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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. "Wow... Everypony likes frozen treats." Pixie spoke with a smile. "I'm sure you'll have great buisiness... Espicially with all of the foals when they come out of school." Golden Heart said. "Yes, your going to be one popular pony." Gerty added. Gerty, Pixie and Golden had all chosen what they wanted to eat. They had all picked the same thing, apple pie and to drink, cider. Golden Heart ordered the food. He tipped the waiter kindly as he brought out the apple pies and the cider. They clinked their glasses together as they proposed a toast, to a long and happy marriage. As they began to eat, Pixie thought that they should tell Ice storm when the real celebration was meant to begin. This was only a lunch out. They had more planned than just that. Pixie swallowed a piece of pie before she explained. "After our meal, we're going back to my parents place and since your invited, you can come too. We're having a party." Pixie informed her.
  2. The three sat down in unison. Each of them had bright smiles on their faces. Pixie wasn't born when her parents got married, but she always celebrated their anniversaries with them for as long as she could remember. She watched her parents sneeked loving glances at each other over their menus. Gerty chuckled and blushed slightly, just like she did on her wedding day. Golden was beaming a smile as he inhaled Gerty's scent. The pair were clearly still as much in love as they were on the day the got married. Pixie stopped watching her parents as she began to casually browse through the menu. Golden Heart momentarily put down his menu because he wanted to keep the conversation going. "So, Ice Storm, what do you do for a living?" He asked. "Yeah, what do you do?" Pixie added as she peered over her menu.
  3. Pegasus - Derpy, Blueberry Muffin/Blue October, Blossomforth, Brolly, Cinnamon Swirl, Firefly Earth Pony - Screw Loose, Nurse Redheart, Octavia, Rose, Screwball, Half Note Unicorn - Amethyst Star, Banana Fluff, Blue Belle, Clockwork, Holly Dash, Lyra
  4. "Well, I said we were going to celebrate by eating out. So, here we are." Golden Heart spoke in a gentle tone. "You always were such a kind gentleman." Gerty spoke before kissing Golden Heart on the cheek. "Oh, how romantic..." Pixie Parcel said, as she watched the two. Pixie Parcel saw a new unicorn in Ponyville. She smiled softly and thought that it would be much nicer, if the newbie got to celebrate her parents wedding anniversary with them, just like she got to even though she doesn't live in Ponyville with her parents any more. Pixie nudged Gerty softly. Gerty looked at Golden Heart. He smiled and nodded. They had all silently decided to include the new pony in their celebration. They looked to the unicorn and decided introductions would definatly be needed before just sitting. "Welcome to Ponyville... I'm Pixie Parcel. I deliver your letters, but I don't live here. My parents do though." Pixie introduced her self. "I'm Gerty Greeting's, Pixie's mother... Welcome." Gerty added. "And I'm Golden Heart, Pixie's father." Golden spoke last. "And because your new here, we'd like to include you on the celebration of my parents wedding anniversary." Pixie spoke with a smile.
  5. "Th-that's easy for you t-to say... Y-Your th-the f-first pony I've s-s-seen in w-weeks..." He stammered in a whisper. Whisperpaw shivered slightly. He was trying his best. Usually by now he would be squeaking feebly trying to get even the slightest suggestion of a word out. Whisperpaw was a gentle soul. But many ponies didn't understand. He wasn't afraid of his own kind. But he was timid and shy. HeartBeat was helping him though. Her voice was so gentle, just like his aunt's. He remembered when he was just a foal and he spent all of his young years with her. She calmed him down when he was scared and told him that the loud scary things would go away. Whisperpaw loved her dearly and she loved him too. But he grew up and left her. However they stayed in touch by sending each other letters. 'I hope she doesn't try to send me a letter this week... I told her in my last one that I was going away for a while...' He thought to his self. Whisperpaw came back to reality. He was trembling, but not from fear. It was the coldness. He turned his head away polietly as he sneezed into the opposite direction. "If y-you knew th-the r-r-reason why I w-w-was galloping, y-y-you'd think I w-w-was w-weird... B-b-but n-nopony c-can help b-bieng s-scared." He whispered softly.
  6. Sorry... I can't help it. I've watched it too many times.
  7. Me: Die potato... Potato: *Holds out gun* Not today! Me: *Backs off slowly while frowning*
  8. Three ponies were walking through Ponyville. Two were pegasi and one was an Earth pony. They were laughing and joking to each other and seemed very happy for some reason. The earth pony was red. Her mane and tail were solid grey both of which were long and straight. She had blue eyes and her cutie mark was a greetings card. Her name was Gerty Greetings. To the left side of her, stood tall grey winged stallion. His mane and tail were pure white. Both looked short, scruffy and unkept. He had brown eyes and his cutie mark was of a golden heart wearing a stethoscope. He was known as Golden Heart or Dr. Heart when he was working. To the right side of Gerty stood a tall winged mare. Her body was burnt umber. Her mane and tail were long and wavey. They were white with grey highlights. Her eyes were blue and her cutie mark was of a letter leaning against a parcel. She was known as Pixie Parcel. "And then I caught her and the wedding cake was safe!" Golden Heart laughed. "Yeah, just barely... But it was so funny!" Gerty Greetings chuckled. "Wow, sounds like your wedding day was a riot... I wish I was there to see it." Pixie Parcel replied. "Well, technically you were there. You were inside your mother at the time." Golden Heart spoke thoughtfully. "Well I'm just happy that you grew up to be a wonderful mare!" Gerty Greetings added.
