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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Aria! Where in the hay have you been?! It's been so quiet around here with just a facetious, sarcastic talking sammich.

    I've been in a laze, still trying to canter my way out of it. Motivation to do anything has just been shot lately.

    *offers an apologetic cupcake sprinkled with cinnamon and topped with a strawberry slice*

  2. No, I'm full of positive emotion.

    Just not here. I see no reason for that here. :U

    Don't act as if you understand the things I feel. Because, well, I am a happy person. Just annoyed easily, and often. :3

    I can't understand most of the things you feel because most of them are a little foreign to me. I can only try to interpret the behavior you exhibit toward me, which is almost always negatively-inclined :I

    A Princess of dedication and conviction, eh? ;3

    A princess of what exactly? I don't do anything as far as that title goes :blah:

  3. A smile adorned Cadance's lips as she listened to the music flow around her and her husband, enveloping them in a warm sphere of mellow sound that constantly rippled and changed. The intangible aura spread from the pair to occasionally include those around them, with Shining Armor receiving quite a few more calls and acknowledgements. Setting her bottom lip into a playfully frustrated line, she leaned in as they walked.

    "Well I bet I would get more nods and waves out in Stalliongrad," the princess teased, nudging her shoulder against her escort as they wound their way to the back of the club.

    In that area the culture and feel of Ponyland truly came alive, with the patrons mingling and chattering rather than swaying and moving mutely to the beat on the dance floor. The fairie lanterns provided a truly surreal and gloomy feel to the place, which intrigued Cadance even more. What secrets could this underground favorite hold in its dusky depths? The thrill of those thoughts and simply being among such ponies sent a tingle down the alicorn's spine.

    At Shining Armor's gesture the rose mare seated herself on the cushion adjacent, her posture fairly straight but much more relaxed than it would be at the castle or during her duties. It was quite the relief. While her love glanced over the bar's selection and spoke with the energetic barista flitting back and forth, Cadance swished her multi-toned tail from side to side like a cat eying a bell on a string. Her unicorn partner may have favored ales and the like, but there was nothing like a fine wine... and the selection they offered was amazing!

    "If you have a Stalliongrad Starberry Merlot anywhere, I would love a glass!" she called out to the barsmare, holding a hoof in the air as the speedy pony dashed by again. The princess turned to her husband as she waited. "So I can't help but wonder dear," she murmured, nuzzling him and whispering into his ear with barely contained laughter. "Will those marching hooves hold up quite as well on the dance floor tonight? I'm not sure if military training directly translates to that kind of rhythm!"

    The atmosphere was definitely taking its effect on Cadance, and she slid closer to rest her head on Shining Armor's neck and shoulder, practically beaming with delight.

  4. *glombs Peggly*

    So Aria got to speak with one of the big bosses today regarding an account status for a lady cashing her pay checks. Like... big boss lady. As in she's the signature that validates our cashier's checks going out. The other people who were helping me freaked out when she gave me her personal line if I ever needed any more help.

  5. The king and his men stole the queen from her bed, and bound her in her bones.

    The seas be ours, and by the powers; where we will, we'll roam.Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars; never say we die.

    Now some have died, and some are alive; and others sail on the sea. With the keys to the cage and the devil to pay, we lay to the fiddler's green. Yo ho all together, hoist the colors high. Hieve ho, thieves and beggars; never shall we die.

    The bell has been raised from it's watery grave, hear it's sepulchral tone. A call to all; pay heed the squall, and turn your sails to home. Yo ho, haul together, hoist the colors high. Heave ho, thieves and beggars; never say we die.

    Yo ho, all together, hoist the colors high. Haeve ho, thieves and beggars; never shall we die.

    The king and his men stole the queen from her bed, and bound her in her bones. The seas be ours, and by the powers; where we will; we'll roam.

  6. Since words stating things about 'eternal love' would sound a bit worse from my mouth, in comparison to yours, I'll replace them with 'eternal gratitude'.

    Therefore, Aria, by presenting me this YT vid, you've earned my eternal gratitude!

    I know. Whispers of love cascading from my lips like glimmering promises of shining warmth which caress and embrace you are much more powerful <3 But don't just thank me, "flaunt that plot" with me!



    I was keeling you with friendship and randomness before your ascension. Rosie has since taken that wonderful job and far surpassed me. Me? I'm happy with my crown ;-) But do not think for a moment I don't counterkeel you if you keel mine favorite pink pony friend.

  7. *whispers to Solaria* Cadence is best princess.

    Anyway! welcome to Canterlot! :D

    *whispers back*

    Totally. Cadence didn't exist back in the time of Tales's ascension, so I suppose she is forgiven.

    *steeples hooves like a good and understanding princess*

    And don't worry, I'm...

    *snaps hooves*


    Theme song guy.

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