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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Scientists arw actually doing reports on this. They say it'd be possible, and would probably target older people with weaker immune systems. They would also be slow and reliant on animal instincts. They wouldn't be like in the movies.

    Just thought I'd share.

    Now let me find that article...

  2. was a refrence, thxs for noticing

    okay my true plan is to grab a backpack and load up on supplies in my house. then, get my bike out of the garage, and ride to the country side (Less humans= Less zombies) Secure a semiattomatic rifle and a bolt action, and lock my self in a rural house

    Ever seen a zombie flick? The country and the middle of nowhere always have MORE ZOMBIES.

  3. Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Name: SpellBound, The (Self Proclaimed) Dark Mage of Equestria [Prefers to be called Bound]

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Coat Color: White

    Mane/Tail/Markings Style: Light Grey Mane and Tail. His Mane is somewhat messy, but is covered by his black top hat. His tail is fairly long and really shaggy and unkempt.

    Physique: He is about the size of the Mane 6. His is not really muscular/buff, but more of just an average physique.

    Cutiemark: A baton striking a top hat, with magic symbols popping out of it.


    To make a long story short, Bound recieved his mark while demonstrating his magic to some of the foals in neighborhood.

    Origin/Residence: Born in FillyDelphia to two unicorns. As he got older, he eventually moved away from home. Even though he stops to rest every so often at makeshift camps and sometimes cheap inns, he is pretty much a wandering nomad.

    Occupation: Bound is a wandering nomad who does not have an official job. Some may refer to him as a "gypsy" who will perform magic shows for a small amount of bits, he he personally likes to think of himself as an evil mage, despite the opinions of others.


    Bound's true hope is to become the greatest mage in all of Equestria. He wants to be looked up to and somewhat feared for his "mystical dark magic." This is more of a daydream though, as he spends most of his time traveling and performing small shows.



    -Stories (but not books!)

    -Impressing Others




    -Being Ignored

    -Being Looked Down On


    History: Bound was born in FillyDelphia to two unicorn parents. He had a younger brother and older sister, both of which had interest in magic and research. As a foal, Bound would always ask the eldesy of his neighborhood to tell him stories of magic, history, and the general last itself. A he grew older, he became more self centered, and more obsessive with magic. After all the stories he had heard, he decided that it would be his dream to be like the ancient wizards of the older times. He especially liked the stories of Nightmare Moon, and it became his dream to be like her. He wanted to be feared like that, but in a lesser way. He eventually departed from home, with high hopes of becoming a dark mage. Time passes, and he realized that his dream would take quite awhile. He then resorted back to magic shows, which he used to perform for the other foals when he was young.

    Parents: His parents were very worried when he left, and they made him make a promise that he would come back one day. They always worry about thier son, and hope that he is always safe. They are oblivious to his "hopes", and think he wants to be a magician. They are currently living in FillyDelphia with thier youngest son, and in the same neighborhood as thier oldest daughter.

    Cutie Mark Story: When Bound was a foal and was first "inheriting" his self centered traits, ge decided that he wanted to showcase his Magic. He made a makeshift stage in the center of his neighborhood, and called all the other foals to watch him perform. As he showcased his magic, he managed to impress the gathered crowd. When his performance had finished and after the crowd had stopped clapping, Bound was amazed to find that he had finally recieved his mark.

    Flaws: His Self Centered personality and tendency to daydream about fantasies are definately flaws, but he refuses to recongize them as bring existant. He instead believes his biggest flaw is being too weak at magic, but the only reason he thinks this is because he is compaing himself to the fabled Nightmare Moon.

    Personality: Bound is very selfish, self centered, and fairly rude. He tends to ignore others, and craves attention for this reason. He tends to hold himself at a higher level than others, and usually comes off as a jerk, which he kind of is. Bound will only talk nice to those who are "fans" of him, and tends to talk very rudely to the general public.

  4. I was thinking a couple of days ago about My Little Dashie. Sure, it was sad and all, but I never liked the story or the ending. It also got me thinking about my personal writing. Then I had an idea! I would write my own version of the story. It would have an inspired story, but the plot would definately progress a tad different. The ending would also differ, along with the characters and setting. I also wanted to make this more BitterSweet than Sad.

    So, I present to you A First Look at "It Was Worth It". It features a different pony than RD as well, to add to the effect.

    (There's probably some errors in this, as it's just a draft for the beginning. A lot of it isn't final.)

    (Also, minor language)

       Life is whatever you take it to be. It's an open space, and you can grasp whatever you want. But, there are limits. There are boundaries. The biggest boundary? Reality. There's a fine line between fiction and reality. I've always found fiction to me better than life itself, and I'd really give up anything to experience the feeling of having fiction come into reality. Life hits you hard, and reality is the real kicker. I'm no exception, if you couldn't tell. Maybe I'm hit harder than you. I'm a very...anxious...person. I suffer from a great amount of depression and insomnia. I can lay awake for hours on end, thinking about fiction. I want it to be real, but I know it'll never happen. I guess that's the worst part of reality. The fact that it seperates you from your wishes. Reality is a *****. There's no other way to put it. But I guess that counts on who you ask as well.

