embarrassed tone. "Oh, I should have come here MUCH sooner!" he said, now bouncing in circles with a wide grin. It may have just been this day, or it may have just been meeting Sketch and Holly, but he was in a wonderful mood. One thing DID strike him as odd though... Holly. She kept glancing at him when she brought up things involving couples... Could she...? Gladwin subconsciously raised an eyebrow in suspicion. A thought crossed his mind though. A test. He would try something, something that would either confirm or disprove his beliefs, but it had to be subtle. He sat, deep in thought for a moment, rubbing a talon against his chin in though. He snapped up, with a wide smile. Perfect. "Hey, Holly!" He called, "How about..." He froze up. It WAS just a test, but to him it was a decision over whether Holly was potentially interested in the griffin or not. He didn't even take into account his own nervousness, or what it would make him do. He had already started the sentence now, and he had to finish it or risk looking like an idiot, "W-we... Take a l-look at those paddle boats?" He smiled sheepishly, and also had a red tint to his face. He scratched ran a talon through his feathers on the back of his head, finding that the motion detracted from his nervousness a bit.
  8. I like the theme song, hence why I listen when it pops up on my iPod, but any song played over and over becomes boring to me :[ I have to have it in moderation.
  9. I would have never guessed you were French unless you stated it! Your English is a lot better then a lot of native speakers'. I also see you play LoL! That is awesome! You should add me sometime and we'll play a few matches: deviantProfiteer Well, I hope you have a fun time here in Canterlot! Welcome!
  10. I often skip the intro. I think it's because, no matter what episode, it will always have that opening. Thus, the opening become stale and boring. I'll listen to it when my iPod is on shuffle and it comes on though. Aside from that, I skip it.
  11. Derpy is adorable, I'll give her that much. I like the Derpy that we the fandom have created! Though the Derpy on the show could be something completely different for all we know. I consider Derpy as a little shout out to all of us brony's, and that's about it.
  12. When I saw your topic in the new topic section, I though it was going to be a discussion of Rainbow Dash and Twilight ship, lol. But it was just a new pony on the boards :3 welcome to Canterlot! You seem like a fun person, so I hope to see more of your hyper posts around the board!
  13. "I guess... We wait?" Gladwin said with a shrug. Colton presented him with Flux's necklace asking him to hold on to it for him. Gladwin smiled and took it, "Of course, pal." He nodded and put the necklace in the same bag that he kept his other gifts in. "I guess we should go home now." He said watching the sun set. The thought of crawling into bed with Holly made him smile as he let out a small yawn. He shook his head to clear his drowsiness. "I'm sure Flux is probably wondering where you are." Gladwin laughed heartily.
  14. Gladwin gave Colton a look of irritation as he told him to leave the chairs and tables. He left them there and soared off to catch up with Colton. He flew beside the pegasus, but slightly above him. He did this so he could give him a light hit on the noggin, "What is this plan you've got cooked up anyways?" Gladwin said as the irritation flowed out of him and was replaced with curiosity. Gladwin considered the alcove, and thought about the idea. "Holly DID always want to fly..." He said, rubbing his chin. He eventually nodded with approval, "Good idea, pal! We should get some drinks to bring up here as well!" He said excitedly. A picnic on top of Cantrerlot castle for Hearth's Warming Eve... Yeah, that sounded perfect.
  15. Gladwin looked to Holly, and a deep red hit his face. Anything new. He then shook his head out of it and laughed nervously, "Ah, you know me! Same old griffin, nothing's ever new with me!" He said and let out another laugh. "Me and Holly did have an...," He looked to Holly, looking for the right words, "'Incident,' with some thin ice though. Luckily this feller here saved us!" He said, pointing to Buck, Holly's new pet dog. "Oh, and you have GOT to try the hot springs at this one hotel!" He said, excited. Again the deep red as he remembered it, "It's a great spot for couples." He said, laughing again. "Anyways, Hearth's Warming Eve happens once a year! Let's not waste it!" He said with a wink, excited to get today's events underway. He began trotting off, not sure where he was going, but was too excited to be standing still. "Where are we goin' first?"
