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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Conor μιλά με ολόκληρες φράσεις του προς τα πίσω.

    Επίσης, είστε ευπρόσδεκτοι Weesh! Είμαι πάντα ευτυχής να έρθει με την ενίσχυση ενός από τους καλύτερους φίλους μου πόνυ και μια ιδιότροπη-επιθυμούν τη χορήγηση εξαρτημένος γλυκόριζα. Πώς θα μπορούσα να αντισταθώ;

  2. QVlGi.png

    Luna quirked a brow at her niece's response. Of course she'd invited Cadence to play games a few times, but they had always been rather mild or casual. REA was a bit more involved, in that it required a better reaction time, knowledge of the weapons and maps, spawn points, common tactics, the list went on and the dark pony shook her head to clear it. Maybe the other princess wasn't actually wanting to play with her, and only knew of the launch because her husband was supposedly in the game in some form. Either way it didn't matter, because Cadence did have a reason to go shopping, just as expected.

    "If you insist," Luna said serenely, secretly cheering that she would be able to pick up the game without Cadence bugging her about going to a wine bar or something similar. "I've read previews of the game, and it seems likely that the Shining Armor skin is obtained by doing an in-game feat such as your gallant husband might achieve. And of course shops will be open, some are actually only open during my night. I'm sure we can find some new hoof guards at one of the boutiques you like so much."

    The alicorn trotted to stand next to her companion once more, leading the way down the stairwells and out into the streets below, a joyful gleam in her eye at the fun that was about to come, even if it did mean fashion shopping with Cadence in the process.

  3. I suppose I don't have to understand to worship. If you say I can't comprehend it. :'3

    Few can. I guess it's akin to a singular, shining palace in the center of a black, raging ocean ringed endless foreboding forests, all surrounded by a dark blizzard of wanton desires and broken wishes. I love my inner castle. It's pretty.

  4. Cadance glided slowly over Ponyville, her eyes sweeping the ground below for any sign of a tiny pony where it shouldn't be. Pumpkin had gone from cheering to clinging onto her leg for dear life, so she wasn't particularly worried about the foal letting go any time soon. The princess also spied Crescent following them on the ground below, working some kind of magic before an interesting orb floated in the air near her passenger. She didn't know its purpose, but it seemed to flicker and shift every time the little unicorn's attention lapsed to something new.

    While the two unicorns utilized the orb in their own ways, Cadance focused much more on the conditions of the air around her with mild fright in her expression. As Canterlot was set into the side of its host mountain, the fierce winds that assailed the sky at that height were normally dispersed somewhat around the city, making for an easier time flying. Down in Ponyville, however, there was no such respite and the alicorn was completely exposed to anything the weather might throw her way. It wasn't something she had much time to practice, considering most of her duties were earthbound. Regardless, her concern for her unnamed target outweighed her personal fears and she flapped her wings again, gaining a little altitude as she continued her search.

  5. Cadance glanced about in wonder as she gazed into the musical twilight of Ponyland. She had never visited such a place, let alone one with this particular club's reputation. It was hardly surprising, what with her rather distinct lack of free time from the CR Public Relations and her attempts to be with her husband whenever their stations allowed, not to mention the fact that most ponies that frequented the castle wouldn't be interested in a more... underground locale.

    The princess was actually somewhat surprised that Shining Armor himself knew about Ponyland, what with his demeanor and focus on his work, but then again she supposed even captains of the guard had to unwind sometimes. When one of her escorts had heard of Cadance's dinner plans she'd blanched and tried to explain that it wasn't quite the place for a lady, to which the pink mare had politely disagreed. A little Canterlot culture could never hurt, and she'd been informed that jazz was played quite frequently there. How could she resist?

    "Let's," Cadance replied with a smile, taking the offered hoof before being led into the establishment.

    The royal had carefully chosen her attire for the evening, finally deciding upon dressy with a casual flair. Her front legs were adorned with detached sleeves of deep plum, which flowed gracefully about her hooves and were strapped firmly near her shoulders. A straight and simple, yet elegant, dress of the same rich hue rested somewhat lower on her flanks, trailing a small distance above her rear hoofguards and accenting every small movement with a delightful display of fluid motion. Rather than adorning herself with her usual crown, she had replaced it with a small metallic band inlaid with a dark ruby, which served the secondary purpose of keeping her hair in its gathered mare's tail behind her head. Palace ponies would have stared. Here she felt she fit in rather well.

    Excitement was plain on Cadance's face, and she couldn't wait to be shown the delights of Ponyland.

    "You have wonderful taste," she whispered only loud enough for Shining Armor to hear.

  6. /laughs

    You think I didn't notice those?

    They're long gone. If I remember, I hid some in Fawkesy's tea leave garden.

    Your move.

    Just remember...

    You yourself admitted to having come from order.

    What does one of my own ilk want with creating anarchy?

    Silence blasphemer! Aria walks the fine line between order and chaos, occasionally swaying and nearly falling into a side. Only possibly Penby could decipher the horizon of my soul, as his is likely similar.

