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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Cadance fluttered in surprise when Pumpkin nearly ate a small red bird, which was now lodged in her suckling lips where it tweeted wildly. Obviously the air was no place for the nervous princess or her charge, so she flared her wings and allowed gravity to slowly drag them to the ground once more. After landing near Crescent, the pink mare gently used her hooves to prop the baby's mouth open and set the avian prisoner free. In return, she plopped the rounded flange of her crown between Pumpkin's gums.

    After tossing her head to somewhat tame her mane from where it had whipped about during flight, Cadance turned toward her newest companion.

    "What is that orb?" she asked curiously. "It only seemed to flit around as much as my little friend's eyes. I don't suppose it let you read her mind to figure out who she's looking for, did it? Because that would be a big help..."

    After passing over Town Hall the alicorn was tempted to run inside and raise an alarm for the missing foal, but she couldn't even describe it yet so she tucked the idea to the back of her anxious mind, worry painted on her features.

  2. I think it's strangely fitting, since it has a loose reference to Cadence in the Aria part. Did you know we have both a Princess Cadence and Princess Cadance as members? They joined on May 2 and 5, only 3 days apart. :blah:

    I've grown kind of attached to Solaria, even though there's an Aria floating around now. The only one I might consider changing to now is some variation on Eminence like my gamer tag.

  3. Cadance listened to Savory make her announcement and explain the first dishes that would be coming out for sampling. It was rather interesting listening to the other pony recount her tale of foreigners sharing their culinary secrets, and as the proprietor went down the list she smiled widely. Baklava? She hadn't had that in ages! She'd tried to get a royal cook to make some but it always came out of the kitchen oddly.

    The princess's attention was grabbed by Jubilee again as the mare became exponentially more excited at her daydreams, until with a squeal she collapsed and Hoss caught her head with a pillow before thanking the pink mare. The alicorn gave an embarrassed smile, not wanting to cause more commotion to interrupt the event but also wanting Jubilee to keep feeling special. With a small nod she turned back to the food being brought out, forcing herself not to drool at the dishes as she saw them.

  4. Cadance grinned broadly as Flux seemed overjoyed with the book. It had put the princess to sleep countless times, but then again she enjoyed being out and about speaking with ponies and being active, not memorizing rules. Besides, Dusty Chronicle quoted at least ten of them a day to her when she wasn't doing exactly what the tome said. It had worked out so far.

    The alicorn nodded at Stalwart as he thanked her, wishing she could do more than offer a small promise and kind words. His concern for his mother was very evident to the empathetic mare, and it was a sobering thought to know that some ponies still harbored ill will in their hearts, like those bandits. Her reverie was soon broken by Timid however, who had approached her once more and was thanking her for helping to rebuild his home.

    Cadance's eyes misted over as she remembered the visit, with so many ponies left homeless and despairing while charred pieces of houses continued to smolder. It had been one of her more saddening trips, but at least nopony had been severely hurt. The worst injuries were a few minor burns here and there, and most of the grief came from property damage. The CRPR had worked night and day with the locals to rebuild the area, and it had been very rewarding, but the royal pink pony tried not to think about it too much. It was her job, but it took a certain amount of willpower for somepony with such a vested interest in her subjects. She lifted a hoof and patted Timid Star on his head, a reassuring look flitting across her face.

    "You're welcome. It was worth it to see the smiles of ponies with homes again."

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