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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Honey hooves! Love it!

    Sadly I don't think they're going to find Pound unless I NPC him at the end or something; my partner in crime hasn't been approved.

    I think it's really awesome that for Pumpkin's debut she's already paired with royalty -- and the best foalsitter in Equestria! <3

    Of course, nothing but the best for my friendly pink friend of friendliness's first cast foray into rp! I wonder what's taking Ashton so long to be approved though, I haven't checked that app in a while.

  2. This thread seems relevant to my interests. I'll have to thank Rosie for keeping me connected to the far reaches of Canterlot and make her some kind of CRPR board member. As obviously Italian as Cadance's full name is, I'm not sure the producers go that far when considering a few of the instances of foreign languages in the show. Rarity uses French with impunity, as Volt mentioned, but I honestly believe that's more to keep in line with her image as an attention-seeking fashionista with a love of high society.

    Remember, it seems Cadance was more of a "let's do this as we go" pony, as there have already been a few minor controversies over her character. The Cadance/Cadence debate, her original concept not being an alicorn, etc. Obviously if Itaily becomes canon I would toss my vote in that she was either born there or her parents frequented the country.

  3. When Cadance beheld the frog, she had to struggle not to drag a hoof down her own face. Her features did settle into an unamused frown at the bulbous creature while Pumpkin crawled over to it.

    "Really," she muttered, sighing and dropping the rest of the way to the ground while supporting her chin on her forehooves. "Pretty talented frog if you ask me."

    Now that the princess thought about it, the creature really was a little creepy. How many animals did she know that could so closely imitate the sounds of ponies? Her gaze was drawn to her little foal friend as the unicorn turned with big watery eyes and sniffed. Oh no. The foalsitter knew exactly what that meant.

    "Oh it's okay!" she whispered soothingly, trying to avert the point of no return.

    It was too late, however, and Pumpkin began to wail in despair. Cadance couldn't fathom what would cause her companion to cry with such intensity, but then again with babies everything could be important. She might even just be scared of the frog after touching it. Either way, it didn't matter. It obviously meant something to Pumpkin, and the alicorn scooped the tiny pony into her hooves and held her close, humming in calming tones. She even used her magic to levitate her crown down to the foal's level if she wanted to play with it.

    "Shhh, there's no need for tears honey hooves," Cadance continued to murmur, rocking her forelegs gently back and forth.

    A thought began to occur to the princess, and her eyes widened slightly as the things Pumpkin had done thus far started to make sense in a very odd way. The potted plant in the window. The constant glances around. The excitement and then extreme disappointment with hearing and finding the frog.

    "Are you... Are you looking for another baby?" Cadance asked hesitantly, not even sure she believed it herself. After all, baby logic could have changed since she last foalsat.

  4. I am sure you are aware that a magician never reveals her secrets! However, I happen to have a magic wand right here. You are welcome to struggle at an examination of it, but it is doubtful that you can determine how it works.

    Oh but see, even in my lacking powers I'm a little beyond magic wands. I'm not asking you to reveal your secrets of course, I'd simply like to bask in the radiance of such a talented magician's abode. If you like, in exchange I'll let you look at my crown while we're inside. It was crafted by some of the finest unicorn magics Canterlot has to offer, and I'm told it is brimming with enchantments. I've never managed to find them, but I'm sure a pony of your caliber would find them of interest!

  5. All admirers of Trixie are welcome here! But as has been said earlier, Trixie is the emcee of this event. Rosewind and Weesh are...on vacation.

    Of course, of course. What a wonderful wagon you have there! I'm sure you have all sorts of rare and magical artifacts inside. As you may or may not know, my magic isn't nearly as strong as the abilities my aunts wield. Since you are obviously a pony very skilled in the arcane arts, perhaps you have some sort of scroll or learning tool inside that I could take a look at, or possibly borrow? Becoming half as talented as you would be quite an achievement for me <3

  6. THAT'S NOT THE REASON, WE NEED SOMEBODY...HEY! Get back in there! Oh. Ignore that. And the great and powerful Trixie likes cider. Did I already say that?

    Pony feathers, you're just hijacked Weesh. I dun wan chu to go back to boring normal text at some point! >:3

    Regardless, I'll remain a special unique one-of-a-kind snowflake of rareness.

  7. Aha! Weesh! Welcome to the "colored font because we're special snowflakes" club! Cravings though? I don't think mine change depending on the season, but my habits kind of do.

    Spring: Eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and Spaghetti Warehouse on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I guess I'm a little more inclined to salad and fruits. Maybe. During rain and storms I'll lie outside on the porch and enjoy a peanut butter sandwich. My sister used to do this with me while we made up names for different patterns of lightning.

    Summer: See Spring. Since all I do is turn crimson then burn in sunlight, I try to stay inside with the lights off and live like a vampony. Lemonade is a bit tastier than usual.

    Fall: See Summer/Spring. I do get really excited for Thanksgiving though, because I rarely get to eat good turkey. I don't crave

    Nightmare Night candy, just the little grin I get when I scare the foals running around with bags. Oh Nightmare Night, second only to Hearth's Warming Eve. I'm using my one week of vacation this year for that particular last bit of October.

    Winter: See Fall/Summer/Spring. I drink hot chocolate all year long (it's my coffee) but it's especially good during winter. As my favorite season I have all sorts of things that I do like making cookies, stoking really big fires (I'm told I'm a closet pyromaniac), camping, singing Hearth's Warming carols constantly and without provocation, bundling up to take long walks in the blessedly cold air, buying obscene amounts of scarves, going to a particular high-end mall just to people watch and enjoy the atmosphere.

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