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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. I was only trying to give you a suprise party.. But you don't like it.
  2. Autism doesn't make you who you are. You are yourself. Like the others said, autism is just a label. It doesn't make you different. You make yourself different when you choose to not follow the crowd like sheep. Don't give up on yourself. Your just as good as those who haven't been labeled.
  3. Whisperpaw browsed through the menu. Everything looked so delicious. There was only one way to decide. But whisperpaw decided to perform this foalish ritual in his head while tapping the menu with his hoof. 'Ip, dip, Daring Do, Which one will be you... Does it have teeth bite? Does it come out at night? It doesn't matter which seems right... This is the way I'll decide!' He had made his choice. Whisperpaw's hoof had landed on a cheese and hay omlette. He smiled softly. Whisperpaw knew his choice and no pony knew how he managed to decide. Only a mind reader would know of his mind's foalishness. Whisperpaw looked up from his menu and whispered. "Uhmm.. I've... I've decided... I'm... I'm going to have the cheese and hay omlette."
  4. "We can all make a difference. Have faith in yer' self will ya'!" Paw Print said. "If she's playin' pirate... We gotta' do what we were born ta' do! Dog training the way only we know how." Tricks leaped off Paw Print's back. The earth pony and mutt stared at each other and a smile crept up on her face. "Ya' thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" She asked the terrier mix who nodded. "Well it's time!" Paw Print merely had to to direct the dog through looking at things. Tricks stood on his hind legs and walked that way. "Bang!" Paw Print said with a chuckle. The mutt span in circles and fell on his back as if he was dead. Paw Print pulled a single plastic rose from her saddle bag and placed it on her dog's stomach. She winked at the mutt. Tricks got up and carried the rose in his mouth. "And that was jus' our warm up routine." Paw Print said.
  5. He caught up and slowed his pace when Wind Rider spoke to him. He was having trouble finding his voice. Epistola sensed that he may chicken out and began to peck furiously at Whisperpaw's head. "Ouch, hey, stop it! Alright, I'm not going to chicken out!" He whispered to Epistola. Epistola stopped and rested on his back once again. Whisperpaw sighed before saying. "Well, umm, uhh... Anywhere is nice and it's a change from Solstice Heights..." That felt like one of the hardest things Whisperpaw ever had to do. With him being such a timid stallion, finding the right words to say seemed like such a difficult task.
  6. "Yer' not goin' ta' help her after she made ye' food an' a drink! Well I am. C'mon Tricks we gotta' job ta' do." Paw Print said after drinking the last bit of cider in her cup. She placed the cup down and arose from her seat. Her scruffy mutt jumped on her back before she galloped out to help Auntie Ju. "I won't take no fer' an answer. I'm helpin' ye' and that's that." She told her.
  7. "Thank ye'..." Paw Print said as she set the bowl down on the floor.Tricks happily drank the refreshing water. Paw Print smiled at him. They had so many good memories together. After he had finished drinking, Tricks pawed at Paw Print. "Ye' want ta' perform again ol' boy?" She asked her mutt. He wagged his tail and let out a low toned bark. "Do yer' stuff!" Paw Print told him. Tricks picked up the empty bowl with his mouth. He jumped onto an empty chair and placed it down on the table infront of Auntie Ju. He nudged it towards her. He seemed to be wearin a bag around his neck. He shook it off and opened it with his mouth. He dipped his head inside and spat two bits into the empty water dish. He then slipped his bag back around his neck and got off the chair. "Oh nice un'. Yer' bein' a real gentleman Tricks." Paw Print complimented his intellegance.
  8. "Why thank ye' kindly. Tricks, come." Paw Print spoke. The mutt moved to her side. "Good ol' fella. I promised I'd share with ye' and I'm keepin' this here promise." Paw Print enjoyed her meal. She savoured every bit of it. The green earth pony saved a few scraps of food which she kindly gave to her dog, who equally enjoyed the food. Paw Print took a few gulps of the cider and said. "Can my ol' buddy Tricks, here have a bowl o' water?" She looked down at her dog indicating that his name was Tricks.
  9. "Sounds excitin'! I hope all this adventurin' won't be too much for my ol' companion. He's in his last years as it is." Paw Print replied. "Still... Fer' a stray who followed me home when I jus' discovered my cutie mark, he's been a mighty tough mutt in livin' terms." She liked the idea of a big adventure. But at the same time she was concerned that her mutt's days were numbered. He was old. Very old. She then smiled at the meal in front of her and said. "Ye' guessed my favourite kinda' grub. Takes skill does that. How much do I owe ye'?"
