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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. "I...I..."

    He stopped, trying to regain his train of thought. The black pegasus had indeed had a panic attack, but hearing Storm's voice talk to him managed to calm him down a bit. He looked back at her, still nervous, but with a little less fear.

    "Of course, I'll stay for you....I don't know what I was thinking...Miss Storm..."

    He still stuttered a bit, but he was now recovering quite quicker than he had previously.

    "I'm sorry for that outburst, Miss Storm...I'm not sure what came over me..."

  2. Inkblot started to back away, unable to hide his embarrassment. He was shaking once again, now worse than before.

    "I'm so sorry, Miss Storm...I-I...D-Didn't mean to blurt...t-that...out..."

    He was obviously blushing a bright red.

    "I...uh...um...I'm enjoying...y-your company too..."

    He stopped to catch his breath, and found himself unable to think straight.

    "S-should I go? I-I'm so sorry...I-I'm not used to s-stuff like t-this...," he said, stuttering.

  3. "It is for me as well, Miss Storm."

    Inkblot stared into the shining reflection of the water for awhile, and stayed very silent for quite awhile. He contemplated on himself, and thought deeply of the gardens and his date. He suddenly turned around and backed away from the fountains, but cut himself short and turned back to Storm Feather.

    "Miss Storm, I think you're beautiful," he suddenly blurted out. He then blushed a bit, embarrassed for his outburst. You're an idiot, Inkblot, he thought to himself.

  4. Inkblot smiled.

    "Follow me, Miss Storm."

    With this, he floated off the ground and geatured in the direction of the fountain.

    After leading her there, he pointed to the majesty of the fountains. The large fountain was more of a lake. It spanned all across the center of tbe gardens, serving as a center circle. A majestic white statue of a pony with angelic wings holding a pot spewed the water into the circular pool, which was lined with islands with smaller marble statues on them. All around the fountain were lines and lines of multi-colored flowers and plants. The water from the fountain reflected the shine of the evening sun gracefully. Inkblot stared in awe at it's beauty.

    "So...what do you think, Miss Storm?"

  5. "I'm sorry to hear that...Yes, some ponies really can be rude...Even I'll admit that," Ink declared with a slight chuckle. "As for Corvus, I don't know when you'll be able to meet him...I don't believe he's followed me here today..."

    After saying this, the black pegasus looked around a bit, trying to confirm his notion. He saw a black speck in the distance, but figure it was a garden animal.

    "No...I don't believe he did. He does tend to follow me around quite a lot though...so I'm a bit surprised..."

    He took a breath before continuing.

    "Oh...I almost forgot! There's something here that's very mystifing...it's the center fountains...it's very nice...would you care to see it, Miss Storm?"

  6. "Oh...okay, Miss Storm..." Ink replied, still suspicious. "When I was just a mere colt, I...wondered away from my parents...I realized that I had become lost in the woods...and I began to cry...I was all alone...I hated being so alone...Not because I didn't like the peace or quiet...but because I felt like no one wanted me with them...I wondered around the woods...lost and lonely...when suddenly I saw a black flash in the corner of my eyes...I followed the majestic black bird out of the woods...and on the way out I watched his...family fly with him...they were so beautiful...Later in life, I returned to those woods...and I found a baby raven on the ground...lost and lonely...like I once was. His wing appeared to be broken...I brought him home...and nursed him back to health with the knowledge of some books I read...I still have that raven...His name is Corvus..."

    Ink suddenly stopped.

    "Do you have any interesting stories yourself? You seem like an interesting pony...I would love to learn more about you...only if you want me to if course..."

  7. "Of..Course," Inkblot said, fairly suspicious. "I hold animals very close to my heart...especially Ravens...They helped me in the past...and I've paid them back the favor multiple times...I even have a pet Raven..."

    Ink turned away from the roses and back to Storm.

    "Miss Storm...is everything okay...? The whole time you've appeared to be in some kind of trance...Is it me? Or is it the Gardens or something of the sort?"

  8. 1,2,3,4...What are we fightin' for?

    Sorry, couldn't help myself,

    Twi: Literary Society

    AppleJack: Environmental Conservation

    Fluttershy: Animal and Natural Protection

    Rarity: Clothes for the poor?

    Pinkie: Make a Wish?

    Dash: Athletic Association?

