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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Pipter picked a peck of pickled peppers, where are all the pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

  2. I know! Tomorrow will be a pony party day and all bronies are invited!
  3. Live Stream huh... Sounds exciting. But I have trouble getting time zones right. I'm in GMT. So you might have to tell me five minutes before it's about to start so I'll be ready.
  4. You rest up Volt. Perhaps you should make yourself a hot drink and snuggle down quietly.
  5. Oh I can't wait to see the new episode... But I have to wait until it comes on youtube. Being in the UK means I can't watch it on The Hub.
  6. Do you really want it? Do you really, really want it? Do you really, really, really want it?
  7. Frosty - Well have a good sleep. Solaria - Take an extra cookie for yourself. You deserve it.
  8. It's strange... But it gave me a laughe when Discord mentions cider is made.
  9. I actually found this very funny! I loved the puns!
  10. *Bouncing on pogo stick* Hey! I'm in the sky... No I'm not. I'm in thesky again! No I'm not...
  11. She looked up and the orange earth pony who stood before her. "Gerty! You alright, hun!?" She asked. She then mentioned the mare finding the pink ladies. After that red mare watched as the orange mare turned and started talking to her self. She sounded frustrated about something. But what was was it all about and who was this Gerty? Where was she and who was this mysterious orange mare? "Who's Gerty?" The middle aged mare asked. "And why are you so frustrated?" The mare noticed that a card was next to her. It was the card she had written out for Applejack. She looked at the picture on the front. "Huh? It looks just like you. It must be yours... Sorry, what's your name?" She pushed the card towards Applejack.
  12. *Also drinks some pepsi* Yipeee! *Goes insane with hyperactivity*
  13. Yay! That's my kind of party... And I stocked up on virtual Pepsi! There's plenty to go around!
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