  10. The green mare sighed. Her mutt was getting old. But she was doing her best to give him the best time of his life. She let him travel with her, she shared her scraps with him and Paw Print didn't ask too much of him any more. She looked around the crowded cafe from where she was seated. 'Ta' think I've never even set a hoof in these here parts... It feels cosy like back home.' She thought to her self while bearing a warm smile on her face. Paw Print's stomach growled loudly. She looked down and blushed. "Sorry I'm gonna have ta' wake ye' Tricks ol' pal. I need ye' ta' look after my seat." Tricks instantly woke up. He sat bolt up right, watching his surroundings intensly. Paw Print smiled as she carefully made her way up to the barista. "I'm hopin' ye' aren't too busy ta' accept my money. Don't care what kinda' grub ye' serve me, it's yer' choice. All I care is that I eat before I hit the road. I didn't come travellin' with my mutt from Appleloosa fer' nothin'. I came ta' discover what I'm missin' out on." Paw Print spoke in her usual friendly tone.
  11. "Thank ye' fer' ye' kindness." She spoke greatfully. Paw Print moved away to allow the barista to do her job. She whistled once and the scruffy dog pushed open the cafe door. He calmly walked up to his owner. Paw Print smiled, she rubbed his head with her hoof before taking a seat. The elderly dog instantly lay down on the floor. He was panting heavily because he was a little hot and tired from travelling. But he had his eyes fixed on Paw Print as if he was waiting for her to tell him to do something. "Tricks ol' boy, do yer' self a favour. Go ta' sleep. Ye' earned a rest." Paw Print spoke kindly to the mutt. Tricks rested his head on the floor and fell asleep. Paw Print knew the barista was busy, so she waited patiently.
  12. ((Hope you don't mind me cutting in)) Paw Print, the green earth pony stood infront of the cafe. The mare looked down beside her elderly compantion dog Tricks, a scruffy looking terrier cross. "Finally... A place ta' get some grub. These folk might even let ye' in ol' boy. After all, ye' are trained an' all that fancy stuff. Fer' a stray I found when I was almost a filly, ye' sure are loyal." Paw Print's dog collar cutie mark shone brightly in the light of the day. The mare had decided to go on an adventure with her dog. It made a change from staying in Appleloosa all of the time. She swished her brown plaited mane to the opposite side of her neck so that the single red stripe in it caught the light of the sun. "Stay out here Tricks... I gotta' ask if they'd be willin' ta' let ye' in first." She spoke to her scruffy old terrier mix, who sad down at the door and waited. Paw Print smiled as she calmly trotted into the cafe. The young mare trotted up to where the barista stood. "Do ye' allow dogs in here? My dog is trained an' all that fancy stuff. He's mighty old too an' I'd think he'd feel much happier by not bein' out in the sun while i'm restin' up an' enjoyin' myself in here." She enquired in a friendly tone.
  13. Gerty listened to every word that left Granny Smith's lips. She had noticed that a gentle breeze had begun to brush her mane backwards. It felt so refreshing. Then the cart started bumping over everything and swerving. Gerty Greetings was having trouble staying in her seat. The breeze had grown into a strong wind that forced her body backwards and made her eyes water. With every swerve, she felt her body getting closer to the edge of the cart. Gerty didn't like the fast pace any more. It was a frightening experiance. Her heart was pounding so loudly that she could feel it her her head. The mare was hyperventilating because of how scared she felt. But she didn't want to say anything to Applejack. Gerty didn't want to spoil her fun. So she kept her mouth shut and silently hoped that the ride wouldn't get any worse. Suddenly, Gerty was blown off the cart by the strong winds that were caused by Applejack's racing. She was thrown, head first, into an apple tree by the impact of the cart's movement. After crashing into the tree, Gerty fell on the floor beside it. A few apples fell off the tree and hit the mare on her head. Her eyes were rolling around in their sockets. "What pretty little spinning stars..." She blurted out sounding confused. Gerty didn't know what had just happened to her. But she did have one huge headache.