      It was a normal day at my house. It was like any other. I live in the middle of a large field, a couple of miles from an abandoned lumber yard. There's an open road in front of my house, but no one ever really drives on it. I rarely ever ser anyone else around here, and I usually have to drive a couple of miles to get anywhere or achieve anything. So, as usual, I woke up and got dressed. I went downstairs, and ate. I was tired as hell. I hadn't slept at all the previous night. I sat at my table, staring off into space. I didn't have anywhere to be. I had lost been fired from the office I worked at. The only thing that really kept me going these days was two things: my writing, and the brony community. I wasn't an all out brony or anything, and I definately didn't love the show that much. Sure, I'd seen a few episodes of it, but I found the community itself to be very nice and supportive. After about an hour of wasting my time, I decided to take a walk outside. I would just walk up and down the road, probably like a mile or so. I just needed to clear my mind. I needed some air. On the way out, I grabbed my grey jacket and black gloves. It was a tad cold outside, and I wasn't going to walk all the way back twice just because I was cold.

      After I had left my house, I immediately started down the street at a steady rate, not too fast, not too slow. It was more of a peaceful, slow jog than a walk, but it was relaxing either way. Then, I heard it, when I was a couple of yards away from my house. I heard the sound that would change my life forever. It was a low pitched, almost silent cry. It sounded like an abandoned baby...or a lost animal. I ignored it. I was near the woods. Stuff like this was normal. I kept jogging steadily. I eventually had to stop. The sound was killing me. I felt like I was walking past a crime scene and completely ignoring it. Out of a mixture of stupidy and curiousity, I jumped off of the trial of the road and hiked into the forest. I kept my eyes and ears open, and I tried to stay as keen as possible. The sobbing sound got louder and louder, and suddenly I tripped over something and fell straight to the ground. Regaining my stature, I looked around. There it was. There was a brown box, covered in leaves. The sobbing was coming from in there. I dusted off the leaves, and opened the old box. When I saw what was inside, I nearly died. Literally. My heart almost stopped beating. Inside was a small, yellow coated filly. She had a pink mane which delicately curled over her eye. She was bordering on the look of being in a cartoon, and I wondered if I was losing it. Maybe I'd finally snapped, I thought. I reached down to touch the filly Fluttershy, but she retreated to the corner of the box in fear. She was still sobbing, now louder than before. I pulled my hand back, realizing that I was being too abrupt.

    "Oh...Did I scare...you?" I whispered softly to the terrified filly. I stood there for a second after I had said this, staring at the whimpering pony who could barely stand on her own legs. She turned away from me, and fell under her own weight. Still shaking, she hid her face under her legs. Looking down at this horrified, whimpering filly, I felt terrible. I honestly meant no harm, but I was still weary of if this was actually happening. I thought I was going insane. Out of pure curiousity, I reached my had down to touch her. I needed to know if this was real. Sure enough, my hand brushed against her soft, yellow coat. She whimpered when I did this, and I realized how stupid I was for doing that. I guess they didn't call her Fluttershy for nothing. Suddenly, the realization hit me that I was standing in the middle of a forest, alone, looking at a helpless cartoon character. I couldn't leave her here. I might have problems, but I'm surely not cruel. I hesitated though, knowing that the poor filly had no idea what was happening. Nevertheless, I picked up the box. She was still sobbing in the corner of it, but that was inevitable. The whole way back home, I tried hushing her the best I could. Truthfully, I failed at that.

       When we finally arrived back at my house, I laid the box down ontop of my bed. Fluttershy was sleeping peacefully in the corner of the box. I guess she was still a baby, and babies do sleep and cry. At least, I think. I watched her sleep for awhile, and a smile snuck its way onto my face. Looking at the quiet filly, I wondered how I should treat her. Do I treat her like a daughter or a pet? The thought lingered in my mind for at least an hour. While she was asleep, I picked her up in my arms. She was actually pretty heavy, probably because she was still a pony, real or not. She was very tiny, about the size of the distance between my wrist and my elbow. Her warm, soft mane rubbed against my skin as I held her. I close my eyes and took a deep breath. I put her down on my pillow, and moved the box off of the bed. Then, I opened a drawer next to the bed an pulled out a pillow case. I laid it over her like a blanket, and close the windows. On my way out, I closed the lights and the door. As I walked to the living room, I felt conflicted. I was so confused. What was going on? This certainly couldn't be truly happening. I doubted the idea of my sanity being responsible for this. Somewhere deep in my heart, I knew that this was real. But it might have been a hope rather than a fact.

      I awoke to the sound of Fluttershy's quiet sobs. I had fallen asleep on the couch, and ha become oblivious to my environment. I immediately scrambled to my room. I turned on the little lamp near my bed, and I looked over to Fluttershy. She was awake, and tears were rolling down her eyes. Her coat was damp from her river of tears. She was still whimpering. At a loss of what to do, I held out my hand to pet her. She immediately retreated to the other side of the bed. The yellow filly then continues on to look up at me. My heart sank. Looking at those sad, teary eyes made me want to cry as well. I held back my tears, and took a breath.

