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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. I don't know how to feel about that last guy. I tried for 15 minutes to find his account by name, number, address, everything. He drove off cursing me in Spanish. Just called the lobby and we don't even have a branch where the guy claimed he deposits every day. Silly peoples. It's Frost Bank, not First Bank.

  2. Cadance let out a small sigh of relief as she and Pumpkin left the market behind. Not that it wasn't fun, it was just... intense. The foal at least seemed to be having fun, keeping a grip on the princess's mane while bouncing as though she were in a saddle. She spotted a park not far ahead, and had just rounded a corner when plaintive wails reached her pricked ears. Pumpkin apparently noticed as well, because she became very agitated and pointed in the direction of the cries while tugging over and over.

    "We're going!" Cadance agreed, starting to trot forward at a good clip before a pegasus fell from the sky to land right in from of her, asking if she knew what was going on. "Oh, well that's what I'm trying to find out," the mare replied in a concerned tone, peeking around the stallion's shoulder at the park. "It's coming from over there."

    Another pegasus stopped nearby and muttered about his gut feelings, but Cadance's foalsitter protective instincts were in overdrive as she jostled past the pair and practically galloped forward to the park, looking for the source of the distressed noise with widened eyes. She couldn't see anything yet, but apparently Pumpkin knew exactly where to go, and the alicorn was relying on the baby to hopefully at least point her in the right direction.

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  3. Cadance watched with interest as all sorts of thoughts seemed to run through the foal's mind. First it appeared that she was transfixed with the princess's crown, then like she was contemplating the entire reason behind their search. It was almost as if there were a visible lightbuib when the little unicorn finshed her thoughts. Pound. What in the world was she doing? Pound. Pound pound pound.Maybe it had something to do with the way she'd eaten her pie?

    The alicorn shrugged as Celestia's sun grew in warmth and intensity, bathing the piar in gowing light. Pumpkin seemed to have given up her charades match, and was instead tugging on Cadance's mane while pointing in a further direction. And the princess became the noble steed for the Foal of Droolblossom. The mare snickered to herself at the description and set off at a quick trot, constantly swaying to make it through the crowd and out the frar side of the market.

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  4. Colgate watched a content expression grow over Saw Bones's face, as though he were looking past Canterlot to something else. She knew that look. She had used to wear the same one when she was young and inexperienced. Adventure was adventure, and you never knew what was coming next. The unicorn assumed that the archaeologist was imagining rooting through the temple with a tiny brush and an overlarge hat. More than likely imaginary Saw was looking for an ancient tea cup or the like. She stifled a snicker while her companion answered.

    "Such a gentlecolt," she commented airily, trotting with her muzzle held high as she followed Saw Bones and his amusing act.

    While she walked she couldn't help staring at the buildings from time to time, which were much taller and more imposing than anything in Ponyville. Canterlot was not only a place of royalty and high-society, it was a place of power.

  5. T'was wondrous!

    There was a warm summer breeeeeze.

    There were bats performing aerial stunts for our amusement.

    The sky was perfectly clear and the stars were shining bright.

    And all of us were in high spirits~

    How was your night with the sweet hard apple cider, my dear? :3

    I think I've found a new love, honestly. Apples are by far my favorite fruit with only certain berries competing. I'm still pretty jealous, that sounded amazing. As long as there was some kind of cool breeze or it wasn't muggy or super hot anyway. I'm still trying to teach myself to like summer.

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