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Posts posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Just a simple thing I noticed about Hotdiggedydemon's .mov videos...

    I'm not sure if it was obvious announced or others have stated it before...but....

    If you look closely, each video represents one of the seven deadly sins.

    Apple.mov was Gluttony.

    Dress.mov was Greed.

    Shed.mov was Wrath.

    Also, there are only six main ponies...so one must be about spike or something like that.

  2. Inkblot nodded. This pony really was naturally inclined...Corvus dimounted from Ink's back, and flew over beside Whisperpaw.

    "Sorry...Corvus won't perch in anyone but me. He's a bit...odd like that. If he misbehaves, just give me a shout. He shouldn't though..."

    Inkblot gave the raven a deep stare.

    "You hear that Corvus? No trouble!"

    Inkblot nodded again and smiled.

    "Anyway, where should I begin, friend?"

  3. Inkblot stopped, finally noticing a "clue" of sorts. It was a black feather, on the ground. Inkblot turned back, facing Flux and Chillwind.

    "I found a...feather. This could be a clue!"

    Inkblot looked back to the ground, and then he had an idea.

    "That's it! I can be so stupid! This is a bookstore! Why don't I just look at a book about animal calling? Or animal communication? Or animal tracking?"

  4. I thought I'd start adding some of my past pony plushes to this topic. And of course I have to start with the most epic of them.


    This is a four foot tall Fluttershy. :) Depending on the method you're using to figure out pony size she's either life size or bigger than life size. If she were a real pony she'd be big enough to ride. She is sold (there was a whole annoying hassle and mess with auctioning her off on ebay and a bazillion people insisting that I was sure to make thousands and thousands for her, but I made, well... not even one thousand, so so much for that. With ebay fees in fact I made a bit less than I'd normally charge for something this big. :P Never tell somebody they're going to be rich unless you're the one with money in hand going to make it happen, folks. You'll only make them sad if it doesn't happen.) but I do take commissions for this kind of thing. Jus tknow they're not cheap and they take a long time to make.

    Anyhow. I have two more gigantic ponies in the works, but neither will be done until sometime this summer. Meanwhile have a few more pics of this one.





    I'm not a big fan of Fluttershy...but that is cool.

  5. Inkblot knew Whisper was busy...but this was a whole new level of busy! This was a jam-packed schedule. Inkblot nodded his head, listening closely to the unicorn.

    "I'm not really all that acquainted with helping animals...besides my friend Corvus here. I would be intetested in helping you though...maybe I can help you release the squirrels? And I can help take count of the wild animals...but I might need your help. I have the eyes of a writer...observant but sometimes unreal..."

    Inkblot stopped, realizing that he didn't want to go too far into conversation.

    "And if you don't mind, could you take care of Corvus while I'm with the squirrels? I'm not sure that he would 'play' too nicely with them...."

    Inkblot stopped for a second to catch his breath.

    "...What I'm trying to say is I'd be happy to help, friend."

    Inkblot didn't usually talk this much.

    In fact, he rarely ever talked that much at one time.

    Nonetheless, he felt like he would do whatever he could to help this pony out.

  6. Inkblot could tell there was something a bit unusual about the unicorn, but he did'mt want to be rude. He noticed that he was working quite diligently, and the black pegasus felt a bit bad for interrupting him.

    "I see you are...working...yes? I am sincerely sorry for my interruption...but...uh...would you need any help?"

    Inkblot smiled akwardly, hoping to ease off some of the tension. The pegasus wasn't usually this kind, but ge figured it would be nice to assist the unicorn from the work he had interrupted him from finishing.

  7. Inkblot was actually worried. Corvus was a very loyal pet, and though he might be feisty at times, he was never like this. The pegasus just didn't know what had triggered this odd behavior. Surely it couldn't have been the small ferret! Corvus usually got along fine with others...he did give him some strange looks though, an that was unusual as well. Inkblot joined the "search party".

    "Miss Flux, I'm so sorry this happened...please forgive me, it was my fault completely. I hope that Corvus and your ferret are okay...."

  8. It wasn't always Inkblot visited Solstice Heights. In fact, he had only been there twice. Of course, this didn't mean he had no knowledge of the area. The last time he was here was abount a month or two ago. He remembered it as being a fairly peaceful, suburban area with peaceful, natural scenery. Today was just a simple day for the black pegasus, and he just knew it would be a great day for a stroll. Earlier, he had packed his bags with a few things. With his pet Raven Corvus perched on his back, Inkblot headed out toward Solstice Heights. But that was earlier. Now, he was just having a simple stroll. Nothing special, but he figured he could get some ideas for poetry. That's when he saw an interesting sight. It was a black unicorn! He seemed hacing a quiet stroll as well. Inkblot wasn't well acquinted with the folks here in the heights, so he figured it would be a good idea to become friendlier. He flew himself up beside the unicorn, trying not to be akward.

    "Hello...Pleasant day for a stroll isn't it...?"

    Inkblot smiled, trying not to be akward.

    Corvus, still perched on the pegasus's back, remained calm and silent.

  9. Whether by fate or not, It always seem like I end up sering many, many, many situations of hate against Bronies and MLP FiM. Now, this is not a hate thread. This is not a complaint thread. This is a discussion thread on opinions and beliefs.

    Now, as I had stated, I've seen many instanced of hate. Whether it be fights in Youtube comments or stereotypical common trollling, you must admit that it's in a lot of places. I personally have to a long conclusion on the fandom, fans, and haters. And those who are neutral.

