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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Inkblot thought about this as Corvus observed the Hippogriff thoroughly. Finally, he let out a small chuckle.

    "I just know with him. We've been friends for so long...I guess I can just tell...And yes, I'm so sorry for his...stalker like behavior...Sometimes he just can't leave me alone..."

    He paused to look at the raven, and then turned himself back to Storm.

    "Anyway...Thank you...for giving me such a great night...."

  2. Inkblot turned to face the fountain for awhile, and then turned back to Storm Feather.

    "I...I can agree with that. I...never would have imagined..." he said before taking a deep breath. "That I would find someone like you....Life is quite odd like that."

    The black pegasus suddenly looked to the sky.

    He called out to the clouds, "Corvus! You're there...aren't you?"

    After Ink shouted this, a black raven swooped down from the sky, landing beside the pegasus.

    "Storm...This...is Corvus. Sorry the meeting had to be so...akward."

    He turned to the bird and then back to the hippogriff.

    "It would appear that he's been...above us this whole time...following me."

  3. Oooh looks interesting! Watching to show support <3

    Would you mind giving me a lil' summary on what exactly the game is?

    Basically, it's a 2D sidescrolling MMORPG with custom made maple story like graphics. I don't really know the story, as they haven't released it yet. All I know is it takes place in a medievil fantasy world, like most other MMORPG's. The development team has other projects as well though, such as a Post Apocalyptic 2D Survival MMORPG, a fantasy RPG, and a social networking app.

  4. Inkblot tried desperately to return the smile. He found it hard, despite the fact that he was with the one whom he loved. Yet, he finally found the strength to return it and speak up.

    "Thank you, Storm. I..." He stopped, unable to think of anything to say. "I hope I can stay with you...as long as my life lasts...whether it be a short time...or...a long one."

    At last, after saying this, his tears had come to a halt.

  5. Both of them stood there, crying. Inkblot knew that Storm was the only one who he would ever love. A sense of both security and lonliness swept over him. The one who he loved was now crying as well. He felt that this was destined to happen. He felt that is was part of fate that two were to be togethor, sharing in each other's pain and emotion.

    "Storm..." the black pegasus started, "I...You...We..."

    He was stuttering again. His nervousness had returned to him in the midst of his show of emotion.

    "Promise...me...t-that...you...you'll never give...up...on me...on...l-life..." he mumbled quietly. "I love...you too much...to want to see...you fail..."

  6. "I...I...You...," he mumbled under his crying breath. "Why is...why...is life...so hard...what have I...what...have you...done...wrong...?" "Why...do...we...us...deserve...this?" he continued, still mumbling. He felt the warmth of Storm's coat on his own. This comforted him, knowing that there was someone for him to lean on...someone for him to love.


    He couldn't get out anymore words. His tears ran down his cheek rapidly, dampening the hippogriff's coat slightly.


  7. Inkblot returned the warm smile to Storm.

    "I...Thank You...for coming, Storm," he replied. "I...I never really understood love...or even friendship honestly...I've made so few of friends...and I've never even thought of love..My family was always so nice and warm to me...I never realized how hard and cold the world could be until I grew up...I realized how hard life can really be..."

    Tears began to fill the black pegasus's eyes.

    "I stayed...isolated for so long...with only my writing...and later my pet Corvus...I forgot how hard life could be...I forgot what life was...I neer experianced love...and I rarely ever experienced friendship...I would carry slow and short conversations with customers...but I...I never...never..."

    By now his eyes were flowing with tears. He fell forward, landing his head on Storm's shoulder.

    "I...I...I love you, Storm...You're...the only one...who...who's been here for me..."

    In the distance, Corvus looked down from his cloudy perch. He observed Inkblot and his Hippogriff friend, and didn't make any movements.

  8. (OOC: SpellBound's debut: Link)

    The air was thick in Ponyville. SpellBound hadn't ever actually set foot in the place, but he had heard that this place was a hub of ponies. Surely he could get the attention which he so much deserved here. The grey unicorn could showcase his "dark arts" and great magic in. The center of town. The ponies here were sure to be impressed at his majestic powers! Of course, who wouldn't be impressed at the mystical, magical arts of the great dark mage SpellBound? As he trotted through Ponyville, he looked for a place to set up his show. His bulky, black saddlebags were overloaded with "magical items" and ancient runes. Finally, he found an area to setup his show. He let down his saddlebags and smiled grimly. After he showcased his magic here, he could conquer the town with his majestic powers. Or, at least that's what he wanted to beliee as he unloaded a couple of rocks painted with blue runes onto the ground around him. Bound then continued to light up each one with his magic. Each rune glowed eerily in the midday sun.

    "Huzzah!" The unicorn shouted. "SpellBound, the great and majestic mage has arrived! Feast your eyes on my mystic powers, Ponyville!"

  9. Inkblot reached out a hoof to gently pat Storm.

    "I'm...I'm so sorry...that you had to..."

    He stopped completely to regain his stature.

    "I'm....glad that I make you happy...Storm...I...I'm touched by this..."

    The pegasus fought to held back tears. He couldn't tell if they were tears of sadness or joy...but he definately had mixed emotions at this point.

    "You don't have to worry anymore...You're here...with me. You don't have to fear your past anymore...."

  10. Inkblot took a deep breath before reciting his poem. He then stepped a little but toward Storm, and began to speak.

    "Through Nature's eyes

    Imperfection Cries

    And so do those who wish it

    But, perfection does not always fit

    Into the puzzle of life

    And although it may bring us sadness

    others may bring us gladness

    And lift our hearts up to the sky

    And even though we may still wonder why

    We'll realize there's no reason to cry."

    After reciting it, he took a small step back.

    "That's...um...all I got for it at the moment..."

  11. "I think of the perfection of nature...and its comparison to ponies worldwide...Nature is so much more...predictable...it's not as cold and dark as some parts of this world...I'm just glad that I live in the lighter side of the world...and I'm always glad when I can share the natural feeling of joy with others...That's what this fountain makes me think of...Because I know nothing will ever be as perfect as nature...but I also know we can aim high and hope to be successful," Inkblot replied to thr hippogriff. "And...I understand that talking can be hard...that's one reason why I like to write...I can express emotion so much easier in poetry...would you like to hear a poem, Miss Storm?"

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