  16. (( http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TitleDrop )) Gladwin sat in place, dumbfounded for a few seconds, "WHERE AM I GOING TO FIND A BUCKING BALCONY!?" he called to the now far off Colton. Gladwin let out a sigh of frustration and began to trot off, wondering where he would find such things. Gladwin began questioning a few ponies on the streets, but he was mostly met with confused glances or he was outright ignored. Eventually though, he made a breakthrough. He was directed to a furniture store named 'Tables and Chairs, sister company of Quills and Sofas,' Gladwin couldn't help but laugh at the rather literally named store. He entered the store and a bell jingled to alert all of his arrival, did EVERY store have a bell in this town? He approached who he assumed was the owner, "Excuse me, I'm looking for four chairs, and two tables... Preferably light..." He said under the sudden realization HE would have to be carrying them. It was not that he wished Holly was here with her cart. After many questions and many table options, he finally settled on some chairs and tables. He was assisted with his load on the way out, but now that he was on the street, he had no idea where to take the tables to, or how he would get them there. He let out a sigh, "Colton, you'd better have a good reason for this, and you'd better HURRY UP!" He shouted.
  17. Gladwin blushed even harder. Were they really like that around each other? He placed a talon over his face, attempting to hide his blush. But Colton was right, ever since Gladwin met Holly, he couldn't help but to like her. Anytime she was around, she was what he looked at. A small smile crept up his face as he dropped his talon to the floor. Gladwin shrugged and laughed, "What can ya do? I'm in love." He said with a heftier laugh. He had never admitted it out loud, let alone in his mind. The confession made his heart jump and made his vision blur for a split second from the sudden rush of blood. He began to follow Colton out of the store, and then out into the cold winter streets of Canterlot, "I guess that's everything then." He said with a nod, re-checking his list of things mentally. "Any place else you'd like to visit? Looks like we still have a bit of time left." Gladwin looked up to the sun, judging the time of day.
  18. "Yeah, I did say that." He said with a warm smile, it was kind of funny to see Colton suddenly catch on to what the Griffin meant. Gladwin then watched as many feelings overcame Colton, but Gladwin dared not to interrupt him. He knew what deep thought looked like, because Gladwin did it all the time. He eventually saw Colton come to a conclusion in his thoughts, and Gladwin gave a silent nod of approval, knowing that the pony made the right choice. Gladwin didn't expect to have the same compliment turned to him though. Gladwin had never really thought about a life with Holly, except for that time in the igloo. Any other time, he was just happy to be with her at that one moment. But he smiled, nonetheless. He knew what he wanted, "Thanks..." He said. His face turned red though as Colton added the last part about them being all over each other. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about!" He said out loud as many thoughts that proved otherwise came to mind.
  19. Gladwin shook his head, "N-Nothing!" He laughed lightly. Gladwin couldn't help but smile though. It was obvious Colton really liked Flux. In fact, Gladwin would go as far as to say he loved her. It made Gladwin happy to see others happy, "I hope you and Flux have a happy life." Gladwin said. The sentence didn't come from his brain though, it came from his heart. He had said it without thinking, but he wasn't embarrassed. He just continued smiling, happy that Colton had someone.
  20. Gladwin tumbled into the water with two thoughts in mind: 'I should have seen that coming...' and also 'This hurts.' The sudden heat against his wings felt like fire. It hurt much more then the pain of them being cold, but he remembered an old saying 'If is doesn't hurt, it's not working.' So he sat contently under the water, waiting for the pain to die out. He held his breath and stayed submerged as new life was imbued into every limb through the heat. The pain eventually subsided, and relief began to set in. All of his muscles began to relax and loosen, and his brain went into a state of calm and pleasure. The heat was just... Amazing. He heard something else enter the spring with him, he emerged only to see Holly sitting against a ledge, un-braiding her hair. She looked so... Stunning. Gladwin's face was warm, but he decided it was because of the springs. The feathers on his forehead that usually stuck up were now laid back due to the water. He eyed the mare with the intent of revenge. He took another breath and submerged himself in the hot water once more. He slowly swam over to Holly, hoping no to bring to much attention to himself. He stuck a talon out, grabbed one of her outstretched hooves, and yanked hard, pulling the mare off the ledge and underwater. He rose up and emerged from the water, laughing to himself. The water wasn't very high up on Gladwin, it came up to about his shoulders when he was on his back legs. His wings were beginning to move again, which made him feel even better. He gave another sigh of relief and took a seat on the same ledge Holly was sitting on before being 'Kindly removed'
  21. Gladwin smiled and galloped after Colton, laughing the whole way. His legs eventually tired so he resorted to flying. He was never much one for using his legs much... They eventually reached the store. After a closer look, Gladwin realized it was the same jewelry store they were at earlier. "Oh, right..." Gladwin said as he held back laughter. He felt like an idiot for not thinking about the same store they were at. Gladwin entered the store, accompanied with the same jingle as the camera store. The cashier looked up and instantly recognized them, then again who forgets a griffin in a town full of ponies? "Need something else, sirs?" The woman said. "Actually yeah. I'm looking for two matching lockets, about this big..." He used his talons to demonstrate the size he was looking for. The pony nodded and walked off as Gladwin waited patiently. She eventually returned holding two lockets. They were exact copies of each other, except for one difference; They were two separate pieces of one heart. When put together, they formed a full heart. Gladwin awed over how well it fit his plan. "That's perfect!" He said in astonishment, making the cashier jump a bit. He nervously laughed again, "I mean, that's perfect. Thanks." He spoke more quietly this time. Gladwin paid for the two lockets and tucked them away in his bag, happy that his master plan was complete. "And you, Colton? You getting anything?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
  22. Gladwin shrugged, "Maybe? I'm not into that stuff." He said as he began walking. "I was really just using that as an example." Gladwin said as he handed the photo to Colton for him to keep. "But if you think Flux would like it, go for it." Gladwin gave a wink to Colton, urging the pony to do what he wanted. "Now, be a pal and show me where I can get a locket." The griffin gave Colton a playful nudge.
