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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Spellbound eyed his audience watchfully as he Danced beside his flames. He noticed an interesting pony in the crowd, who seemed to stick out from the others. This must have been the mayor he had heard about on his way into ponyville.

    "I see ze Madame Mayor has joined ze crowd, correct? I can assure ye all that ze fire is contained completely! Not a single spark will escape my grasp, ye all see?"

  2. Spellbound stopped in his tracks, hearing the call of a pony from the crowd.

    "Aha, yes indeed. This was nothing less of a warm-up you see! Ze Dark Mage has much more power than this! Now then, shall ye all gaze upon my magic?"

    With this he picked up a few stones, and juggled them briefly. He then continued on to start a small spark in each one by magic. He then threw them onto the ground, allowing for a small, containe fire to ignite. He raised the flames, and then swirled them around in the air. After this, he began to illustrate stories with the fire itself. He called inti the surrounded crowd eagerly.

    "Ze Mage has spells of fire, ye see."

  3. Hearing the calling pony's voice from the audience, SpellBound immediately sprang into action.

    "Of course! It would be my delight to show you ny skill!"

    The grey unicorn lifted up the stones and placed them one by one in a circle around him.

    He looked up to the sky for a second, and then back to the audience. Bound was a bit hesitant to begin, but his overwhelming confidence lead him to believe that nothing could go wrong.

    "Ahem! Mares! Stallions! I present to ye all ze great skill of SpellBound!"

    With this,he began to illustrate stories with the light of the stones. He illustrated the story of NightMare Moon inside a 1-Dimensional block of light being projected from the stones placed around him. He then continued on.

    "NightMare Moon has a great magical power, ye must understand! But I, ze dark mage, is willing to compare! I might not be able to match her highness, but I can come close!"

    He then uprooted a couple of flowers and threw them into the air. He juggled them with ease, and then began to change the color of each's petals fluently. Finally, he turned each one red and threw them into the audience.

    "Ze Mage has shown ye only his slightest hint of magi, for I don't want to overwhelm ye minds!" Bound shouted confidently.

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