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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. It's not that I'm not tolerant, it's just that it gets really annoying when you see this:

    "hai guis my name is (insert name here) and im newe to this forum I really love ponie and i find youre forum very nice and active and i cant wati to be mor active. thanks for thet intro and il see you latr"

    Not an exact quote or anything. You really have to admit, it can get on your nerves quite quickly. Bad grammar makes people seem unprofessional, lazy, and somewhat uneducated. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. If you're not familiar with the English language, then it's understandable. HOWEVER, if you are fluent in the language, and if you are from a English speaking country, I find that there should be no excuse for it.

  2. On the topic of Miss And Ma'am.

    I once called a woman Miss while in a bestbuy. She is in her early twenties, and she flipped out. She yelled at me and said it was "Mrs" because she was married. She didn't have a freaking ring on either. So confusing.

  3. Anyway, I baked this cake with a recipe my mom sent me. It's an Apple Pecan Cake covered in Caramel Sauce. And that container in the background says flour. My grandmother grave it to me. :)

    http://t.co/Xzvrq6NJ (sorry, had to link it)

    BIG HINT ABOUT ANY FROSTING OR SAUCE: Adding Whiskey makes it better. No exceptions. That's how I got the caramel sauce to taste so dang good.

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