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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Cadance listened with interest as Crescent mentioned that he was now confident that he could scry Pound Cake, if only Mr. Cake would provide an item belonging to what she assumed was the tiny pegasus. The fact that they'd reuinted even part of the family was reassuring to the alicorn, despite her growing concern for Pound. Pumpkin had been found relatively early, but who knew what kind of trouble her brother could have gotten into with being alone all this time?

    At that point Pumpkin started to cry, reaching out to the princess from her nestled position in her father's hooves. Cadance was astonished that the baby had learned her name that quickly, even if only in the form of "Dancy." With a smile and a nuzzle the mare placed her little friend squarely on her back again, offering a strand of multi-colored mane as a calming treat.

    Her muzzle wrinkled slightly as Carrot Cake invited them into the bakery before rushing away and returning with a diaper. Thankfully it wasn't her magic that required the item, and she opted to leave Crescent to his spell while gently poking Pumpkin on the nose with a hoofguard.

    "Hear that, honey hooves? We're going to find your brother in no time at all now thanks to the nice unicorn. Maybe someday you can do magic like that too!"

  2. post-1843-0-54615300-1336886404_thumb.png

    Cadance remained kneeling for a moment longer in front of "Port Sides," her expression considering. It wasn't one of suspicion, merely one of concern. She had to admit, although she nearly expected commotion when she appeared the crying had been a new one for her. She was willing to accept the claim of something irritating the other pony's eye, however, if only to spare her sensibilities. The taller mare stood with a nod, giving a small smile at the nautical pony's looks. If she'd wanted to, Port could probably catch every stallion's eye with her bow and glasses. All the less reason she needed to be tearing up in the first place.

    It was at that moment that the disguised pony took the princess of guard again, telling her that she lived to serve. Before Cadance could react, the mare introduced herself as a history enthusiast and collector.

    "I can see why," the alicorn replied, shaking off her confusion. "The navy does have some very interesting pieces, and you never know what might happen on the high seas. As it sounds like you already know, I'm Princess Cadance. It's wonderful to meet you! Please let me know if you need anything, though I won't keep you. It looked like you were just packing up when I arrived."

    With this she turned to Pigpen, finding herself wanting to offer him a day at the spa or something similar, but she fought the urge down. He had every right to look like he wanted to, and working in a junkyard would just make any pampering wasted effort anyway. There were more important things to this pony than appearances, and Cadance admired that. After all, he looked a little like a big lovable dog... just one that needed a bath.

    "I was wondering if you'd managed to procure any jewelry or books," she requested in a moderate tone. "If you've finished helping your other customers, that is!"

  3. :-o

    Davvy, I hear imgur is a good host!

    Dairy Queen, that's great your teacher watched FiM! Must convert! I also was wondering what the stamp on your avatar's face was...oy! Duuuuh! *falls over*

    I never saw Scott Pilgrim, but I'm glad Sulvuss likes the siggy I made for him!

    Summer of Pony VI is out by the way. The activity this time is short 'an sweet, you LPWers could come up with some neat quotes for the frames I ripped. Linkie in sig!

    Off to work now. Behave like a bunch of party ponies. <3:D:Pinkie:

    When have I ever behaved? I wonder if I made Rose go rosey with that statement. I bet not.

  4. "I'm sure I wouldn't know," Luna replied with a detached air and a set brow, looking bemused. "He is YOUR husband, is he not? You would know better than I."

    The alicorn was already nightdreaming about playing the game, with explosions and shouts of encouragement ringing through her mind. Victory could be found in teamwork, and if not she was ready to drag her team through to success on her own four hooves. The developers were usually fairly good with the game balance, anyway. She hoped the Shining Armor character would have some special ability to unlock as well.

    "I'll join you if you wish, it's not as if hoofguard shopping is terribly boring. I just look forward to the purchase of the game more."

    The dark princess was surprised when the open doors let in a cacophony of cheers and calls from a crowd in the garden. How long had they been waiting there?!

    "Perhaps they are here to see you, my newly-wed niece. I cannot think of another reason."

    Without further ado, Luna pushed through to the gates while nodding and giving a mild smile to those who called out to her. REA was waiting, and she had to be there when it released!

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