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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. As Devastation took back the sword, he continued on to a thrown which overlooked the arena. The ancient colliseum was partly submerged into the ground, and only ruins remained. Dimly lit by magical red torches, the eerie ruins were a sight to be behold.

    "Death is not permitted! Ze rules OBLIGE this! Ha ha!"

    With a swift gesture of his claw, he announced,


    Laughing almost uncontrollably, he signaled for the first gate to open.

    From the blackness of the alcove, six giant spiders emerged. Each one was jet black, and marked with a red lightning bolt on their back.

    They spread out, and began to move themselves next to the ponies.

  2. "Dear Crescent, Ga hah! Ze blade! Yes! Take ze blade! Observe it's fine detail! Observe ze majesty!"

    With this, The Monarch gave the blade over to Crescent. Devastation had a wicked smile on his face once again as he looked across the room.

    "Ze book! Ze book! Why yes my Dear Wilden! Mwa ha ha~! Ze book...it might be in me library...ZE LIBRARY! A place of many books an much knowledge! It's down ze right hall from hre, on the third door on ze left! Free usage! Ah ha! Ze book would be located in Medical C - I, I would Assume."

    The Monarch began to make his way down the stairs.

    "NOW! Ze stairs! Ze arena awaits! Ha ha!"

  3. Devastation observed the ponies and smiled.

    "One...Wilden...you want a cure for your sister? I'm no doctor, ye see! Oh! Ha ha! No doctor at all! I'm a monarch! A sage! A retired knight! Ho ho! I might have a book for curing ze illness in my library, but myself know none! Nothing! Not one bi! Hoo! Ha! Would you like me to look for ze book?"

    He continued on.

    "Two! As I said! Wealth is promised, Lucky! Wealth! Indeed! Ha ha~!"

    "Three! Silence is golden, Draco. Ha!"

    "And four! Wealth again! But alas...a blade I own. One of ivory dragon bone, etched with ancient runes...the hilt lined with ze rubies! Obsidian as it's lining!"

    Devastation back up, pulling the blade out from behind his chair.

    "Is zis it? What ye want? I'll even let ye fight with it, for it suits the monarch no more!"

    The monarch chuckled again.

    "Hoo hoo! I am not a lier, ye see! I am ze truthful dead! Ga ha~!"

  4. Devastation cocked his head, and then walked up to Crescent.

    "Of courssssse! I promised wealth as well! Ha ha! But if wealth and land do not sssssssatisfy, what would ye like? Tell me, hmmm? Curiousity finds me defenseless! Oh! Ho ho! Yes indeed! Please, inform me of what ye desire!"

    The monarch began to laugh a bit, his red eyes glaring again.

    "Ze one who has come! What do ye want? Tell me your dessssire~!"

  5. "Well well! All acquinted I see! Marvelous! Huzzah! Well I can't quite say I'm not amused by your kindling friendship! No no! Ha ha! Please please! I'm sure zat your...hmm...relations will surely make all the difference down in ze arena! Hoo hoo! Ha ha! Please, please! All who have gathered!" laughed Devastation once more. "Follow me into ze depths of the castle caverns!"

    With this, the griffon started to merrily make his way over to somewhat small iron door, marked with the word "Down" on it. With his right claw, he swung it open. Torches dimly lit the spiraling obsidian staircase as the black marble walla reflected the eerie light.

    "Down zere! Follow!"

  6. "A monster? A monster?! A MONSTER? A MONSTER!?" repeated Devastation, almost ready fo burst out laughing.

    "Ye are not a monster, ye mortal pony. I am a monster! Ha ha! And what a pleasure it is to sssssssaay that! But you! A mere deformity~! A mere black mark on a mortal record of life! No! No! Yes! Ha ha! Aha! How foolish of me to think you were hiding something! No no! Ha ha!"

    The monarch continued to laugh.

    "It's not ye I'm laughin' at! It's just...just...!"

    He burst out laughing, his red eyes gleaming brightly in the eerie, mysterious darkness.

    "Just...Just! Just follow me everypony and mortal! To ze colliseum we go, when ye are all ready!"

