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Posts posted by Solaria

  1. Cadence shifted a little in her hoofguards, though her pleasant expression didn't fade. She and the other members of the Canterlot Royal Public Relations had been here all morning, but it was still fairly early and most ponies couldn't have been expected to be pounding on the doors, waiting for the event to start. After all, the CRPR wasn't very well understood or known to those outside the castle, which was the entire point of today anyway! Notices had been posted all about Canterlot, which hopefully helped to spread the word.

    They'd acquired one of the smaller ball rooms of the castle for the day-long open house, and several long tables adorned with snacks and punch had been set along the sides of the room. One or two nobles had stopped by, but they had both only wanted to have a quick word with one of their friends on the board, not information. The CRPR had been nothing new to them. Cadence herself was happy enough with her company at the moment, considering several of the ponies around her had traveled a good portion of Equestria with her while spreading the goodwill of the crown, but she dearly hoped that others would eventually trickle in with questions. Even if they only wanted to have some snacks, that would be fine with the princess! That just meant more new friends to make and talk with.

    With a tiny glimmer of magic Cadence levitated a small cup of punch before her and took a slow sip. Maybe if the music started it would drift out into Canterlot? It was worth a try, anyway. With a wave of a hoof and a nod, the alicorn let the string quartet hired to provide ambience launch into a quick tempo, high energy bolero. She knew quite a few of the stuffy older ponies in the organization might not dance, but it was hard for her not to shake a fank whenever upbeat music played.

    "It shouldn't be long now!" she called with a laugh.

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  2. Princess Cadence stepped carefully from the train, making sure to keep her wings folded to the side so as not to clip them on the hard edges of the doorway. With bright eyes and an equally inviting smile, the mare looked about the station with a pleased expression. Ponies bustled everywhere, some disembarking while others climbed on or were simply hurrying their friends and family along. It was both interesting and slightly confusing to watch it all. She had of course visited Ponyville before on her trips around Equestria, but that had been quite a while ago and the little town seemed to have grown exponentially since then. After all, this is where Twilight Sparkle and her friends lived, so it couldn't hurt to see the current state of the area with her own eyes. There were some back at Canterlot who had urged her to take along a guard or two for protection, but Cadence had dismissed the notion with the wave of a hoof.

    "I just want to take a little trip. Besides, anything that might happen can hardly be worse than the changelings, right?" she'd asked with a grin.

    Upon moving out of the train station, the princess noticed a nearby flyer announcing International Day at a cafe somewhere in town. Her eyes gleamed with excitement. In addition to being well-traveled, Cadence had acquired tastes for several regional delicacies while working with Canterlot Royal Public Relations. She was always a little wistful when the cooks in the castle couldn't replicate them just from her descriptions alone. Perhaps she'd find some of them at this event! After all, she hadn't announced her visit to Twilight, and her favorite unicorn was likely working at this time of day anyway. It could wait just a little while.

    While waving and calling out greetings to the ponies that saw and recognized her, Cadence made her way steadily to the Ambrosia Winds Cafe. It looked like a wonderfully tasteful (pun intended!) eatery, and the alicorn eagerly stepped inside to an already sizeable group. Among the patrons was a pony whom she assumed was the mayor, with the way she was being addressed, and the owner herself, explaining a bit about the dishes she was making. Others looked about as excited as she was, and she couldn't wait to meet somepony who shared her exotic culinary tastes.

    "Hello everypony!" she said with enthusiasm. "I don't mean to interrupt, but I can't wait to try some of the food. Is there anything I can do to help?"

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