  14. Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria RP Name: Paw Print Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Earth Pony Eye Color: Pink Coat Color: Green Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Long plaited mane that is brown with a single red stripe going down it and a long brown scruffy tail with a single red stripe going down it. Physique: She is a tall pony with a slender body and muscular legs. Cutie Mark: A pink dog collar with a golden heart shaped tag attached to it. Origin/Residence: She was born in Ponyville, but now she lives in Appleloosa Occupation: Dog Trainer Motivation: When she has a tough time teaching a stubborn dog to do tricks or how to work to improve other pony folk’s lives, Paw Print thinks about the eager faces of all of her past canine students. When times are tough, the Earth pony refuses to give up because she remembers how dogs influenced the lives of their masters. Some dogs were trained to perform cute tricks and others helped to get the job done. All of those past moments when she made harmony between both dog and pony, is enough to keep her going so she never gives up. Likes: Animals, smiling faces and longs walks. Dislikes: Animal cruelty and ponies giving up on what they believe in. Character Summary: Paw Print was born in Ponyville. She lived with both her mother and father and had no siblings. Her father was a baker and her mother was a gardener. When she was only a foal, her mother became ill. Paw Print’s father promised that he’d protect their only child no matter what happened. Paw Print and her father visited her mother at the hospital every day for three months. They stopped visiting, when Paw Print’s mother passed away. Even though she was only a foal, Paw Print visited her mother’s grave every day to lay flowers there. They were her mother’s favourite, blue bells. One day, her father decided it would be best for them to move on, away from Ponyville. Together, they set out to Appleloosa where they started a new life. It took a few months for her to adjust, but Paw Print accepted that her mother wouldn’t want her to be sad anymore. Her mother liked Paw Print’s smile and not her frown. Paw Print had a strange effect on dogs. It seemed as though they listened to her. Often, when she was alone, Paw Print would talk to the local stray dogs and ask them to help her. They obeyed her every command. Soon, Paw Print began to think. She had heard about dog trainers before. Paw Print decided to try and train the local strays properly. The foal took some food scraps and began to teach them simple tricks. When she returned home, she was being followed by a stray puppy. Her father took one look at her flank and said. “A dog collar cutie mark! I think you and that pup were meant to be together.” Paw Print smiled. She had her cutie mark and to celebrate, she had her own puppy. Later on she decided to name him Tricks. Paw Print’s father told her that her mother would be proud. That brightened up her day. Paw Print finished her education and went on to give the trained stray dogs good homes with local pony folk. She helped them continue on with training their pets to do what they needed to be done to help with their lives. Paw Print grew up and offered out dog training lessons for low prices once her stray dog re-homing idea had been successful. Paw Print’s flaws were that she was stubborn. If she didn’t want to do something then she wouldn’t do it. If she wanted something to be done, she’d go that extra mile and put off everything else just to do it. Paw Print learned in time that there was a time and a place when being stubborn was acceptable. She is slowly learning to accept when something should be done and when to put other things first. Though there are the odd times when she’ll get set back in her old ways and continue to ignore everyponies advice and act stubborn.
  15. It looks so real... Except, that hoof print looks highly suspicious and it's April Fool's Day. Good prank. You really got me there for a moment.
  16. Whisperpaw saw the others starting to walk. He decided that he'd catch up to them a little bit later. He just needed to calm his self down. Whisperpaw rested his rump down on the warm sand and sighed. Epistola flew off his horn and landed beside the black unicorn. "Thanks Epistola... I made a fool of myself. I'm glad you warned them away. They must think awful of me." He whispered his conversation to the tawney owl that he had befriended long ago. Epistola hooted back as though he was replying to the conversation. "I know... I know... I shouldn't be embarrassed that when I try meeting others I sometimes get scared. But I was doing so well... What went wrong?" He whispered again. Epistola hooted a few more times. "Too many ponies at once... I see what your saying... But I thought I was making friends until... Well, that little moment." Whisperpaw continued. "But, I still have a chance... Epistola, don't let me chicken out. Make me talk, even if that involves pecking at my head. I'm no quitter!" Epistola nodded and flew up onto Whisperpaw's back. Whisperpaw galloped off towards the others in order to keep up with them.
  17. Yes... I sketched Fluttershy yesterday. After SirShadowdeath alerted me about my main flaw in the fluttershy sketches, I made mental notes of the leg shape on different ponies by browsing through mlp pictures on google. Once I had visualised it several times over, I tried drawing again and Twilight was my result.
  18. Thank you for the compliment. I've also sketched Twilight Sparkle. I've decided that I'll colour her in on the computer using GIMP. But here she is without colour.
  19. I like drawing and doodling quite alot. So I'll show what I can do and have done. This is a link to my DeviantART page. http://prettypickles.deviantart.com/ Okay, to start it off, I have done some rough sketches of Fluttershy as a foal. I would like your opinion on which one you like the most. The one that is the most favourable will be made into a final piece that will be displayed on my art stuff page, on deviant art and in the gallery. Fluttershy foal sketches
  20. Whisperpaw felt slightly calmer when Seaspray nosed his cheek. But he was still highly nervous. When Wind Rider spoke, it sent him back into panic and fear. He let out a tiny squeak. Epistola noticed his nerves were getting worse and began brushing his wing against Whisperpaw's spiked mane to try to calm him. Epistola Hooted loudly as if to warn away the others so Whisperpaw could be alone to calm down. The stallion always had bad nerves. The animals tended to sense it. Well, all of the animals he helped out sensed his nerves. They always tried to help him like he would to them. Epistola gently rubbed his head against Whisperpaw's horn as another way to calm him. Whisperpaw was shy, but he felt lucky to have an owl who understood him so well.
  21. Gerty stood up. She whipped the dirt off her rear end with her tail. "Shall we get going then?" The middle aged mare asked.
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