  9. "Well that dosen't mean you're a bad crafter! It simply means you're bad at taking orders. I am too...and I don't think it's something good to be skilled at anyway..." he said, getting slightly off topic. "Oh! About my books! Thank you for the compliment, Miss Storm...I try my hardest at writing...I like to write fiction a lot...but I also write poems as well. Usually...I write about nature, adventure, and mystery..."

    After saying this, he turned to the roses. After observing them for a short bit, he turned back to Storm.

    "The roses are quite beautiful...aren't they?"

  10. "A crafter? You must be quite skilled...And Yes, I am an author and poet," Inkblot responded, finally able to get a grasp on his nervousness.

    "I own a small book store called "The Raven's Quill" here in Canterlot. I've lived here all my life, but I've...changed areas over time," he continued with a smile.

    "Anyway...I'm really happy you could be here tonight, Miss Storm..." The pegasus said as he walked over to a display of roses and daisies.

  11. Just remember it's only a label given to you by others. It dosen't affect who you are in any way, and I feel that it's a useless to tell people stuff like this. You have the right idea, though. Stay strong, my friend.

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  12. "Oh yes...I live here in Canterlot actually. These gardens are very nice...there's a nice mix of animals and plants, and...I find the gardens themselves to be very poetic..." Ink said, trying to regain his unshaken voice. He was recovering, but was still a tad nervous.

    "I would...um...suggest that we take an unguided tour...the guided ones are never any fun..."

    After saying this, he stepped toward the gare. Smiling a bit akwardly, he looked back to Storm.

    "So...tell me about yourself, Miss Storm...I'm quite interested..."

  13. Ink listened to the hippogriff closely. She appeared to be nervous, like him.

    "I was hoping for a nice walk in the garden...and I figured we could...err...talk and such...," he said, still a bit shaken. "And yes...the weather is quite nice today, Storm..."

    After saying this, he could have sworn he saw a black raven in the sky on the distance, but he figured it was his nervous imagination acting up.

    "So, Miss Storm...would you care for a nice walk in the garden...with me?" he asked her with a mixed feeling of eagerness and nervousness.

  14. Inkblot was a bit surprised by the sudden voice of the hippogriff. Was this her? He shook off his thoughts, and immediately responded to her.

    "I'm here for a...err...date....Are you Storm Feather?"

    He was obviously nervous. He had honestly only been one previous date before...Well...if you count playing with foals in a sandbox when he was a colt. He took a deep breath again, trying to shake off his slight shivers.


  15. Inkblot was excited to attend this "date". He had submitted his application to Miss Matchie with high hopes, and now he couldn't wait to meet his match. It was very out of character for the pegasus to be excited, especially about something so...emotional..like "love" and such, but the nonetheless, he was very eager to meet the hippogryph named Storm Feather. Still in the upstairs loft of his small shop, the black pegasus called to his raven, Corvus.

    "Now, friend. I have somewhere quite important to be tonight. Pleasr, stay back and watch the store for me, okay?" he said with a smile.

    The raven reluctantly nodded. Ink trotted to the other side of the room nervously, examining himself in the mirror. He had dawned a minimalistic black suit and red bowtie for the occasion. He then flew himself downstairs, and headed toward the gardens. Corvus, without Ink's knowledge, tagged along in the skies above.


    Finally, Ink arrived at the northern gardens. He was a bit shaken, but still very excited to meet his date.

    "I hope I'm not late...," he whispered to himself.

    He then took a step back, and took a breath. He listened to the peaceful sound of animals chirping an humming in the distance, and began to calm down. He assured himself everything would be okay.

    With this in mind, he looked into the distance, eager to meet his date.

  16. A pair! A pair that just might work, a pair! Oh, Excitement and jubilations - a hippogryph and a pegasus. Time to see how that might work out! Well, not personally, but it was letter-writing time and Mathie couldn't contain the grin on her face. A pair of letters, written, and sent to Canterlot and Cloudsdale.

    To Inkblot

    "Congratulations! We've found you a match based on the information you've sent us! Your match is a female Hippogryph by the name of Storm Feather, and from the looks of things, you two have a fair bit in common! You two will be meeting you at the Royal Canterlot Gardens North Entrance at four o'clock this Friday, and I'd suggest a calm, friendly attitude, and probably semi-casual attire! Your choice on that, of course. Please write me back if you cannot make this time!

    Have a wonderful day!


    Inkblot read the note over quietly, floating just above the ground in his office. A hypogryph? What an amazing outcome. He had only met or two of this species prior. And Storm Feather was such a nice name! Surely, he though, this was the one who had hoped to meet.

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