  7. Friends it was, Inkblot thought, relieved that Storm hadn't met a sworn enemy or anything. The black pegasus didn't really do much. He didn't look at the somewhat larger stallion which had landed before him, or the mysterious density of the dark forest. Instead, he gestures for Corvus to return. Corvus did return to Ink's back, but he made sure to let out a loud caw first. Once he returned, the pegasus moved to a point where he was beside Storm, but not too close. He kind of just stood there, almost completely still, neither frowning nor smiling.

    "Uh...hello..." he stated quite softly. "I'm...Inkblot...and this raven here is Corvus..."

    He stopped to clear his throat a bit.

    "Dunder is it...? Pleased to meet you..." he said quietly once again as he outstretched his hoof for a shake.

  8. "Aha~! Who am I to control the ever so whimsical curiousity of the ones gathered here! I promised adventure! What's a better adventure than a physical one? ONE IN THE MIND!" Devastation laughed. "Surely, your 'deformity' or whatever, is something to ponder about! It causes a quest of the mind itself! Yes! Ha ha! Indeed! I do control what is not mine! None of you are mine! Do whatever you please, as long it dosen't affecft

    me, for I have been known...for my violent rage upon instinct..."

    His voice dropped lower and darker as he spoke, but later returned to the cheerful, somewhat demented sound every other pony had gotten useful.

    "The more you hide, the more curiousity grips us all, Draco! Ha ha~!"

  9. "What ye are?" The griffon laughed. "And what ARE ye? Certainly no pony...You're hiding something Draco, humble traveler...you're living beneath a web...of lies! Haha! Do not lie to me, Ze Monarch! And why do you come....Deformity?"

    He emphasized the last word again, chuckling at the odd pony's cringing. Devastation was said to be somewhat clairvoyent, and in times like this, he relied on instinct to dominate others.

  10. The griffon smiled, finding himself happy for two reasons. One was this pony, Lucky his name was...he was so sure of himself...Surely he would...survive! Secondly, Devastation found himself staring at the newcomer quite intensely. He cocked his head, observing the robe as if he could see through it.

    "You there...newcomer...you're hiding something aren't you? Zat robe...Yes! Indeed that robe! You're hiding something...Oh! Secrets! Gah~! i hate secrets! But I am not one to take all! Oh no! Not at all! Please, Newcomer, please! Entertain me! Who might you be to march in here, hmm! An adventurer? A warrior? A deformity?"

    He laughed wickedly at the last word he had said.

  11. (OOC: Yeah, I guess so. :))

    Inkblot blushed a bit, feeling a mixture of emotion. He finally found his voice after awhile though, and managed to speak out quietly in what was a bit above a whisper.

    "You...you are the most important to me as well...Storm."

    Continuing on, the black pegasus raised his voice a bit and focuses his attention on the hippogriff.

    "That would really be the...peak of the adventure...wouldn't it?...Miss Storm...where do we 'camp'?...Do we set up shelter...? I've never done this before..." the pegasus whispered with an akward smile. "But...I trust you...I know it'll be okay..."

    Corvus cawed a bit from Ink's back before hopping off to float near him.

    "Well...what shall we do Miss Storm...? I'm fine with sleeping here..."

  12. "Why the rewards? Oh, of course! Ha ha!" the Griffon chuckled at the new pony. "I promise to ye wealth...gold indeed...gems of sorts...gems of variety...OF GREAT WEALTH! But not just zat! No! Not at all! Aha! Yes! I promise to ye as well...a plot of land...land obtained but not needed...and it is of no demonic origin! No no! The land! The mighty land! 250 Acres of beautiful plains to ze far west of Ponyville! Aha! I have a surplus! A surplus indeed! But I cannot just give it to ANYPONY! No! I must distribute! Test~! Let them redeem themselves!"

    The monarch broke out laughing.

    "I do not lie! No! Not a bit! Not a tad! Trust is inveined within my stale bones! Ha ha! Aha! Trussssst me! Ze only risk is yours to take!"

