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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. I'm making brioche caramel cinnamon sticky buns this morning! I found some leftover dough in my freezer last night and decided to thaw it out. (Brioche is a bit of a pain to make, and it's a two day process.)

    Then I rolled it out and sprinkled it with some butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon, rolled it into a log, sliced it into rounds, then put those in the pan with a "goo" of more brown sugar and butter, let them rise for an hour or two, and baked them into a delicious manifestation of a sugar coma! Weeee!

    Sounds awesome.

  2. "No...No it does not, Miss Storm," Inkblot said with a small chuckle. "...Maybe...Maybe we could use...makeshift beds of...leaves...or...well...er..I can't think of...anything else actually..."

    The black pegasus walked around the cave for awhile, observing all of it's aspects. It was dusty and dim, but oddly wasn't overgrown like the forest that housed it.

    "Also...are we going to make a...campfire...or something? For...for light?"

  3. Inkblot took a couple of steps into the cave shakily.

    "I guess I can..go...in...I...eh...I guess..."

    He looked over to Dunder.

    "Unless you would like to..."

    He took a deep breath and trotted into the darkness of the cave. At first, all was well. Then, a couple of rats jolted out of the cave, causing Ink to jump a little bit. He continued on though, still a bit hesitant.

    "It...it looks clear...I...I think..."

  4. Inkblot looked at the cave with mixed emotion. Considering it was his first time camping, he wasn't quite sure how to look at it.

    "Hmmm..." he pondered quietly. "I wonder..."

    He stopped himself, turning his attention back to Storm and Dunder. Inching himself closer to the Hippogriff to make himself feel a bit safer, he spoke again with an only somewhat audible voice.

    "Do...Do you think a creature lives in...it! Like a manticore...or a cockatrice...?"

    He shuddered at the thought, and inched closer to Storm once again, a bit fearful and a bit curious.

  5. I understand, and that's why i asked for some examples of writing, and i'm gonna have plenty of people checking over it before it goes live.If someone who does have an issue with writing, i'll ask them to either A: Find someone who can and elaborate their ideas to them instead so that they can write it, or B, see if one of the current writers wants to help them out. I'm not just gonna let some 3rd grader wiht a C in english write for this unless they have some potential.






    Just kiddin' with ya. :)

  6. It certainly sounds quite interested.

    I'm sure the turn out will be great.

    However! (Dun dun dun)

    I see a single problem here.

    Since multiple people will be working on this, many writing styles will ensure. This is both bad and good. On one hand, it provides a large general description in many styles, through a selective, choose your own view. Good. Great. Now, there's many downsides. A lot. Number 1? There will be people who will want to join this who have great ideas, but this will be how they write:


    And then you looked to Twilight. She was reading a book. She likes books. You like books too. It would be a good idea to read togethor.


    'hai' says rainbiw disb as she sriles down fron a clOud. how are u doing?


    Insert Mary Sue here.

  7. (OOC: That's two name mistakes in one thread. Storm Feather must be a confusing name.)

    Inkblot nodded his head.

    "Of course, Miss Storm...." he said with a smile. "I...I'm sure there's something around here for the two....er....three of us."

    He quickly turned to Dunder, and then looked back to Storm.

    "Right. Three of us...So sorry..." the pegasus said before yawning.

    "Nevertheless...I...I'll try to find...something better, Miss Winter....I'm sure I'll be able to find some accomodations for us...eventually..."

  8. That's not a bad idea, but keep in mind that you will recieve a lot of negative feedback. Mainly, because of the fact that people hate those click jacking dragon egg things to begin with. However, since some people like/don't mind both ponies and these types of sites, I'm sure it'll still be a fair success.

  9. They probably share a common ancestor way back on the species tree, and the genes kind of stayed reccessive in each one, making them have similiar characteristics.

    If this theory is true as well, it would make the Alicorn 'race' a specific gene of pony. In this case then, it would be a rare gene derived from a rare mutation or parent. Which would mean it would be possible for 3 things: (well, more techincally)

    1. There are possibly more races that share these genes. (ZEBRAS ANYONE? They might have an earth pony gene)

    2. All alicorns are descendents of a parent who had a unique gene. Now the real mystery is who this is, and how it got passed down while skipping so many generations.

