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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Do not adulate yourself so much, my dear. After all you know, that apart from one single exception, the only princess connected with you is princess Cadence... Cadance... Cadanza... Cadenza... Cadenze... ... ...I'll stay with original Cadence... so far. Although, I encourage you to keep trying. Perhaps one day...? Who knows. I'm not even sure myself in the end.

    Also, Sulvy, I need them. I'll gladly take them instead of you .-.

    Ah, but the LPW princess is playing a Canterlot princess ;)

  2. "Well it's very nice to meet you Timid Star," Cadance replied with a reassuring pat on the colt's shoulder. "And don't worry, I'll have a guard escort you past the gate. A lot of them will do anything for the very same sandwich you're eating. In the meantime feel free to have some more food and drink, you're welcome to stay as long as you like." She grinned a little and turned back to Sweet Surprise, finally picking one of the offered chunks of fudge and taking a tender bite.

    "Oh wow! This is amazing!" the princess exclaimed after swallowing. "It's so rich and flavorful! You said that you worked at Mr. Cocoa's shop here in Canterlot? Please give me directions before you go, I'll definitely be wanting to order some candy from you soon."

    At that moment a pair of pegasi entered the ballroom, and one of them was Hoss, the pony Cadance had met at the Ambrosia Winds Cafe in Ponyville during its International Day event. Still munching on her latest bite of fudge, the alicorn waved a hoof in greeting while setting the rest of her treat on a plate. When they both gave their greetings, she bowed her head in return with a sincere smile.

    "I'm so glad you both could make it! Things have certainly gotten more lively since early this morning. Make sure to grab some food and then come join in the conversation, we have all sorts of interesting friends for everypony to meet." A thought occurred to her. "Hoss, is Jubilee coming today? I mean she's usually with you, right?"

    Cadance's answer came more quickly than she would have thought as the pegasus in question careened through the entrance and smashed into a wall. Jubilee stood with a very dazed look in her eyes, only to swipe at thin air and fall over again while shouting about changelings. With a look of both mild concern and amused resignation the royal mare stepped forward to offer a hoof to her friend.

    "Are you alright Jubilee?" she asked with a giggle.

  3. I just thought it was only fair to tell you LPW... You have given me no choice, you have driven me into the arms of my lover, Raoul... GMT+ something or another. His hot Latin blood burns like an inferno that both promises to keep me warm with whispers of burns should I immerse myself completely. It is exciting! It is fresh! It's somewhat new!

    Tl;dr myself and just typed out words: Imma go see if I can troll GMT+, brb.

  4. Instrumental modern jazz, alternative rock, electronica (mostly trance/techno/eurodance), symphonic/black/harmonic metal, hard rock, punk, metalcore, etc. I'm a percussionist as well as knowing a few songs on the piano like Fur Elise. I can sing rather well.

    Breaking Benjamin, 3 Doors Down, Coldplay, Foo Fighters, DJ Tiesto, Cascada, Rise Against, AFI, A7X, Anberlin, Bass Hunter, Bon Jovi, The Ozzman, Daft Punk, Gorillaz, older Green Day, In This Moment, Paramore, Red Hot Chili Peppers, a little MCR, Savage Garden, Tyr, the list goes on. I'm also usually very open to singles artists.

  5. Cadance nodded in understanding as she listened to Sweet Surprise's story. She'd heard quite often about parents being a little overbearing in trying to do what was best for their foals. It was a misdeed based in attempted kindness, so whenever something similar bothered the princess she attempted to remember that. After all, this tale turned out for the best!

    "I'm sure they were just trying to keep your teeth so bright and shiny," Cadance responded gently. "Besides, now you're an accomplished candy-maker! I'm sure they felt sure of your decision when they tasted your treats!"

    When Sweet offered a piece of delicious-looking fudge, the alicorn had opened her mouth to respond when the apologetic mare from before rushed in with a gleam in her eyes. It made Cadance happy to see that the pony had already piled a plate from the various offerings at the tables, and snickered at Miracle's admiring description of the dessert. Leaving those two to discuss their sugary fantasies, she turned instead to the stately visitor from before.

    "Well thank you very much, it's always nice to hear from somepony that they like speaking to us here in the castle! After all, I enjoy being out and about rather than being cooped up here all the time. It's why I joined the CRPR in the first place." Admittedly the next question caught her by surprise. "Aunt Luna's Lunar Guard? To be honest, I think they have a little more personality than my husband's peers, at least in their own way. I can definitely appreciate how dedicated the REA is, but sometimes I like them to act like... ponies, instead of statues that can move. I guess I'm not really being fair."

