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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. As Cadance trotted back to the group, Timid Star made another appearance, apparently convinced that there weren't any changelings about. He insisted that his story about the incarceration and beatings was entirely true, and Strife even validated that something had occurred, though not quite in the way the colt was describing. The princess's brow set into a perturbed line, and she even frowned a little as she thought about what she was being told.

    "Well, I obviously wasn't there and can't pass judgment on the situation without knowing both sides of the story, but I'll definitely be having my husband look into this matter. I just don't like to hear about these kinds of things, ponies causing trouble with other ponies when there are plenty of monsters out there that will do that for us." She glanced at Strife. "So you're a guardsmare, I thought you looked familiar from somewhere. You're with Aunt Luna's group, I think."

    At that moment Timid chimed in about his curiosity about the CRPR, and Cadance tilted her head downward to regard the colt again. It was strange that of all the guests, the youngest would be the first to actually voice interest in the main purpose of the event. She gave a grin at the irony. Dusty Chronicle would have rolled his eyes.

    "Well firstly, let me give you a royal welcome to Canterlot! As for the group here, we are basically the go-between for citizens of Equestria and the castle here in the city. We handle concerns and disputes, mostly abroad, that would take too long to resolve if everypony had to travel to Canterlot. To do that, we have various groups that move around the country to make sure everything is going well. I was with one of those parties until I came back for my wedding, and now I mostly stay here, but there are others still out there helping keep peace strong."

  2. Just as Pumpkin had climbed to Cadance's horn and was using it as a makeshift watchpost, the princess's eyes were flitting from place to place in the park. Nopony in the sandbox or on the slide. As a matter of fact, there really wasn't anypony in the park at all aside from the searching pair and the two pegasi that had joined them, at least as far as she could see. That seemed awfully strange, especially with the crying sound.

    Slowing down from her fast pace, Cadance tilted her head with perked ears and finally discerned that the needy whimpers were coming from a bench at the other end of the play area. She started to move that way just as the first pony from before reached the wooden structure and looked her way. In a slightly alarmed tone he apologized to her and moved quickly out of her path while the foal clutching her horn leaned down to fill her gaze with a concerned look of her own.

    "It's okay sweetheart, we'll help whoever it is," the royal mare said soothingly to the tiny face, carefully coming to a stop next to the bench so as not to dislodge Pumpkin. "I'm sorry," she added to Rainy in a louder tone so he could hear her. "I don't want to sit there, I'm trying to see who's crying. I didn't mean to startle you."

    Without waiting any longer, the princess bent her knees and peered around the bench to put an end to the mystery of where the sound was coming from and to offer her aid.

  3. Cadance smiled again at Miracle's unceasing appreciation for the fudge, which after tasting it herself she could understand. It was like pony nip. She looked back to HighRoller and nodded, affirming that she would at least pass on his message. It was the least she could do, after all, and not long after the confectioner pony herself wandered back toward the princess and explained her reaction.

    "It's okay!" Cadance assured Sweet. "The changelings can be pretty creepy. It's like looking into an evil mirror. Besides, they were already stronger from feeding on love about Canterlot. The way they were moving in numbers, I don't think anypony alone could have beaten them."

    After standing and levitating her goblet of starberry juice into the air for a quick sip, Cadance caught the eye of one of the senior members and steadied her shoulders with a tiny sigh. She trotted quickly over to speak with Dusty Chronicle, the unicorn head of the board as well as quite a stickler for rules and schedules. The faded grey elder had a sour look upon his wrinkled lips, and the alicorn knew that expression well. He sometimes used it when his tea wasn't strong enough.

    "I apologize for the delay in the presentations and everything, but don't you think this is what the CRPR is really about?" she whispered. "Being out there, showing the ponies that the castle is just as open to them as it is to us? Sometimes the best things happen when everything isn't according to plan, right?"

    Dusty Chronicle simply sniffed and adjusted his monocle before shrugging his shoulders.

    "I merely wish that you don't waste our time here, Princess Cadenza," he croaked. "If you wanted to party, you could have done so without involving the board."

    "I know, I'm sorry," Cadance responded while turning to get back to the party. "But please don't make our guests feel unwelcome. We'll follow the itinerary at some point. Until then maybe, I don't know... dance?" she suggested with a nervous grin and a wave before heading back to one of the new mares that seemed to be trying for her attention. Chronicle just groaned and called for another cup of tea.

  4. A look of disbelief crossed Cadance's face as she listened to Timid's story. Guards wrongfully imprisoning a foal, in addition to kicking a dog? That couldn't be true, could it?

    "You're kidding, right?" the princess inquired. "I really hope that's just something you're making up, or that those guards are no longer part of our patrols."

    She never got her answer, as the colt apparently heard Jubilee warning about the imaginary changelings and hid in a potted plant. Apparently the pegasus's warning had reached most of the guests, as nearly all of them had looks of varying apprehension on their faces. Cadance had personally helped to banish the evil shape changers and had seen them fly far beyond Equestria's border, but still... they were a frightening thing to think about.

    "Everypony!" she called, raising a hoof in the air. "It's alright, she's just had a bad fall! There aren't any changelings, nothing to worry about."

    The princess knelt as Jubilee tearfully apologized for her confusion, bringing her face closer to that of the distraught pegasus.

    "Jubilee," she said soothingly. "Why the tears? You've done nothing wrong, why would I want you to leave? After all, I think you woke up some of our more senior members," she added, smiling back at some of the elderly ponies behind the table who looked as though they'd seen ghosts. "Please don't worry about it, everypony is fine. Would you like some juice to help you calm down? It always helps me when I'm feeling out of sorts."

    As she spoke, the alicorn noticed that two more ponies had entered during the little situation, one of whom seemed busy with Sweet Surprise while the other, a stately-looking unicorn, approached her about figurines of both herself, her husband, and her aunts.

    "Well, I can't speak for the others obviously, but I don't mind giving my permission for my own um, figure," she laughed, blushing slightly. "There are so many interesting entrepreneurs here today, it's really getting to be a fun party." Not wanting to Strife to think she'd ignored her, Cadance turned to the other mare. "And thank you for the compliment. I figure there's enough trouble in the world without me starting more!" she responded with a grin.

  5. Angie actually has to disagree .−.

    the very last sip of milk out of the jug is always the best

    unless you're one of those dumb people who leaves their milk out for over an hour ):< then it never tastes good

    I leave it out just to see if my sisters are brave enough to try it, without knowing how long it has been sitting.

  6. Simply creeper. And I'm a little tired of old men yelling at me today about how I'm not doing my job right. Find my account even though I'm at the wrong bank! Do my deposit first even though the lady you're helping got here before me!

    I almost snapped at that last guy.

    "Sir, I did do your deposit before the lady's change order. The reason I couldn't finish it was because your deposit came up with an error that I had to work through, so I finished with the lady first. So kindly keep your rudeness to yourself, shut up, and find something better to do with your day."

  7. Heeey, if it isn't Morgan Freeman!

    Gore and violence, therefore spoilered. Watch at own risk :-o

    Also, no more making an effort in quoting and answering to all things I've missed during night >:l It's like 5th or 8th, lost count already, time those longer posts from my side got completely ignored.

    I don't answer it because you give me creeper responses :blah:

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