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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Did anyone see this "movie"?

    I did, and now I'm psychologically scarred for life. FOR LIFE. I loved it though. It was like watching psychology. Literally. It was a rorshach experiment in the form of a movie. I found it to to be quite the production, nevertheless. The opening scene alone...and then it just got worse. In the end, I was able to sit through the whole thing. It disgusted me completely, but the paychology of it kept me interested. I think I kind of understand it's deeper meaning, but it's hard to say.

    I cannot link this at all, due to it being one of the most horrifying things you will ever see. If you want to see it, search it on Youtube. Thanks god it was in black and white. (Honestly it just made it creepier).

    Anyone else see it/have opinions on it?

  2. I have a deep hate for r34 pony stuff. However, I won't critize those who like it. I just wish some people weren't so bragging and critical about the subject, and that's what usually pisses me off.

    I also don't mind grimdark writing, but most of thr pictures are just...odd.

  3. I once found an above ground dungeon within the first minute of creating a world. I loored it and then was well off for survival for two days.

    Also, I use creative mode a lot more these days. I keep trying to make adventure maps, and then I end up scrapping them. Right now I'm trying to make an open world adventure map featuring the Custom NPC's mod.

  4. She's also not supposed to see, manipulate, or interact with the 4th wall. What makes you think she'll pay attention to a social wall, too?

    "No means no" doesn't sound like a lesson they'll be pitching into an episode anytime soon. If the lesson really was about Pinkie not making friends with CDD out of respect for his personal space (or out of his sheer dislike for her after what she did to him accidentally), what kind of message would that carry? The end would be pretty grave and totally out of the scope of the story.

    I'm not saying that they should make an episode like that. I completely understand and respect what you're saying. I'll admit the ending would have been grave, but they wouldn't have to end it so directly like that. The lesson, though understandable for the type of show it is, is completely unrealistic. It became more of a "Of you don't suceed first, keep trying and never give up" episode than an episode about friendship itself. This could be the root of my problem. I would have liked to see a light-hearted "Sometimes, you can't get everypony to like you. But that dosen't mean you can't be nice to them."

    I mean, that's not so bad, is it? It's realistic...and it would fit with the theme of the show. Or equally fitting, "Not everypony is nice, but that dosen't mean you can't be." Something along those lines would have fit better. I'm sorry, but I still find the ending to be a cheap shot. Just because it's light-hearted fiction dosen't mean social logic is gone.

  5. I have to disagree with you on that. I think the ending was satisfying and actually kind of sweet.

    Episode resolution can be tricky business, since the writers have 22 minutes to tell a story, and it's often hard to squeeze in time real estate with that. There does not have to be a negative to resolve a positive. We saw this in Applejack's infamous letter to Celestia from Cider Squeezy. Often it's the balance between the two where we'll find the best lessons and most satisfying endings.

    I think some people give up on friendships too easily. Sometimes you do need to be the proactive person to show the other that you care about them -- and different people can be friends differently too. Pinkie didn't back down, and eventually resolved several problems at once because of her friendly tenacity.

    In real life I would have called the cops and gotten a restraining order. No. Means. No.

    However, I understand where you are coming from. Even so, I believe that it is unrealistic. If someone annoyed me for that long, and then broke a possession of mine that close to me, how long do you think it would have taken me to recover? I'd be in a mental hole. Even if she did reunite me with my lost "love", there's absolutely no reason that I would be 100% obligated to be her friend. I mean, I would be thankful nonetheless, but I wouldn't be all "OMG BFF's 4EVA!!!". Not to say that he was, but he recovered way to quickly. Yes, I realise that this was a 22 minute story, but even so. They could have put a time lapse or transition. That always works. Yes, I do lastly understand that Pinkie is...confident and dosen't give up easily...but even so, she has to know that No Means No. It's an important lesson, and you have to admit that..

  6. hi hi

    It also might be worth pointing out that, if you add the fact that she's friends with everyone in Ponyville and that her checklist had never failed before, Pinkie Pie's friend making techniques must have been successfully performed hundreds of times before. I'd say a little bit of confusion on her part is understandable, given how accustomed she was to success.

    In my experience, there's a lot of problems in our world that are caused by people endlessly paying each other back with meanness. Eye for an eye, and all that sort of thing. Pinkie Pie is a strong refusal of that premise, saying that even if someone doesn't like you, you should still try to be friendly. She learned that there are different ways to be friends... essentially, how you try to make someone happy is important, but who you try to make happy isn't important.

    The only reason they work is because the writers want them too. The ending of A Friend in Deed was a cheap shot that shouldn't hve existed.

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