    The following may be tl;dr.

    Hate is always existant. Let's face it. As much as we try and try, it'll always be there. Now, people make fun of Bronies and Fans because they like a show originally targeted at little gorls. Now, I can understand this. As once said, if you were suddenly introduced to a group of people who liked a show made for little children, you would have odd first impressions. This I don't mind. It's inevitable. Now, there's a large difference between intolerance and confusion. Confusion would be seeing this "fad" (as I shall call it for now) and just being like "lol wut? U crazy!". Intolerance is different. Intolerance would be seeing this and immeditaly jumping to hateful and irrational conclusions. I wouldn't expect any less of humanity. But how does this relate to the situation? Well, I'm getting there. Let's use some theories and logic for awhile. Let's say there's a group of 100 people (gender dosen't matter at the moment). Out of this 100, 20 people (20%) are bronies or fans. The rest are not. Continuing, let's say 20 people (20%) have been introduced to the concept but don't like it. They are tolerant though. Then, there's 55 (55%) who are intolerant. And of course the remaining 5% have never heard of the concept. By "popular demand", or what I'm calling biased misinformation, they would most likely convert to intolerant. This would be by bandwagon of course. If hate is popular, it would take a strong person to join the opposing side. Now, back on the main topic, I would like to continue on. It would also appear a lot of this hatred stems from two topics: misinformation and misconception. Both of these stem off of an original source, which can relate back to bandwagon. Now, misinformation is a popular idea. This happens a lot. A lot. Whether it's Fix News reporting on Bronies as pedophiles and gay men or people spreading rumours, it's bound to happen. But misconception is something else. It is the mistake in notion, or in this case a false sense of biase or hate. This tends to happen to due biased views (all homosexuals are stupid, etc). A good example of this is calling something stupid gay. That's just idiotic when you think about it. We all (most of us;a good majority from statistics) do this. What does this relate back to? Bandwagon! It all has to come from an original source. A baby does not prosper on it own, an environment must be provided. Now, continuing on. People also have these notions because of stereotypes. This is where it becomes more difficult. There is a certain percentage of bronies that enjoy pony based porn and pony based violence and gore. I'm quite sure the porn goes over much worse. When people see a percentage, it becomes a stereotype. It would be like saying every american is obese and racist. Prime example. People say this all the time, whether jokingly or not. Is it true? No! Have you seen America? Now, this might be a tough comparison because America could be seen easier than a brony community. In a community, a percentage obey a stereotype. But not all of us. A lot of hate is started because of the misconception of stereotypes being reality. Which is understandable, but it's moronic when you think about it. It's not just the fault of haters though. It's partly the fault of extremist fans for having such mean, rebellious "wars" against haters. I mean, look at the 4chan MLP cancer war. A prime, prime example. The war started because of the enforcement of a subject onto a group of people. Therefore, another misconception was made. One was to the "haters", which was all fans were extremists. Another was to the "Bronies", that all haters were the same or similiar.. Are there extremists? Yes. It's inevitable. There always will be. Am I surprised at the hate? No. I don't expect anything less from humanity. It just frustrates me to see people calling us pedo's and gay's. It's frustrating, but there's really no way to bring it to an end. I could sit here and write pages and oages and pages and pages of paragraphs and theories about hatedom, fandom, and communal problems. But I won't. Because I'm sure no one wants to hear me babble.

    Now that you've heard (parts of) my opinion, what's yours?

    Are the haters butthurt?

    Are they scared to like something odd?

    Are they on the bandwagon?

    I'd like to know your opinions.

    (I'm sincerely sorry for any misinformation. It's about 11:00 PM and I'm a tad tired. ;))

  10. (OOC: Eeyup.)

    Inkblot noticed the unicorn standing around the desk before him. In honesty, he had heard the entire conversation between the two ponies, but he figured it would be best not to say anything. He didn't want to be rude after all.

    Before he said anything to the unicorn though, he took a quick gaze around the room. Then, like a brick, it hit him.

    "Miss Flux, I don't mean to be a distraction...but I have no idea where Corvus...or your ferret have gone. Wasn't he...uh...on top of your book pile before?"

    Inkblot gritted his teeth nervously.

  11. But it is quite hard to actually pull it off in practice. Well, easier if they like games, because games are naturally an experience if they play them. But for others this involves more planning, money and especially creativity than the average gift.

    It also depends on the person more than anything...

  12. I know but it isn't considered "normal" by main stream society meaning if you are hiding it then you are it the "closet" and as for the identity well for some it has become an identity all though not as extreme as a cult or religion an identity nonetheless. personally i don't see why "coming out of the closet" is vied as negative when it just means accepting who you are.

    I don't view it as negative, thank you. I never said that. I just said I don't like the terminology.

    Anyway, whatever.

  13. And the Disney Land... well, if we're talking about 'Walt Disney' and not just 'Disney'... That may be true. Y'know, Walt used to let kids into the them park for free so... I mean, HE was a cool guy. It's the company now that's got the "money schemes and what not..."

    I didn't quite write that correctly.

    Walt Disney is known for being prejudice to an extent, as well as hiding subliminal messages in his shows....(No Joke. Look it up!)

  14. I have come to the conclusion that adventures and experiences are better than objects as gifts. I bet Rainbow Dash would love a snowmobile adventure.

    You earned my respect for the beginning statement alone.

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