  7. Cadance smiled encouragingly as Stalwart stepped forward, as it seemed he was trying his best to look regal and dignified and she didn't want to do anything to make him feel uncomfortable. The happy look faded a little as she listened to his story, and by the time he finished the princess looked a little crestfallen. Though she really didn't have much to do with the REA and its duties aside from accompanying Shining Armor from time to time, it was still troublesome for a pony who cared so much about her subjects to hear tales of woe or misfortune.

    "I'll see what I can do," she responded carefully, her expression guarded so as not to give false hope. Wanting to be completely honest with the stallion, she continued, "I'll speak with my husband and make sure that the guard is at least aware of the situation, but I'm afraid anything more than that is really up to the military rather than myself."

    She declined to mention that though she was indeed a princess, she didn't carry quite as much authority as her aunts did. Not yet anyway. It wouldn't have bothered her to share this information, but it might have led Stalwart to thinking that she was just trying for a way out of helping him, when in fact the opposite was true. Instead, her smile made a slow return and she patted her guest on the shoulder reassuringly. The inquisitive-looking pony was up next.

    The unicorn stepped forward with actual questions about the CRPR, just as Polaris had, and Cadance was visibly amused by her interest in the subject. The alicorn herself was head of a department and she still didn't find it all that entertaining at times. Flux then asked her big question: What did they actually do on their forays into Greater Equestria?

    "Well, that's actually a hard question to answer," Cadance responded with an embarrassed grin. "What we do differs from village to village, city to city, and so on. Sometimes we actually do deal with small local problems if it would help resolve them more easily, which usually helps build trust between those we help and the castle. You're right that it's rare though, because most ponies don't want to seem like they can't handle anything without royalty coming in with guards to save the day."

    "What Polaris was speaking about moments ago is rather true, we have to walk a fine line so that we don't cross over into the diplomatic corps' duties. While they focus more on resolving disputes with the authority of the crown behind them, we lean more toward establishing the goodwill and peace. Very similar in many ways, I know, but since you've already read books on the subject..." She turned and trotted over to one of the board members who was still snoozing, grabbed a massive tome with her aura of magic and wobbled back to Flux, dropping it to the ground with a loud poomf! "This is a compendium of all the CRPR's procedures and workings, which you're welcome to read. Who knows, you may enjoy it!"

  8. I think a lot of the facial expressions have improved over S1 -- and they only get better! I also like scrunchy face!


    First shown in Look Before You Sleep I believe, as discussed in your 3rd session of Summer of Pony! The things you learn from a Rosie thread ;P

  9. We're so similar it's eerie, at least as far as the lack of accent and love of the English language goes. I myself am from Texas, and I haven't met a native yet that can place me as a fellow Texan by my voice alone. I actively quashed any and all idioms or sayings that I might have picked up when I was younger :blah:

    I also admire your dedication to the written word! My sisters and mother all speak French rather well, and though I took approximately 4 years of it myself it hasn't stayed with me as much as with them. They can still hold conversations with native speakers. As such, I instead decided to master my own language, hoping to far exceed at least any normal speaker. I like to think I've somewhat succeeded, as I've actually been told that I "talk fancy." For a few moments while that gentleman continued speaking, I had little Appleblooms running through my head.

    I'm not entirely sure why your lovely intro made me feel like typing so much myself, but there you go. A most sincere welcome to Canterlot, you're in very good company here. I hope to see you around Mane RP ;)

  10. I love how your introduction actually told us several things about yourself! Congratulations on your impending graduation, and welcome to Canterlot! My best friend is a diehard Zelda fan too. While I love those games, he pegs me as more of a Metroid lover. I guess an alien supersuit with the power to blow massive holes in things and curl into a magnetic ball is an acceptable substitute for medieval fantasy and the Triforce ;)

    The roleplay around here is actually really well organized and regulated, and you'll never find a shortage of ponies wanting to join you, likely me included. I hope to see you around the RP forums soon!

  11. Then what the hell do you mean.

    And Penumbra, if you don't quiet your racket, I will slit Aria's throat myself and place the blame on you. There is no word for the kind if hell you would go through.

    Good luck. I sleep with a katana, a broadsword, and a .37 revolver and I'm fairly good about knowing when someone is in my room.

    Slit Aria's throat?






    That the best you can do?



    Go for it.



    I would do it a bit differently, personally but hey.



    No skin off my mussel.

    No more free edits for you, clown boy >:I Go suck a Batpony.

    Does watching the thread, but not talking make me a stalker? I don't like that term. But there was no way I was taking part in any of those conversations.

    No, it just makes you Brony vas Normandy.

    • Like 1
  12. I came to a realization not far into Season 1, but interestingly it didn't really make me stop and think until the second episode of the Season 2 finale: the smiles in this show make me smile without fail. This somewhat tugged at my attention during Pinkie's Smile song, but honestly it was when Twilight realized she'd found the true Cadance and gave that little endearing smile with the sparkly eyes and the squeaker toy noise that it hit me. That one actually makes me laugh, because it reminds me so much of the adorkable smiles many cartoon characters had in my childhood.

    Can anypony else not resist the smiles on these happy little ponies?

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