    3. Alicorns might not be as extremely rare as we think due this theory.

  10. Inkblot hastily looked around the dark forest, eager to find a resting place. He was a bit weary, and definately need a good nap, no matter how long or small it may turn out to be. Spotting a small alcove in the side of a tree, he jumped to the sight of oppurtunity.

    "There's...an alcove in that tree over there, the one...Corvus is perched on. We could...use that...right?" he asked hesitantly once again, not knowing if he doing anything productive. "That okay...Miss Storm?"

  11. Ahem. No idea where my mom got the recipe before she gave it to me, so no perfection promises.


    1/3 cup sugar

    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    Actual Cookies:

    1/2 cup canola oil

    1 cup sugar

    1/4 cup pure maple syrup

    3 tablespoons milk

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1 teaspoon chocolate extract (or more vanilla)

    1 2/3 cups flour

    1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

    1/2 teaspoon cayenne

    Preheat oven to 350 F. L

    Mix the topping stuff togethor.

    In another bowl use a fork to mix together the oil,  sugar, syrup, and milk. Then, Mix in extract.

    Sift in remaining ingredients, stirring as they are added. Once all ingredients are added mix some actual dough is made.

    Roll dough into small balls. Pat into the sugar topping to flatten into small discs. Transfer to the baking sheet with sugar side up, a couple of inches apart. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, they should be a bit spread and crackly on top. Remove from oven and let cool for awhile, and then transfer to a place where they can cool completely.


  12. "Sure," Inkblot replied fairly hesitantly. "Adding one never hurt anyone...as far as I know."

    Corvus cocked his head to observe Dunder again before shooting off of Ink's back and landing on a nearby tree branch. Observing the group from his perch, he cawed once again.

    The black pegasus made his way to a small clearing on the overgrown ground, and looked around for something that would be useful.

    "Miss Storm," Ink asked softly. "How...er...what...should I...we..do to set up...camp? I can't say I'n experienced in situations...like this."

  13. I just took inventory of my baking supply pantry:

    All purpose flour, bread flour, cake flour, whole wheat flour, rye flour, semolina, arrowroot powder, corn meal, corn starch, corn syrup, molasses, agave nectar, wildflower honey, buckwheat honey, white cane sugar, demerara sugar, turbinado sugar, light brown sugar, dark brown sugar, powdered sugar, sugar cubes, absinthe, chambord, grand marnier, rum, apple cider vinegar, white distilled vinegar, food coloring gel, vanilla extract, homemade vanilla extract, lemon extract, evaporated milk, orange extract, almond extract, rootbeer extract, rose water, dried rose petals, dried lavender, marshmallow root, Mexican vanilla beans, Madagascar vanilla beans, candied ginger, dried ginger, powdered ginger, Holland blue poppy seeds, buttermilk powder, baking soda, baking powder, ceylon cinnamon, kojite cinnamon, China cinnamon, cassia cinnamon, allspice, whole nutmeg, mace, clove, rouge cocoa powder, natural cocoa powder, dutched cocoa powder, Rainbow Dash, rainbow sprinkles, chocolate chips, peanut butter, gianduja, speculoo paste, marzipan paste, country canned cherries, pumpkin, dried cherries, shredded coconut, sliced almonds, vegetable shortening, kosher salt, iodized salt, sea salt, zante currants, raisins, golden raisins, crushed pineapple, dried cranberries, dried blueberries, dried blackberries, lasaffre yeast, lemon curd, dried lemon peel, and apple pie spice.

    What should I make?

    Rainbow Dash

    *Demented Smile*

    Make Spicy Cinnamon Chocolate cookies. I got a recipe, if ya need it. It's based off of an ancient Mayan one, which is always good.

  14. "Ze Spiders! Are Zey dead? OH HO! YES! Ye all work well! VERY WELL! Too Well? PERHAPS! Ze Games! Zey Continue!" laughed Devastation from his perch, observing the ponies fighting off his creatures from the deep. "NOW! Round Two! Are ye ready? Oh oh! Ha ha! Now, ze second round begins!"

    He gestured with his claw again, and the second metal gate swung open. From the darkness, ten ghastly wisps emerged. Blazing with ghostly fire, the pony shaped ghasts began thier attack.

    "Don't worry!" shouted Devastation. "Ze ghosts! Ze ghosts! They are weak to ze obvious! Not ze pure strength! Take my hint! TAKE IT!"

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