  13. (GAH! Multitasking, that's what it does to me. Sorry about that, lol. This is isn't the first time something akward like that happened. )

    "Indeed, Miss Storm. I understand that...as an author...I always feel that expanding knowledge is vital....The more you know...the better you can observe and conclude..."

    He wiped some dust from his eyes.

    "It's nice talking to somebody, as you said....Miss Storm...I never really had the chance to...talk so intently...it's a nice feeling...it really is."

    Inkblot looked into the distance of the black woods, trying to observe all the aspects of it's natural plantation.

    "Hmm...I wonder Miss...I always will...I always wonder what inhabits this infinite forest...besides the hermits and the creatures...what ruins and lost civilizations call this place home!?...Ah! Sometimes I feel like I must know....but alas, I never will..."

    He stopped himself.

    "It's...it's almost as if...I wonder who else is wandering this woods...It could be someone familiar...someone far...some there...no one at all..."

  14. So many had gathered! Oh, the self irony of it all! The monarch calls a few and a small army gathers before him! Whether by fate or chance alone, it is all working out.

    "To all!" the dead griffon announced. "To ye all! Listen up, ye brave, ye adventuring, ye bewildered and woven!"

    The monarch cleared his throat and smiled wickedly yet again.

    "Many have gathered today! Many have seen the whim of the castle itself! But...I grow weary. Even immortality does me into the abyss of life and death...," Devastation started. "That is why I, ze Monarch Devastation, is declaring a competition of ye will! Under my very castle, there is a system of controlled caves...ye hear? Zese caves! Yes, the very caves! A sunken colliseum lies below! Oh, the ruined glory! The anguish! The fear~! Ye all have come in search of one or ze next, and I shall keep my own, but first, ze games! Ze games!"

    His broken mind began to drift.

    "All of ye assembled shall enter ze games! Monsters! Beasts! They assemble in ze caverns! Now, ze ruins...ze ruins...yes indeed...ze ruins! Aha~! A game of gladiator, why not? Why not indeed for one or ze other? But not for each other! No! Ye all must stay alive! No killing each other! No! No! Ye must slay ze beasts! Slay ze vile demons! Slay them with might! With wisdom! With courage! Zen we shall assemble again!"

    Devastation raised his claw to the air.

    "Ze air is tense! Ze fear is great! All! Follow me! Ze trials await! Await thier fear! Yeselves! Aha~!"

    (OOC: Of course Sev, why not?

    Also, this post was extremely fun to right.)

  15. "I'd wonder that as well...Miss Storm."

    Inkblot cleared his throat.

    "Sometimes I feel...curiousity is our embodiment...if only I was stronger. If anypony was stronger. Maybe...just maybe then the strongest could fly to it's edge...but...curiousity...it can be dangerous...Yet I still wonder...you're right. It...it can't be endless...there must be an end...at an ocean...or a mountain...or....or..."

    He shook off the thought of the infinite forest.

    "But...it dosen't seem like we're going to be reaching the edge tonight...Miss Winter," he said with a quiet laugh. "However...it's nice. There's an eerie glow from the pale moon...the overgrown forest is thickened by it's natural desire...wildlife runs free as if life itself was not restricted to it's cell...and...even the two of us wander freely...as if an invisible leader leads us into the unknown..."

    The pegasus coughed a bit, looked back at Corvus, and then back to Storm.

    "Yet...even without my poetic touch...I'm still happy to be here with you...Miss Winter."

  16. "Yes..." He replied to her. "I guess you could say it...it is..."

    Ignoring the former scare, Inkblot pushed on, taking Storm's advice. Even in his mind it was very unlikely that anything was to happen. But, he figured, it was probably still best to be cautious.

    "These woods...," the pegasus suddenly started again. "Miss Storm...have you ever wondered about it's origin....? Of its dark planes and winding paths leading to...nothing but a void of forest contuing from the last...?"

    He smiled again, feeling good.

    "The forest...it makes me think of...diamond...black diamond...a shiny object encased in its case of night..." he coughed a bit bit, interrupting his conversation. "What does it remind you...of?"

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