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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. according to wikipedia, changelings are the offspring of a troll, elf, fairy, etc that is left in the place of a human infant, for various reasons depending on the culture.

    Opened iron scissors in the infant's resting area was thought to ward off the fairies/trolls/etc.

    Eh, close enough. Still Humans - Changelings - Alicorns - Regular Ponies.

  2. So, I actually just noticed something. It was a blink and you miss it moment, and because my Livestream was acting up during the last half of part 2, I missed it the first time.

    Rainbow Dash kisses Fluttershy in this episode. I'm entirely serious. Time code 01:26 will put you closest to the mark in this video. It's heart-meltingly adorable to see the look on RD's face when she sees Fluttershy is safe, then kiss her and fly off.



  3. I'm not completely closed off. I tell people of it's relevant. I just say "Yeah, it's not terrible. I kind of like it." But I'll only say it if it ever comes up in conversation. I'm not the type of guy to go, "HEY! I like MLP and I'm proud" out in public. Also, I always put that I'm a fan in my profile on most websites.

  4. The meaning of life is to live to the extend of which one believes can finally believe he or she has completed all that there is to complete. Life is defined by one's own traits and actions, and is later defined by the paths taken by the person themselves. The path traveled is the path in which one's own life will end, and therefore the end of the path is always the same for all. There are many routes which all start in one road, and all eventually end in the same one as well. When one finally follows the road to the end, his or he eyes become less and less blind an finally the truth becomes clear. The meaning is each path is relative to the person traveling it. In the end, each person will find a different meaning, but the beginning and end will stay the same. Therefore, completion is the direct result of one's choices, and defines one's meaning.

    -Quoted from Shadow's Second Edition Psychology Collection

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