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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. May is a very travel-heavy month for me, so while I will be on during the week (since I have work and will be at home during the evenings), I will not be able to reliably reply to RPs on the weekends. By the end of the month we should be able to see if this is a trend or merely a busy month.

    Aw, traveling hubby ;)

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  2. Wow, that card would have to have an entire deck built around it to be effective. That's a lot closer though! I've always envisioned some dark hooded robe with maybe a bit of chest armor, gauntlets and greaves while having dark wings. Not sure of the weapon, but I'm always partial to swords over anything else so that's pretty good :D

  3. ...is that why you told Peggly to give you CHAINS as a weapon?

    Like... CQC chains?


    How romantic~ <3 :3

    They're more symbolic than anything. If I engage in melee it's because I know I have the advantage or I'm taking them by surprise. I'll probably chain myself to a wall trying to thwack someone with those. Besides, as far as CQC goes I would assume long chains would be one of the longest range weapons.

    Then get your blades and let me look you in the eyes as you cut me to bits.

    So long as you already have one of my daggers in your back? Sure.

  4. ...Wimp.

    If you want to kill me, then at least either nuke me (mentioned above) or shoot me with a pistol while looking me in the eyes.

    Unfortunately for you, I recognize my limitations and don't try to exceed them to my own detriment. Such taunts are fairly useless against me. Besides, I'd never shoot someone at close range. Blades are so much more elegant and clean.

  5. This is not the time for your war ethics, Fawkes! Snipers like myself provide necessary contributions to any combat unit. Besides, I'm too fragile for mid or close-range combat. Always do what you're best at.

    Oh, and the aforementioned Barrett .50cal Tyler. It's my baby. Now with Kung Fu thermal scope action!

  6. Colgate nodded absent-mindedly, shaking her head to clear away the shadows of those old fears and adrenaline-pumping moments. They were in the past for a reason, and she'd moved on. She was a doctor now! For teeth.

    "Those should be pretty helpful," the unicorn admitted, following Saw Bones's gaze out the window as she admired Canterlot for a few moments. "I remember the rough area the temple was in, but all the landscape around it looked the same. I wouldn't be able to find it again without a map, even though we're not going right?"

    With a quick flick of hooves Colgate had tucked the window down and was leaning outward to watch the approaching royal city. Her periwinkle mane writhed in the breeze, but it could be fixed easily enough. It wasn't much longer before they pulled into the train station and the blue pony sighed and exited the locomotive.

    "So where to now, Mr. Bones?" she teased gently.

  7. It usually only happens with posters I chat with often. I imagine Davvy with a lightly German-accented voice, Fawkes with a mid-range male voice with a twinge of superiority, I know exactly what Conor sounds like, Angie is hyperactive Canadian voice, I could go on.

    For you Tyler... I kind of imagine one of those voices that try to tell you what you believe is wrong and that you should trust something else. Similar to Penumbra, just not quite as sweetly demented.

  8. Cadance swayed her flanks subconsciously with each of Pumpkin's bounces, keeping her back under the boisterous little foal no matter which way she wiggled. Between the hold on the alicorn's mane and the support of her wings and haunches, it would be a challenge all in itself for an accidental tumble to occur. The unicorn still seemed to be looking for something, occasionally glancing around or flicking her ears at a noise with a look of consternation, so Cadance was relatively sure they hadn't reached their destination yet.

    With tender care the princess began weaving through the crowds at the market, her own attention admittedly snared by the bustle and level of activity there. At this point, Cadance was nearly as overwhelmed as Pumpkin. Smells, sounds, laughter, shouts, and various other results of harried ponyfolk came from all directions, not to mention the ponies themselves pushing by. The foalsitter took extra caution to keep her little companion squarely on her back, just in case somepony bumped into Cadance and jostled the pair.

    There was a tiny grumble and a tug on the alicorn's mane, prompting her to look back at the foal. The baby's mouth was full of more drool than usual, and a beatific look settled into her expression while her little nose twitched away. Cadance lifted her muzzle and took an inquisitive sniff herself, only to salivate to the smell of fresh apple pie. It didn't take long for her to find the stall selling the delectable dessert. With a smile and a snippet of pleasant small talk the royal mare tossed a few bits onto the counter; she picked out the most tempting pie and moved to the side where she and Pumpkin were less likely to be bumped into. It took some concentration, but the princess managed to slice out a tiny wedge of the treat before offering it to the young pony riding her.

    "Well, we can't find what you're looking for on empty stomachs can we?"

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  9. A million times this!

    Also Pumpkin riding on her back has to be one of the cutest things ever. I hope you're enjoying the RP -- I wonder where it will go?

    I'm loving the rp, it's making me think outside the box interacting with somepony who can't speak. And yeah... there's a lot of imagery in there already that's so sweet it should give somepony diabeetus. I think less of where it will go rather than where it won't go: it's driven by the whims of a foal lol

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