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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. For talking about TF2, since this forum seems to lack a thread like this.

    Anyway, my TF2 username is SirShadowdeath. (Steam is Shadowdeath251/SirShadowdeath as well). Currently buying the towering pillar of hats and the tribonophorus tyrannus. :)

    Anyone else play this awesome game?

  2. The first ever used instance of shadowdeath by me was on a mmo's forum quite awhile back. (YEARS BACK. YEAR.) The original name was shadow_death_. The named stemmed from the name of a character I was writing about in a book. His name was Grindek Maurk, The Shadow of Death. I thought that Grindek Maurk was too odd of a username, so I used a modified version of his title. I figured it would be good as well because it described my dark personality and love of the undead and grim reaper. Later, I joined another forum where "_" wasn't allowed in the username. So, I used Shadowdeath. I stuck to that one. Whenever I needed an extra digit or so, I would add numbers to the end. The most common used ones were shadowdeath251 and shadowdeath555. I later realized that the name wasn't too unique, and wasn't "brandable" enough. So, I added the Sir, making it SirShadowdeath. The Sir was added because Grindek became a knight under the God of Death later in the book. So, the regular username on everything I go on now is SirShadowdeath.


  3. any success on finding a writer Shadow? I'd apply, but I have yet to fully master English, and thus I do have loads of stories etc all of which are in (flawed) english or Dutch.

    Nope. :/

    Also, there's been some...complications with this project. I can't explain everything, but progress is about 500% under schedule, and I'm removing it from my site. Which is being redone.

  4. (Didn't realize it was mine either. Confusion ftw.)

    Inkblot looked at Dunder wearily.

    "Why don't you just finish...the night with us? Your cloud is still...at the cave."

    Ink smiled weakly and turned around to follow Storm. Stopping for a second, he went back to pickup his flower from the ground. He then caught up to the hippogriff happily.

    "H-Here," he tiredly said. "I forgot to give...it to you."

    With this, he smiled a bit as they continued back to the cavern to recieve some well deserved rest.

  5. I'll confess I hate pretty much all R34 and Shipping relating to ponies. Any sexual with ponies pretty much annoys the hell out of me. I am fine with others liking it though, as long as:

    A. They don't enforce it on anyone else

    B. They don't become over obsessed with it.

  6. Le Confession:

    By looking at different websites "sponsored" or "created" by this fandom, I've lost hope in humanity and this specific fandom multiple times. But this site always contradicts those beliefs.

  7. I'll be honest here, excuse past posts(had time to think now), I'd be freaked out as bloody hell if it was just the doll but lively. If it was 2D and cartoonish like in the show...it would be odd. And impossible. And if it was an actual pony that beared resemblance to canon, I'd be evenly freaked out.

    I would keep the pony a secret for one thing. No one must know. I'd explain that to them as well. You can guess why. I'd take good care of it, I guess. I'd be friendly and...caring? Yeah, that's the word.

    Here's my exact actions for each of the mane 6!

    Twilight - BOOKS. She can faint when she looks at my piles and piles and piles of books, comics, manga, and literature. Also, intelligent conversation and magic.

    Pinkie - Hi? Please don't annoy me. Please. (Unless she's pinkamina, in which situation we'd have...fun. :mad:)

    RD - Sup.

    Rarity - We have nothing in common. But we can be friends.

    Applejack - (No idea)

    Fluttershy - :3

    That's all I can think of now. Long post ftw.

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