  23. Gladwin nodded, and laughed as he realized he had never said anything about what his plan was. "OK, check this out..." He said as he raised the camera and quickly snapped a picture of Colton. A small picture of Colton looking just as surprised as Gladwin earlier printed out. He held it in one talon and pointed at it, "Cut out the image of you, stick it in a locket, then Flux would have a picture of you wherever she went." He put the camera back in his bag, "I'm going to get a picture of me and Holly, and then put a picture of each of us in a locket." He said with a smile, confident that his plan was a good one. "I guess I could pick up a scrapbook too..." He scratched his chin as he began thinking, "Yeah...That sounds good!" His smile began growing into a look of cleverness. "Colton! We need to find a place that sells scrapbooks!" He said with a more excited tone then previously. Gladwin looked up to see they were at the same shop still, the photography shop. Gladwin gave an embarrassed laugh and then went back in the store. After a few moments, he emerged with a scrapbook, and a pleasant smile. "OK, NOW I need some lockets!"
  24. Gladwin approached Colton and Flux with the same warm smile he always wore, "Hey guys!" He called to the both of them. He was a little surprised actually. He had no idea that Holly knew Flux. It was as if they four of them were connected before they even knew it. Gladwin couldn't help but laugh at the thought. Suddenly he was yanked aside, going somewhere. They stopped and Gladwin finally realized he was pulled aside by Colton, and he was whispering. Gladwin lowered his head to hear better, only to catch the part about presents. He raised his head back up, "Pfft, as if I'd forget!" He said with a triumphant posture. He wiggled his flank slightly which caused the bags on his side to rustle. He looked over his shoulder back to the mares, "You know, it's odd that they know each other," He turned back to Colton, "Kind of like we were all meant to be friends from the get-go or something." He said with a shrug.
  25. "Yes, yes! A Camera! I have a master plan, Colton!" Gladwin said in a confident tone. He was sure that this idea would be great... He hoped... They eventually reached the store Colton mentioned. 'Picture Perfect,' the sign read. Gladwin nodded and entered the store, a little jingle from the bell accompanied his entry. He began looking around excitedly, but eventually decided going to the cashier would be the best idea as he had NO clue about anything when it came to cameras... "Excuse me, sir." Gladwin said, trying to implore his new Canterlotish diction. "Oh, welcome to Picture Perfect, how may I help... you?" The stallion looked up, only to find a griffin. He was a little shocked, but struggled to keep it in as not to upset the customer. "I need a camera, one that can print the photo off as soon as you take it." Gladwin said, not exactly knowing the terminology to use. The pony looked pretty confused, as those cameras must not be something that were asked for often, he nonetheless retrieved such a camera for the griffin, and brought it out for him, "Will this do?" The pony said, raising the camera up and snapping a quick shot of Gladwin. A small picture of Gladwin printed out the bottom of the camera, a picture of Gladwin looking slightly surprised. Gladwin couldn't help but laugh at the picture, which caused the other pony to begin to smile. "Yeah! That's perfect!" Gladwin paid for the camera, and he was then on his way. Once outside he turned to Colton, "Step two! We need two lockets!" Gladwin said, triumphantly. "Any ideas, pal?"
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