  9. Whisperpaw slowly lifted his hoof. He ached from tiredness and just wanted to drop to the ground. But then as he thought about that he didn't like the idea of being in a strange place, outside in the rain and different things being so confusing. It was not what he was used to at all. The stallion knew that he was better off listening to HeartBeat. Even so, a part of him was still scared... It screamed out inside him and as he heard it, he began to feel nervous. Whisperpaw looked at the ground. The shy unicorn wasn't used to so many social interactions with other pony folk. He was used to them turning their rumps on him and leaving him to be a coward on his own. The friends he always made had to go away, back home. 'This... This is so strange. I'm not being ignored... But why is it so scary? For Celestia's sake, she's helping and not a stranger. Oh but the feeling is so odd.' Whisperpaw continued to follow instructions, but he was afraid to make eye contact with the mare who was helping him. He didn't want to gallop in fear, dragging her along by mistake.
  10. The green earth pony inhaled the fresh air. She swivelled, her plaited mane to the left side of her neck where the sun caught the one red highlight and made it shine. Her pink eyes looked eager to greet such a wonderful day. Her scruffy brown tail swished slighly; the one red highlight in it momentarily caught the sun light and shone brightly. The light faded as it landed in it's original position. Beside the tall mare, stood a tall, scruffy, brown and white mutt. It looked as though it was a terrier mix. It's muzzel was grey at the tip which showed how elderly it truely was. It looked up with it's big brown eyes as if it was eager to please it's mistress. The pair of them were known as Paw Print the dog trainer and her faithful companion animal, Tricks. The two were rarely seen apart and anypony who had seen them apart, would know that the earth pony would be pacing back and forth, as she wouldn't stop thinking about her small companion; who she had since the day she got her dog collar cutie mark. Paw Print and Tricks were peacefully on their way to see Honeysuckle. They had heard through rumour about a harvest taking place. All while walking Paw Print looked very thoughtful. 'Harvest time... There ain't a better time o' the year. Nopony ought ta' miss it either. Hmm... Still, Tricks is gonna love it. An' so am I. Everythin' is more fun with him around.' The mare could see it in the distance. Her eyes widened with joy. She just wanted to gallop there. But Tricks was so old. He wouldn't be able to keep up with her if she did. Then, Paw Print had an idea. "Tricks get up here... Quick sticks!" She spoke to her mutt. Tricks made a leap for her back. He managed to make a perfect landing. The earth pony smiled. "Hold on tight now." She warned him. Paw Print began to gallop closer and closer. She could smell the sweet honey lingering in the air. It made her mouth water and her stomach rumble. Once they had arrived there, Paw Print said. "Alright now, Tricks. Ye' can get down now." Tricks obayed her command and got off Paw Print's back. He stood beside her, eagerly waiting her next command. "At ease.." She mumbled. Tricks sat down and rested. He knew he was not needed for amusing little dog tricks at that moment in time. Paw Print smiled, she looked around. Her expression was eager, yet patient.
  11. PonyHooves


    You know those lazy days when your watching random youtube videos out of boredom. Well I had one of those days... I came across asdfmovie which is on TomSka's youtube channel. I watched the first one. Then I watched all of the asdfmovies that followed it. After that I watched the deleted scenes and marmite. But in my head I still kept thinking about what I had seen in asdfmovie2 and 3. The I like trains kid... Then I spotted something else. TomSka created a song all about the fictional I like trains kid who he had made up. I didn't just listen to it once. I listened to it ten times! Now I keep on blurting out I like trains, for fun. So yeah... I have a new obsession and I'm going to buy an I like trains t-shirt. Well, I do need some new clothes and it's a statement alright. Oh and...
  12. Dr. Heart needs ponies to go to his clinic in Ponyville. You don't even need to spend too long interacting with him. Just go in, he fixes you up and then you don't have to come back. Unless you pony folk are a little on the clumsy side and need some medical attention after an accident you had. So please come on down. The Doc won't bite. In fact, he's quite nice. So go ahead and pop in... http://www.canterlot.com/topic/7661-ponyville-welcome-to-dr-hearts-clinic-open/
  13. I prefer the term unicorn... But, yes a pony... And 'that' has a name... But.. I don't want to waste your time going into detail... Sorry...
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