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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. It honestly depends on the scene for me. Most of the time it doesn't bother me much, even though I think it often looks... off. The first time it really stood out to me and had me sitting there with a strained look was during the best pet episode. It happened so many times, and after that season 2 really seemed to start to like that angle a little too much.

    As Scotch mentioned before, it's both great and more of the same in the This Day Aria. Chrysalis looks amusingly evil from that angle, and near the end of the song Cadance looks awkward while calling out for Shining Armor. If this is what I have to occasionally put up with for fantastic animation however... So be it.

  2. Breathe for me...

    Don't wake me from this slumber...

    Stay with me...

    Possession taking over...

    You once made this promise, to stay by my side.

    But after some time you just pushed me aside.

    You never thought I had the will to be strong,

    but I'll show you how to go on.

    Mixing and mashing lyrics is fun. My boss brought cupcakes today, and I've started my raspberry tea existence. It's not bad. Bring on the diabeetus.

  3. Cadance waited for a few moments to see if she received a response from the two ponies she'd bumped into before, but she had somehow lost track of them fairly quickly. It wasn't too hard, she guessed, considering she'd been preoccupied with Pumpkin. As a matter of fact, the baby in question seemed to have had another episode of bitty genius and was tugging on the mare's long mane again. Well, genius or a tummy gurgle. She wasn't sure which until the unicorn pointed into the clear sky above and her intent became obvious.

    "That's a little dangerous," Cadance murmured, nearly balking at the suggestion. "We couldn't fly too high or we might not see your friend, but it's still far away from the ground," she said to Pumpkin. At that moment a new stallion introduced himself, bowing and mentioning that he, Crescent Chronicle, was very talented at scrying and detection spells. Hope glittered in the alicorn's eyes, as her own magic was only respectably strong in very certain areas.

    "A pleasure to meet you Crescent Chronicle," she answered with a warm smile, inclining her head only a little so as not to dislodge Pumpkin. "Yes, I'm looking for my little friend's companion, who is apparently lost. I unfortunately don't know what he or she looks like or really anything of use, just that they're missing. Any help your spells can provide would be extremely appreciated."

    Cadance flared her wings to their fullest extent and bumped Pumpkin from her back, tightly wrapping the foal in her forelegs before leaping into the air with a forceful breeze. She rose only slightly, hovering just above rooftop level as her amethyst gaze swept each alleyway and street she could spy from her higher vantage point. She didn't dare go any higher yet, due to the risk it could pose to her passenger as well as her own self-doubt when it came to flying. She didn't often take to the skies, and was always worried that she would fall out of practice.

    "Do you see your friend anywhere?" she asked Pumpkin, tossing her head slightly to keep her multi-colored mane from her face as it rustled in a minor crosswind.

  4. Cadance gave an embarrassed smile as Polaris explained his thoughts and feelings on the CRPR, revealing that he was a member of her aunt's diplomatic corps. She knew somepony would catch the similarities between the two groups ventures, and had an explanation prepared for just such a situation.

    "Well, to be completely honest Mr. Polaris the idea was born with the fantastic work of you and your colleagues in mind. We're not trying to replace you at all, merely... help citizens feel that the crown is approachable, if that makes sense. The diplomatic corps can claim to spread my aunt's love and goodwill as much as they'd like, and please don't take offense as obviously we're emulating that, but some ponies like a more tangible presence. Unfortunately since my marriage I've been rather too busy to continue traveling as I did before, but we managed to make a full sweep of Equestria before that and I think it struck a chord with our subjects. If anything, you and yours are now more important than ever." She added an amused smirk as she listened to the gentlecolt's assessment of the board. "Likely very true, and I would love to dance with you when the opportunity arises."

    "Hello you two," the princess said amiably to Flux and Stalwart, hoping she had suitably answered Polaris's concerns and that she wasn't being rude for addressing other guests. "Is there something I can help you with? It's why I'm here you know," she added with a wink.

  5. Luna couldn't help but smile back at Cadence's grins, they always seemed so mischievous. She may be a goody-four-hooves, but she was still a kind and caring niece. There was something to be said for that anyway.

    "Well, there is less time for entertainment during my duties so the early morning is usually the best time to catch up with everything," she muttered, casting her gaze to the side. Nice or not, Cadence didn't quite understand the devotion required to stay viable in most modern games. To become stagnant was to fall behind! "I'm feeling fairly well. No more tired than usual after raising the moon."

    As the pink mare wiggled her flanks at the shuffling guards before starting to stretch, Luna reared and flopped over the other alicorn's back, resting all of her weight there as she loosed a very involved yawn. Her front hooves pushed firmly down on Cadence's spine to help relieve pressure before she nuzzled her chin over the same spot with a tiny smile. The guards were always so fun to tease like this.

    "Hmph, I'm sorry that you cannot appreciate the entertainment value of games dear niece, but we could always go down into Canterlot!"

    Luna knew that Cadence often enjoyed being down among the other ponies in various forms, and that she was no less prey to shopping at times than anypony else. After all, the new REA: Modern Soldier 3 was coming out at midnight, and the dark royal was searching for any excuse to slip out of the castle and obtain it. There were even heavy rumors that a Shining Armor lookalike model for one's character could be unlocked if the right conditions were met! That and, even though the princess of the night wouldn't openly admit it, some part of her enjoyed beating the overconfident foals whose parents thought it was a wonderful idea to let a game foalsit their children rather than watch them themselves.

    With a playful flank bite Luna dropped to her own hooves again and finished straightening her mane where Cadence had stopped, looking at the other mare with a carefully blank face.

    "Would you like to?"

