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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. But i'm hoping it'll be more fun. we had a BLAST around 1590. took out an ENTIRE colony! although Croatoan, being the idiot that he is, was trying to write "Croatoan was here!" in a tree, but we stopped him before he could give it all away... doofus... oh well, catch up with you later!

    You too, slendy. By the way, quick question, do you mind if I ressurect the dude you killed? I'm sure he has quite a few decades before his time actually comes.

  2. SirShadow! Hey! How's it going? Slendy here, yeah, i wish i had known he was your buddy. hehe, I wouldve just driven him to madness forcing him into seclusion if i have know he was a friend of your. small world i guess, Oh well, Hey, me and some of my buds are going hunting next week, you wanna join?

    Anyway, that's too bad. Wish I could have alerte ya earlier. Whatcha gonna do though, right? Take it easy, Slendy.

  3. 1. Youtube, Twitter, Gmail, Shadowdeath.info, and mostly This site as well. :)

    2. Reaper, Sir, Shadow, Death

    3. Inkblot or SpeakEasy

    4. Trixie. Yuck.

    5. Black?

    6. The work I've made on the Apocalyptica engine.

    7. Not quite sure.

    8. Studio Apartment = None. Basically, my whole apartment is painted a modern, (hipsterish) tan color.

  4. Generically, Twilight. Learnin' lessons and such every day is SUPPOSSED to evolve her character.

    However, analytically, I'd say Fluttershy. Even though she's still shy and isolated, she has proven to have grown up multiple times. Even though she's reluctant to do it, she's been "assertive" multiple times in defending herself and her friends. She was clearly shown to be quite weak and somewhat helpless in S1 Ep1, but I believe she's beginning to mature gradually.

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  5. All the while, Devastation paced in his darkened thrown room. The dark, somewhat narrow hall was lit only by torches whose flames had been subsituted with red, eerie auras. The monarch adjusted his crown accordingly, waiting and hoping for one to come. Was there no one whose mind craved this? The thought wondered through his mind.

    "KilWern," he called to a servant, "Fetch me some ancient literatures! I have time to kill!"

    He chuckled and smiled a bit at the fact that he was able to mention the word "Kill".

  6. Devastation wandered the darkened halls of the manor, one thought racing through his corrupted mind. Where did the time go? It had been so long since he had conquered land...conquered anything. In his red eyes, he had a vision. A vision to one day spread his dark, corrupted rule past the defenses of Canterlot...onto the rest of Equestria. But even the Monarch of Madness knew this. In fact, he realized quite well that it would take more than a single battle or even for his power to spread. And so, the monarch returned to the throne room. He ordered his men to post signs across Equestria, as far as they could travel. Each sign, written in black ink and on papyrus, read:

    "Soldiers, Adveturers, Seekers of the Unknown...

    I hereby call all of ye to a meeting in the throne room of Madness Manor, a short while from the kingdom known as Canterlot. Bring ye swords, ye daggers, and ye most magical spells. Knowledge, Power, Wealth, and Adventure can be promised.


    The Monarch of Madness"

  7. Also, as an observation/explanation thing, if Candence being an alicorn was completely looked over by the Mane 6 (they didn't really have any reaction to it), and the changelings had Alicorn Traits, AND more places in the world than just Equestria were "mentioned", Alicorns may not be as rare and extremely special as we think. Time for theories, people!

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