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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. The pegasus laughed a bit under his breath.

    "Sorry...caught up in thought again...I'm happy that you like to hear me talk...but...I always feel so bad...I feel like I never give you the chance to talk."

    He shrugged a bit.

    "Nevertheless...these woods...they really are...beautiful if you look past the darkness that covers the once golden lands of -"

    He stopped as he felt his hooves slip into some mud, and then a shadow of some large animal run past some the trees in the distance. Almost simultaneously, Inkblot jumped back just a few inches for Storm, and Corvus hopped off of his back momentarily, cawed, and then hopped back on. The pegasus turned around.

    "Oh...eh...sorry, Miss Storm...thought I saw something bad there...I'm not used to exploration..."

    He smiled akwardly.

    "I'll be more courageous next time though...like a wolf staring the moon in its decietful eyes..."

  2. (OOC: Fine. But only half. :))

    Inkblot chuckled a bit.

    "Strong?" he laughed at the thought. "Maybe in mind...but certainly not in strength."

    Rethinking the thought, he corrected himself.

    "But who would I be...to leave a lady without protection...I would be a coward then!"

    He laughed at the thought a he cautiously entered the thick overgrowth of the forest.

    Corvus crowed from behind as they entered into the darkness of the forest.

    "It's...quite dark...but it looks safe, Miss Storm," Inkblot called out once he became cloaked in the plantation of the forest.

    "Adventure..." he said to himself. "An ideal of both opening the mind and heart to...those ideas of nature not yet discovered by one's eyes..."

    He stopped himself.

    "Sorry! Rambling on...about literature, as usual," the black pegasus said with a smile.

  3. His smile widened a bit more.

    "That would be quite nice...Miss Storm. I'd really...appreciate it. Honestly, I was...a bit sad before I came...but seeing you here really brightened up my day."

    He scratched an itch in his right leg.

    "But...nevermind that corny stuff, Miss Storm. Exploring is the...open gate of the mind...Of course I'd love to!...After all...a blind stallion who wanders gathers more than the one who sees all!*..."

    He sighed a bit, then looked back up to her.

    "Yes...I'd be happy to...How far do you want to explore?...it could be...a tad dangerous."

    (*I'll give you a cookie if you know where I took this quote from)

  4. "I...I'm glad to see you too, Miss Storm.." he replied with a warm smile. "Nothing too special...business has been slow...no one seems to want my books...anymore."

    His smile changed to a small frown and then grew back again.

    "But...Life's been good...I've been writing more poetry...Corvus has been healthy..."

    His smile grew a bit bigger as he spoke more.

    "How...How have you been doing, Storm?...I've been thinking about you lately...I'm happy we could finally...meet again."

    This time, as he spoke, the raven on his back turned his head as he observed the hippogriff.

    "I hope...you've been alright..."

  5. Inkblot finally made his way to the edge of the Everfree forest. His mind was quite scattered at this time, and physically, his muscles were quite tired. However, the idea of seeing Storm, one whom he met under interesting circumstances. With Corvus perched upon his back, the white maned pegasus finally made hi way toward the hippogriff standing at the eerie border. Please tell me I'm not late...

    "Hey....Hey there, Miss Storm!....It's been quite awhile...hasn't it?" he asked her, both eager and relieved to see her. "...I....I'm happy to...see you...again."

  6. Dreams are always exactly two minutes.

    Some Cephalopoda have interchangeable, removable body parts.

    It's a crime to deny the Holocaust in Germany. Doing it wiill result in 5 yrs prison.

    Thomas Edison made a machine that could alledgedly talk to the dead, but trashed it a year later.

  7. "Well, of course...but I cannot just explain it to you alone, you see. Please follow me. Before I explain I would like you to meet the other pony. Is that fair? Please, feel free to tell me about yourself on ze way to the Hall," Devastation replied to the pony.

    "And yes...my promises are all true...but the risks might be high," he added with a small smile.

  8. "Hot Sauce Actually," The Monarch replied with a laugh and a joking tone.

    "Why do you ask? I'm not one for eating ponies....Anymore..." he joked on.

    "Would you like me to eat you? Is zat it? Because I'd never even think about it without permission," Devastation said with a grim smile.

  9. Just to say this is just so I can see what ether bronys are like lol please don't be mad at me but this is all a fake story I just want you to see what being a brony is soposed to be like

    I'm not going to lie, I started to suspect thr you were lying after you went back and changed the details so quickly. However, I realized accusation of lying is never quite a good thing, and I wasn't quite sure of your motives.

  10. A smile crossed Devastation's face. Another one had come. He told Crescent to wait while he trotted over to answer the door. The doors slamme open, leaving a clear view of the undead griffon illuminating in the eerie darkness. He red eyes focused on the pony at the door as he spoke.

    "Welcome, welcome! I am Devastation, ze Monarch of Madness. Please, come in. Another pony has already assembled in my hall as well. Join us, would you?"

    His wicked smile turned to a maniacal grin as he spoke.

  11. The best thing to do is show no reaction, and remain calm. It's hard to do, yes. But believe me, he wants you to fight back. He craves it, in fact. Whatever you do, don't fall to his level. If he wants to be an idiot, let him. He won't succeed in life like that. Remaining calm is the way to go, unless you want to start a "war", which no one ever does.

  12. The griffin turned himself around, keeping his composure, yet continuing to walk backwards.

    "Now I wouldn't be too surprised then, you see. I, The Monarch of Madness as you correctly presume, usually keeps to himself and his kingdom. Zis is my kingdom, of course. Now, you're probably thinking I'm a creature of hell, aren't you?" Devastation chuckled. "A common thought by mortal pony. And you're probably regretting coming. Another common thought, at least from what I can observe! You must be brave however to have the will to stay. That's something I can respect quite dearly, Crescent."

    A grim, wicked smile crossed his face.

    "Hoooooweeeeeveeerrrr! You seem like one who likes adventure, correct? Well! Talk with me my friend! I'm sure an adventure is what we can find for you and me and any other at hand...!"

    His wings fluttered a bit as he spoke, and his red eyes glared through the darkness.

    (OOC: Queue the musical number, right? Lol)

  13. Knocking! Haha! Someone had arrived! Devastation spared his servants and took to the door himself. He opened the great door inward. Now, the sight of the monarch must have been terrifying at first glance. Devastation had barely tinted, starch white bones which outlined the muscular body of his once live griffon body. His spiky, tattered wings rose from his body, giving him an intimidating, regal look. The black crown and cape he wore cattered to the look even more. With his empty, red eyes focused on the pony before him, he began to talk.

    "Welcome ye adventurer of reasons unknown! Welcome to my adobe. Come, join me in ze halls of meeting and such. Follow me, I shall lead the way."

    His beating red eyes glowed in the dim light of the manor. His overall appearance definately set the eerie mood of the kingdom.

    "And please, pony, explain to me who ye are and such on ze way. Follow me then, let's get to it," Devastation added in with a grim smile.

  14. No one has evolved as much as Angel Bunny. Pre-Iron Will, Angel was a mess. Impolite, mean, demanding and contrary for the sake of being contrary.

    After Iron Will, we have seen nothing but kindness, obedience, and even the willingness to stand up for Fluttershy when she was unable to do so on her own.

    Duuuuuuuuude. My mind is, like, totally blown now.

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