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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. I happen to like him, despite what others say.

    I thought he was a fairly original, ingenius Character that had a short part in the story.

    I don't believe was evil per say, as much as he wa just doing his job. He appears to represent an element of discord and chaos. So, let me compare him to my favorite dude ever, The Grim Reaper. Is he evil? Well, no. He just does his job. He represents death, and therefore it is his job to bring it. Discord is like this. He represents chaos, and therefore he must bring it. And, of course, he can do this however he would want.

    That's how I see it, but there's probably some flawed logic there.

  2. I like how the guy just ruined his reputation forever.

    It was already ruined to some because of the KONY thing. Now, he might as well be a punching bag for some people. It's a tad sad actually.

  3. Ha! I have to try this sometime :lol:

    Hm, could you put a pressure plate on top and make it some sort of landmine?

    So many possibilities...

    You could also put a gravel block connected to a block connected to a piston over a 1 x 5 deep hole, and have a monster activate the pitfall by standing on a pressure plate.

    I love redstone. :)

  4. Cool Thread. :)

    1. That's a hard question. On one hand, I'd be living a completely anti-depressing life tht would result in 500% more happiness. On the other hand, all of family and friends. :(

    2. Pony. Being human would be akward.

    3. Hmmm...Being a writer and artist...I'd probably be a unicorn.

    4. Some quiet. Maybe a small house on the far outskirts of Ponyville.

    5. Another hard one. I'd probably hunt down and meet Twilight, so we could have an intelligent conversation.

    6. It wouldn't fully be my choice. Love can be one sided, but it isn't complete unless it's taken by both sides.

    7. Author.

    8. A quill in an inkwell.

    9. I'd keep it a secret until I made a true friend.

    10. Who would you avoid completely?

  5. hi hi

    Its not just different interpretations of masculine and feminine. From my perspective, they also tackled some ethnic stereotyping issues that crop up in places like the United States where there can be a lot of racial tension. There are lots of examples in television and movies where certain ethnic groups (african american or latino especially) are portrayed as acting a certain way, speaking a certain way, valuing certain things opposed to others. But in the episode, we find that there's nothing in particular about being a dragon that makes the teen dragon lifestyle better for Spike than the ponyville lifestyle, and nothing made the dragons any more suited to acting the way they did than being a pony made Rainbow Dash more suited to giving Spike a hard time about who he was.

    When subcultures form, they often create their own differences just for the purpose of distinguishing themselves from everyone else.


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