    "Oh...Please don't be scared," I said in a gentle voice. "I just want to help you."

    The scared filly stopped crying, but she continued to sob. I sat down on the edge of the bed, and gestured for her to come toward me. Reluctantly, she inched forward. After a couple of minutes, the yellow pony had made it's wat to my side. Ever so carefully, I picked her up in my arms. She began to sob louder, and I cradled her like a baby. I thought back to when I was little. A sudden thought came to mind. The lullaby my mother used to sing to me immediately shot into my head. I started to recite it in a soft, caring voice.

    "The moon and the stars are shining up in the sky...

    Oh please little one, there's no need to cry..."

    My heart sank deeper than before. My eyes began to water. I thought back to my own childhood. Life was so happy back then. And then it got worse over time. Depression kicked in. I lost my job. Night after night was now sleepless. Then I looked down to the filly in my arms. She was looking up at me with her sad eyes. She wasn't whimpetimg anymore.  Still sitting on the bed, I broke out in tears. I tried to fight my urge to cry, but I couldn't. The tears flowed down my face like a stream. After awhile of crying, I felt something warm push up against my chest. I looked down to see the sweetest sight I've seen in ages. The little filly was pressed up against my chest, giving me an imitation of a hug the best she could. The sight of this brought a smile to my face. The tears were still streaming, but I felt better now. The best I could, I returned the hug lightly with one arm. I kept in in my arms until she fell aslee.

  5. Honestly, I'm trying to make a complete rewrite of the My Little Dashie storyline. I want it to be more involved, and I want to make it more bittersweet than pure sad. It's not the same characters either, an certainly will have a completely different ending. ;)

  6. Insulting your friends and forcing them to face their worst fear isn't necessarily the nicest thing. Her ego is the size of the moon, and she didn't learn her lesson for two episodes straight. It's that cockiness that really rubs me the wrong way.


    When have they laughed at her? And no, that would be Twilight that they laughed at ._.

    I must confess that I think the whole Derpy drama is blown out of proportion.



    Also, humanized ponies can be annoying, because I'll either find pictures of them that are: "LOL LOOK AT MY ENORMOUS BREASTS. WE ALL HAVE ENORMOUS BREASTS OF THE SAME SIZE! WE CAN TOTES SHARE BRAS LOLOLOL"


    "We're all white! No ethnic differences for us!"

    But then again, sometimes artists try too hard to make them all ethnically different.

    (snipped some out)


  7. Name: Inkblot

    Gender: Stallion

    Location: Canterlot

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Cutie Mark: Inkwell and Quill

    Physical Description:

    I'm not too fit to be honest, but I'm not unfit. I don't exercise much, and I usually end up getting my excercise from short walks or flies. I'm not too muscular either, but I can fly fairly fast. I do tire out quickly though. I have a black coat and a shaggy white mane and tail lined with grey.

    Personality Description:

    I'm a writer. I love interaction with nature. I am a tad shy as well, but I can overcome it quite easily. I usually stay fairly quiet, but I do like to have conversations. I enjoy intelligence foremost, and I love literary and artistic works. Besides this, I have been told to be an akward pony, due to the fact that I can become akwardly inclined quite quickly.

    What is Important to Me:

    The arts are important to me, and I look up the great pony artists and writers of bith the modern and oldet ages.

    Ideal First Date:

    Something quiet, away from commotion and everypony else. Probably a peaceful stroll in a garden or by a lake, accompanied by lunch.

    What I'm looking for:

    An intelligent mare with a quiet, artistic personality. I'm looking for a mare who enjoys nature, intelligent conversation, and the arts as much as I do.

    Misc. Information:

    I have a pet raven named Corvus, who tends to follow me everywhere.

    (OOC: This seems like a lot of fun! Great idea for a thread. )

  8. I must confess that I have been getting a lot of negative rep at another forum for posting Super Ponybeats in the what are you listening to thread and pony pictures. I went from having the same positive rep I enjoy here to -120 in less than a month... A lot of haters over there.

    EDIT: They said to me that we, as bronies are the same as juggalos and 13 yo girls who like Justin Bieber and in regards to posting pony pictures in other boards that we have an inherent personality flaw. A self persecution-complex or he may have been referring to me.

    Would you like me to type up some good

    Logic for you to send to him/them in your defense?

  9. Okay, people.

    I was wondering if all of you with DeviantArt accounts out there would be willing to lend a minute of your time.

    I don't work for this development team, and I currently have no form of affiliation with them.

    However, I am great friends with them and I have been with standing and supporting them from the beginning. A couple of days ago, it pained me to see that they are going through some rough times.

    If you would be kind enough, could you just leave a couple words of encouragement or support for them? Just tell 'em I sent ya. :)

    Here's the link:


    This isn't an ad, affiiate, program, or referral system. This is a sincere show of my support toward them.

    Thanks, Friends!

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