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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. For fun. The best part though is you don't have to participate in it in any way, whether reading or writing. In the end only canon matters and most of this dream ships will never happen in canon.

    I don't have an issue with ship, my only issue is if someone insists their favorite ship is the only legitimate one or assigns orientation to the characters and insist they have to be that way. If people like FlutterDash or RarityDash or whatever, that's cool, just remember it isn't canon.

    Understandable view.

  2. Hello There People!

    If you've been on DeviantArt lately, you may or may not know of the Original Quote Contest where you make a design and put it onto a Shirt, and then people vote and blah blah blah, etc.

    Well! I happen to be one of the contestants who entered.

    Three Winners will be selected, and each will win this:

    • $1,500 USD Cash Prize;
    • 20 units of their T-shirt to distribute amongst friends and family;
    • Each winning design will be sold by deviantWEAR on deviantART.com!

    Since I've entered, I've decided that if I win I will donate all $1,500 (Every single cent) to St. Jude's Charity Fund. I also will give shirts here and there, but that's beside the point.

    If anyone here, anyone at all, would be kind enough to support me in trying to raise this money, I would be truly gracious.

    You can find my design on my DA page:


    This is not a way of self promotion or a way of making myself look good. This is a serious "campaign" that I hope people will assist me in.

    Thank you for reading, and I hope you vote. :)


  3. "I certainly hope so," Inkblot said confidently. "In fact, I'm...sure we can."

    Looking around the cave for gravel was like looking for a needle in a hay stack. In fact, they might of well have been doing just that. Then, an idea popped into his mind.

    "Hey...!" he exclaimed enthusiatically. "Why don't...I have Corvus take a look around? He's...suited for dark places...like this."

    The pegasus turned to Storm with a hopeful look painted onto his face.

  4. What I want to know is what ever happened to these:

    1. Best Friends

    2. Loved Like a Sister

    3. Close Friend for a long time

    Why the 'ell do people skip these and assume "OMG LOL LOVE BLARGH MOST INDEED LOVE LOVE <3 <3". It's not realistic that all seemingly close friend are automatically in love. Even though it's thrugh fiction and fanon, some form of realism should be applied.

    Best example? Lyra/Bon Bon.

    "Oh look! Two ponies who spend a lot of time togethor and are always next to each other. Definately lesbian lovers. Not friends at all. That's not even remotely possible, lol."

    It would be like if you were standing next to a best friend talking, and then I ran up to you and called you both lovers and then stuck by that whenever I saw you and him/her. How realistic is that?


  5. (we'll need 3 blocks gravel and a crafting table I believe)

    Inkblot followed Storm into the depths of the cave cautiously. It wasn't every day he ventured into potentially threating caves. In fact, he almost never did that. But tonight was an exception. He stuck very close to Storm, to a point were he was basically pressed against her.

    "Hmmm...I wonder just how deep this cave is?" he asked openly. "....And...Wh-What else lives in it..."

  6. I'm just saying, that pic takes the ENTIRE Canon that MLP and Canterlot.com worked so hard on, and throws it out the flippin window.

    No. No it dosen't. It's a single person's thought represented in a form of art. Art does not destroy the process of creation, it adds doors to explore.

    • Like 2
  7. Inkblot slowly followed winter into the air. He was at a decent speed, neither slow nor fast. More of a jogging speed, perhaps. He looked over to Storm.

    "Nice catch, Miss Storm!" he exclaimed.

    The pegasus continued on to observe the sky for a nice cloud. Finally, he saw one. He flew over to the soft, white cloud and grabbed it as fast as he could, suddenly changing his pace.

    "Found one!" he called out. "It's...quite comfortable as well...!"

  8. 05a.jpg

    I found this picture on KYM under ruined childhood, no its nor Rule 34 material, but this picture will ruin your imagination faster than any MLP

    pornography that the internet has to offer. Its just so depressing...

    While it might be sad and such, it is not the first of its kind. I've seen this for Twilight (makes the most sense honestly) and Fluttershy. There's really no reason to overthink it, it's not canon or ever will be. It's an interesting 'philosophical/psychological' thought though, so I find it cool. Good art as well.

  9. This also brings up the debate of what makes alicorns "gods" and of course if they actually are gods. The whole idea of it is massive, and I could honestly write a 100 page paper theorizing my ideas and standing on the topic.

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