    At that moment a young colt burst into the room, closely pursued by several larger ponies that quickly surrounded him. Cadance heard the warning cries of the guards posted outside just as Timid called for help, and quickly trotted over to defuse the situation.

    "It's okay," the princess muttered to the dappled unicorn guard that appeared nearby with a stern look on his face. "Welcome to the party boys!" she said more soothingly, concentrating and then levitating a few plates of the food into the air around the group. "It's always nice to see young colts and fillies interested in different organizations. You must be very mature for your age, and you even convinced your friend here to come out and have some fun!" She gave a subtle wink to Timid Star before positively beaming at the bullies. "Thank you so much, why don't you have some snacks for your troubles?"

  6. Cadance stared at Pumpkin with a mixture of fascination, confusion, and mild amusement. Her slice of pie hovered in the air before her, momentarily forgotten while she watched the foal devour her treat. Such a well-crafted dessert smashed into a gooey, though apparently delicious, splat. If the baby's reaction was any indication, it was quite the treat. After all, pies were meant to be eaten right? At best they were edible art, enjoyed first by the eye then the tastebuds!

    Without further ado, the princess took a big bite of her slice and closed her eyes in ecstasy. It was like earth ponies had raised a special tree, pegasi had flown it to the sun for golden kisses, and the unicorns had enchanted it with their magic so that the combined efforts produced the most wonderful apples ever from its boughs. How did these Ponyville bakers do it? With a slightly sheepish look Cadance finished her pie in a manner similar to Pumpkin, continuing to take large bites and swallowing happily.

    Afterwards she levitated a clean napkin to wipe both her lips and the unicorn foal's entire face. The princess finished with a smile and the light tap of a hoof on the baby's nose before thinking again. Why had the plant sparked a reaction? Did her little pony cohort have a fascination with flowers? She had been crawling around in a flowerbed after all. Maybe the plant had looked like something else?

    "Are you looking for a lost toy?" Cadance asked, tapping her crown where it sat behind her horn. "Something fun? Shiny?"

    • Like 1
  7. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!

    Guy is okay -- I had a thing for Deidara (and Hidan a little cause he ran around shirtless pretty much)...

    I couldn't get past those random mouths. It was just too gross. Hidan was admittedly pretty manly. And a jerk. Working on more Cadance/Pumpkin shenanigans as we speak!

  8. Cadance gave an apologetic glance over to the pony that seemed to be disturbed by the commotion she'd caused, and though she couldn't politely remove herself from the conversation she made a note to personally speak with him when she could. The apparent special somepony of exciteable pegasus before her introduced himself as Star Skybright, or Hoss. The princess grinned a little at the nickname.

    "Well it's entirely my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hoss," she replied smoothly, her innocent laughter only hinted at in her voice. "I know my Aunt Luna is particularly fond of the observatory herself, and I enjoy looking at the stars. You must have a very interesting time."

    Cadance's attention was drawn in again as Jubilee seemed to have caught her breath and started up again. The mare mentioned being a performer, with her specialties lying in singing and dancing. Without missing a beat the winged pony presented the alicorn with her scrapbook and a big smile.

    "I can call you anything? If I had to pick I'd probably go for one of the most 'entertaining' ponies I've ever met!" the royal gently teased, levitating a quill and taking care to give a rather personalized signature, rather than the hurried one she used on the rare documentations for which her approval was required. Cadance took a step back and admired her work, as she usually didn't pay much attention to what she wrote.

    "Someday soon it looks like I'll need to convince everypony at the castle to have a party with you headlining," she added with a warm expression. "I know I for one would love it."

    ((I'll be adding a fun little something to this post later :) ))

  9. Don't forget the fifty times he fights Kisame and wins.

    Kisame is creepy... Him and his sword. But I need to stop now. I've already been more forthcoming with my gamer side, if I allow myself to anime freak out I'll just be plain weird. Anime and games do not compute with hawt and sexeh. Time to reply to all those Cadance RPs!

    *wiggles and flexes hooves*

    Go time.

  10. No one is better than Guy.

    No. One.

    Nope. Can't look an enemy in the eyes because of their hypnotic powers? Better watch their feet instead and still win. Lose a bet? 500 laps around the city on your hands. Don't have crazy super powers like everyone else? That's ok, harness your inner strength at the risk of your life to beat them anyway.

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