  6. Had one of those wonderfully uncomfortable moments at Gamestop yesterday. I walked in to reserve the new Ghost Recon game, and I hear "Oh you've got to be kidding me!" from a corner of the store. It was some guy with a buzzed head and a security guard uniform with the shirt open and a wife beater underneath. I didn't recognize him for a few moments while he walked right up and goes "It IS you, isn't it Aria? You look exactly the same as you did all those years ago, just a little taller and older."

    I had to sneak a peek at his badge to remember his name, but I still don't remember where I knew him from. It was either church from forever ago or middle school. So I proceeded to pour on wonderful charm and make him feel good about himself while he bragged about being in the Air Force and the fact that he now works as a Sears high-end product warehouse guard. After the force he apparently lives with his grandmother and forgot how to exercise, because that wife beater was definitely stretched over a gut >.<

    He just stopped talking and stared at me for a really long time in a somewhat inappropriate way until I realized he was staring at my cutie mark, and he goes "You would go and do that. You wanna see mine?" And thus I was treated to a wonderful set of pictures on his phone about how he has pilot wings and Latin saying "Death from above. If you want peace, pray for war." tattooed all over his shoulders and back. All I could think was this must have been done when he was ripped, because I couldn't imagine his back looking like that now. He asked me for my gamer tag and I gave him an old one before running out of the store >.>

    It's not that it was awkward, because I deal with those situations really well, it's just that he was trying to convert me to the Illuminati conspiracy. I think he's become a lunatic in all those years we've been apart...

    Just thought I'd share that fun story! The moral? Apparently my good looks are immortal. And Rosie totally took my advice on the scones. Yus.

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  7. Cadance continued to hold Pumpkin close to her chest while her wails started to fade to sniffles and hiccups. Apparently the baby liked to be cradled, and when she took the crown with an eager suckle the princess could only roll her eyes in amusement. That had been rather easy.

    Ah, the art of distraction, she thought.

    At the mention of looking for another foal Pumpkin nearly went berserk, nodding so quickly that Cadance was afraid she'd hurt herself. Not only that, but the royal mare was now very concerned. She'd been lucky to happen across this little unicorn before anything bad had happened, but now it appeared she'd had a partner in crime that was very likely still lost. The alicorn stood quickly, tilting her head to flip Pumpkin up and over to nestle on her back again while cushioning the landing with magic. Her crown assumed its normal position as well while Cadance called out to the two pegasi nearby.

    "Have either of you seen a young foal going around on its own? It could be in a lot of trouble!"

  8. Cadance blinked as yet more ponies entered the ballroom. Word must have really gotten around! A small smile decorated her lips as the circle around her grew, with several of the members looking at her with expectant or curious eyes. Strife had mentioned that she would like to be informed of anything she found out in questioning her husband about the incident with Timid Star, and the princess nodded her head in agreement.

    "Don't worry, I understand your reasoning," she said to the guardsmare. "And you don't need a pedigree to speak with me. I'm here to serve all of you, not the other way around," she added with a laugh.

    Three of the newer ponies drew closer, and an expertly-dressed stallion stepped ahead of the others to drop into a perfect bow. Of course Cadance was accustomed to such formal greetings, having been required to learn every nuance to them when traveling the far corners of Equestria. The way griffons said hello had been her favorite so far. Bristling wings, intense looks, puffing one's chest out... it had been greatly amusing. The alicorn inclined her head to the ground in a similar gesture to the one she'd been offered.

    "A pleasure to meet you Polaris. As you likely know, I'm Princess Cadance. With the way you're speaking, it sounds as though you're already fairly familiar with the CRPR if you know that I've implemented changes lately. I haven't altered the core procedures much at all, merely expanded our services and duties to assist ponies who may not have had much of a voice before. It's certainly kept me on my hooves since we added that division."

    Cadance smiled gently at the stallion and mare who stood behind Polaris, letting them know that she was aware of their presence and would speak with them as soon as possible before turning back to her current conversation partner.

    "Did you have any specific questions about our new structuring, sir? I'd be happy to answer anything of which you can think."

  9. Blink.

    Luna snored softly, wrapped snuggily in a coccoon of midnight sheets on her large circular bed.


    Luna stirred slightly, a small look of consternation crossing her sleeping features as her snores faded to deep breathing.


    One eye opened slowly, peeking out from the warm mound of princess and comforter to fix solely on the one part of her entertainment system that she had failed to turn off that morning. A part that was blinking to remind her of her forgetfulness... Right into her face as she slept. With a small groan of irritation the dark pony wiggled from her comfortable position, sliding to rest on the edge of her bed with a big yawn. Her horn shimmered with uncertain magic, as though the arcane flows weren't sure their wielder was conscious enough to warrant any actual effect.

    The heavy curtains that kept Luna's chambers in perpetual twilight began to part themselves at a gentle pace, steadily revealing the brilliance of her sister's setting sun and the beginning of true dusk. Scratching a hoof through her tangled starry mane, the alicorn stood and ambled out to the balcony to witness the final searching tendril's of the celestial giant's burning rays as they sank below the horizon. She waited for a few moments, relishing the soft embrace of darkness as it flowed over the sky like an inky wave. Her wavering aura of magic intensified, growing to an almost blinding intensity until the rim of the moon peeked over the foothills. Satisfied, she cantered back into her room to wash her face in the basin.

    As she scrubbed, Luna's ears pricked to the clicking of hooves as they stopped just outside her door. After levitating a small cloth across her muzzle to dry it, the princess grabbed her polished obsidian crown in her teeth as she walked by to undo the latch and reveal her visitor. It was Cadence, of course, looking perfect and cheery. Who else would it have been anyway?

    "Gud eefning," she managed to mumble around the adornment in her mouth before she rose it into the air to settle behind her horn. "What are you up to?"

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