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Posts posted by Solaria



    Rosie! You sure do respond quickly to RPs when you're online :D

    I really need to find a picture of either Pinkie and Cadance or Pumpkin and Cadance. In the future I definitely plan on teaching Pumpkin and Pound the little Sunshine dance.

  2. "Well Sweet Surprise, it's very ni-"

    Cadance was cut short and blinked once in confusion as a whirling dervish replaced the pony she'd been speaking to. The hooved maelstrom flitted about the tables, gathering anything that looked delectable before returning as the cacao-hued earth pony with plate piled high. A small laugh burst from the princess.

    "I love your enthusiasm! So how did you get your cutie mark, if you don't mind me asking? It looks so interesting! And don't feel rushed to answer, I know how tasty food looks when you've missed a meal," she added with a smile.

    At that moment a rather regal-looking mare trotted into the ballroom, a self-confident look upon her face. It seemed she had been present since the little CRPR speech, and Cadance was abashed that she hadn't welcomed her yet. Apparently the board members wouldn't be doing any welcoming of their own today; in fact a few had fallen asleep and were snoring in their chairs. The princess waved and gave a warm greeting to the new pony, whose posture seemed even better than her own. Actually, this new visitor looked rather familiar, but the she couldn't quite place her.

    She didn't have time to solve the little mystery however, as an uncertain voice drifted through the doors as yet another guest filed in, asking about the food. The full-bodied pony seemed to do a double-take before calling Cadance's name and falling into a bow, crying out apologies. The rose alicorn waved her hooves in surprise, as though trying to deflect the alarmed tone of Miracle's voice.

    "Oh it's okay! Really, don't worry about it! I can't expect everypony to recognize me instantly after I've been away for so long, can I? After all, I don't think we've ever had the pleasure of meeting, at least face to face." She turned to the calmer mare that she hadn't spoken with yet. "Both of you feel free to grab some snacks, that's why they're there! This is as much about having fun and meeting the CRPR as it is for us answering your questions."

    Somewhat confident that she'd assuaged any tension that might have strung through the room, Cadance gave a tiny but happy smile and waited patiently to attend to her guests.

  3. A smile and a tiny cheer? This foal was almost too cute to handle. In the true fashion of a young mind with almost no attention span, Cadance's little companion looked this way and that almost without pause. It sometimes made the alicorn wish she could still see the world that way. Each window and door held a new surprise, each object a fresh wonder... or potential food. A smile broke across her face as she felt one her curls go taut and grow wet. A quick glance backward confirmed Cadance's suspicions: her mane had replaced the blanket on the menu.

    Using her magic to animate the tiny coverlet enough that it wrapped Pumpkin in a warm cocoon against the chilly morning air, the princess followed the foal's excited look to a potted plant in a window. The baby soon looked disappointed, and the Cadance furrowed her brow in thought. Apparently her new friend was looking for something, but she didn't know what. At this point, all she could do was trot around and either hope to find her parents or whatever it was the unicorn was looking for. Which, considering how a ladybug had entranced the foal so far, could be something as simple as a lost bottle.

    "Hang on," Cadance said sweetly, setting off down the road at a mild canter while keeping her head tilted slightly backward so as not to throw Pumpkin off balance with her mane. "If you see what we're looking for, just give me a hiccup or a gurgle okay?"

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  4. We'll be heroes!

    This makes me want to sing Elephant Love Medley.

    "We should be lovers!"

    "We can't do that..."

    "We should be loveeeeeeeeers, and that's a fact."

    "No nothing, would keep us together!"

    "We could steal time, just for one day..."

    "We could be heroes, forever and ever!"

    "We could be heroes, forever and ever..."

    "We could be heroes..... "

    "Just because I will always love you."


    I love that song. Ewan McGregor used his Jedi powers for that one.

  5. Roleplay Type: Crossover

    Name: Aria

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Alicorn

    Eye Color: Dark Violet

    Coat Color: Snow

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane and tail are long and straight, with the coloration varying between royal purple and a light fuschia

    Physique: Tall and slim

    Cutie Mark: An upward-facing crescent rimmed by jagged sunbursts, following the color scheme of her mane and tail

    Origin/Residence: The Forest of Madness

    Occupation: Royalty

    Motivation: To enjoy life to its fullest

    Likes: (optional) Mild trickery, music, singing, love, kindness, companionship, flying, sunsets, the moon, jokes

    Dislikes: (optional) Early mornings, overbearing ponies, false accusations, country music, tomato-based foods

    Character Summary:

    For much of her early life, Aria was shy and withdrawn, simply following her parents' wishes and doing as she was asked. She would make the occasional friend, but it would never last and the young alicorn would move on sadly to do as she'd always done. Nothing noteworthy occurred until she stumbled upon a strange forest one day while walking home as an older foal. She never truly returned from that place, though her laughter can still be heard within. On rare occasions she'll emerge and traverse Equestria, though her reasons are rather mysterious. She has become part of the culture there, and through her efforts been named royalty by the spontaneous form of "government" that rules the strange region.

    She has never revealed the story behind her cutie mark to anypony, though it's well-known that Aria is fascinated by celestial bodies and occurrences. On rare occasions she'll mention that she received it on the night of a lunar eclipse. To this day she frolicks among the Forest of Madness's boughs, sharing her joy and mischievous ways with the denizens that call it their home as well.

  6. Colgate watched with amusement as Saw Bones flitted to the ticket counter, practically threw bits at the custodial pony, and dashed to the train to stand next to her. He appeared a little winded, and the dentist forced her teasing smile into a solemn nod when he looked at her.

    "I'll say. You should have hurried more. I was trotting quickly, but had to keep slowing down for your sight-seeing!"

    The unicorn moved to sit next to Saw while listening to his enthusiasm about the statue, the creature it represented, and the tribe members that she had worked with previously.

    "Well, if you have good maps it shouldn't be a problem to find that place again. I don't know if they'd let me in, I'd assume they would, and yeah... their culture is just fantastic..."

    In her mind, Colgate was reliving the events that had led up to her recognition and receiving the claw. Not all of them were fun, and some were downright scary. No need to bother her friend with those details though, right? It's not like they'd be going through them again.

  7. ...

    Tell me your woes, Penby.

    Truly and bluntly.

    He's a sad clown inside out of course. He's dying inside, the corruption spreading to his smile. For who ever heard of a sad clown? Clowns laugh, they smile! Somewhere inside, Penumbra rebels against the transition from who he was to what he's become. Why did things end up this way? What is a smile but an upside down frown, forced into duplicity by life's jagged mirror of cruelty? You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

    Ha... ha... ha...

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