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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Spellbound wandered the streets of Manehattan aimlessly. He had tried performing a show, but it would seem that no ponies in the area were interested. But the unicorn was able to brush it off. He didn't need them. No, Bound felt that he was better than those "fools" of ponies. He was stronger, more powerful! But, of course, the unicorn was able to recognize a failure when he saw one. Even his ignorance didn't overshadow that ability. But, alas, Bound was not the one creating attention. He wasn't the center of it. Ack! No one would be able to recognize his power! How could he rise to the level of the feared Nightmare Moon without even being known? He took a seat on an empty bench while pondering this. The streets were fairly empty tonight, with the exception of a few passing ponies who looked onto him with either confusion or pity. But Bound was lost in thought. He wasn't thinking of the workd around him. His mind was elsewhere, pondering on the subjects of magic and power. As the night grew deeper, he found himself alone on the dark streets of Manehattan. All alone on the cold bench, the unicorn continued his journey through his mind.

  2. (*Stares through darkness* Soon. After we find flint we can continue on with our adventure as well)

    "Gravel! That's great, Miss Storm!" Inkblot

    shouted as he ran to her side. Surely enough, a small amount of gravel was laying on the cold gold. "I knew...that you would find it!"

    He whistled a bit, calling over Corvus to his side. Once the raven arrived, Ink began to gently dig through the gravel with his hoof.

    "Hmm...nothing yet..."

  3. If I could freely roam between both worlds, yes. (Assuming I'd be a human)

    If it was one way as a human, I don't know. Life would be wierd as hell.

    If it was one way as a pony...would I really want to be one? I still don't know.

    And it was free roam as a pony...I could never come back. Why the 'ell would I want to be a pony on Earth?

    Also, I wonder what Equestria would be like in reality. Is it still cartoonish? Or is it real? If so, how do the ponies look? Like the show ones or the real ones? What's the area actually like? And, the question asked by many, how would it smell?

  4. Emphasis on the big jerk. So I have this unicorn, SpellBound, who I haven't used in quite some time. I had a thread for awhile, but it was discontinued. Anyway, Bound is that kind of guy who's comparable to Trixie, but with a different mind set. He also strives to be "The Greatest Dark Mage" in Equestria, but has instead found himself as a traveling gypsy magician. So! Does anyone want to RP with him?

    Any type of RP (adventure, etc.) is fine by me.

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