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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Bound smiled wickedly. So, she liked to play with fire too. That was one of his main tricks of trade, and watching another pony, obviously lesser informed than himself, was just too much for him. The unicorn threw some grunts in the general direction of the scholar, and then coughed some insults under his breath. Continuing on, Bound watched in sarcastic unamazement as she continued on with her 'wonderful' tricks. Suddenly, the unicorn broke the near silence.

    "So ye play with fire. So do I. Nothing less or more, of course," he laughed cryptically.

  2. Inkblot trailed behind Storm, catching as many glimpses as he could of the mysterious forest. Observing it awe, he observed anything he could. Trees, animals, and terrain landmarks never went unnoticed by his eye. As he trotted along, he called out to Storm and Dunder happily.

    "I'm...sure nothing will go wrong...it's already been a good night...I'm sure it'll continue on like that..."

  3. "More like a scholar of lost mind..." Bound quietly said to himself as he started to walk away slowly. Yeah, a scholar. What did she want? A medal? Surely she didn't want the attention of the crowd! That was to be reserved for someone of his standing. He grunted in the direction of both the self proclaimed magic scholar and odd thug as wiped a bit of dirt from his cape. These ponies have nothing on me! They don't recoginze the power of the Dark Mage, Bound! But this was all in his mind. Out loud, he was fairly quite, except for the occasional insult he muttered under his breath.

  4. Bound snarled as be stepped back from Lucky.

    "Hot Air? I'll show YOU hot air..." he barked. Then he looked over to that cold unicorn. Right. If he was to perform any magic, he had no doubt in his mind she would be the first one to criticze him. That was all he needed. Critiscm from a cold hearted, assuming unicorn like that. It was sure to make his night so much better.

    Instead, he tried to regain his composure, but continued talking meanly to the pony before him.

    "Lucky, is it? Ye best be leaving here now if ye know what's best for ye."

    With this he snarled once again and turned his head away from him in arrogant protest.

  5. Oooo I like that. thinking that the ponies are what replaces us after we nuke ourselves to oblivion is actually kinda optimistic. Beats the horrors from the deep you usually think of. And it looks like they are doing better than we are most of the time.

    I don't think they would replace us. I think that humans would die out, and over the years a mixture of evolution and radiation would make animals more human like. To think that all humans became ponies because of a nuke is just illogical.

  6. There really is no specific age of technology, and we are all overthinking this. I highly doubt there really is a specific era that they are in. They seem to have it whenever it is convienent. I'd assume there are at a age similiar to the late 20th century, but technology depends on which part of the world you were in.

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