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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. I'm not crazy... But I like childish and annoying songs. There... I said it. I can be childish when I want to be.
  2. Oh, sorry... I'm a little bit dense sometimes.
  3. I'm not crazy... Just got a sensative body. It stops me from being ill.
  4. Me... I'm fine as long as I take my medication three times a day for the rest of this week; which I am doing. So, I'm fine.
  5. About seven years ago... When was the last time you felt bored?
  6. ((OOC: Gerty Greetings http://www.canterlot.com/topic/5941-gerty-greetings-final/ )) Gerty Greetings watched her husband leave for work. 'Always in a rush... But, he's still the sweet pegasus I fell in love with all those years ago. He hasn't changed a bit.' She thought to her self. Gerty smiled as she started to fill her saddle bags with paper and pencils. As usual, the earth pony was preparing for her trip to Sweet Apple Acres. It was that time of the year when she needed to come up with new designs for cards. Her cards often needed scenery and apple trees just seemed to fit perfectly some how. From what Gerty had heard, this year's crop of apples were even more shiny than the last. The thought of drawing such beauty on a tree made her feel so joyful and free. Of course, she stopped for a moment to remember her husband's last words to her, before he left the house. 'Watch your step and try to avoid any accidents my dear.' She reminded her self through thought. Gerty Greeting's smiled a cheerful smile. She slipped her saddle bags on her back and left the house. Gerty trotted towards Sweet Apple Acres. She constantly looked around her. The day felt young to her. It had innocence, beauty and a strange sense of a calming wonder. She inhaled large amount of fresh air and let it go with a deep sigh. Everything seemed perfect until she tripped over a tree trunk. Gerty was unharmed. It was mainly embarrassment that she felt. She was trying to avoid having one of her little accidents. Though the harder she tried, the harder it gotto try and avoid them happening. The mare stood up. She collected her papers that had spread across the ground and placed them back into her saddle bags. "I hope no pony saw that..." She mumbled to her self. After that little blunder, Gerty Greetings continued to trot towards Sweet Apple Acres. She wasn't going to let one little slip up ruin a perfect day. It took plenty more than that for her to have a bad day. Up ahead, Gerty saw Sweet Apple Acres in all of its natural beauty. Her grin widened. He was even more beautiful than she could have imagined. The apples really did look shiny. Even from a distance, Gerty sould see them twinkling like stars. Gerty began to gallop as fast as she could. The mare just couldn't wait to get started on her sketches for the new card designs. Her heart was pounding and her head was filled with thoughts about the new cards. 'This year will be my best year for cards... They'll be as attractive as the apple trees. Oh I can't wait to sell my first batch. Oh, I bet my husband will love them. He always said get well soon cards with pictures of apples on them cheered up sick ponies. They've really out done themselves this time around.' But Gerty wasn't looking where she was going. She ran head first into a tree. Her saddle bags fell off her back. For a moment she just sat there rubbing her head. Then when she looked around, she noticed that she had collided with an apple tree. That meant only one thing. She had made it to Sweet Apple Acres.
  7. -Mumbling- Umm... I'm the last... to... Erm... Be the one to post.
  8. ((OOC: Prepare yourselves for a postal worker delivering letters on a bad day. A bad day for her, that is.)) Pixie Parcel flew in soaked to the skin, Her mane and tail were stood on end. She was grunting under her breath. "Why would they even let a colt play with storm clouds? He thinks he's so funny... Lets electricute the postal worker and then make it rain on her! If his parents were home, he'd be getting such a telling off..." It was clear that she was having the most terrible of days. Pixie Parcel had been the victim of childish prank. It was the last she needed. The postal depot had five workers call in sick. She was taking all of their rounds, which meant she had to rush around like a maniac. Pixie loved her job, but this was all too much even for a workaholic like her. She nearly crashed on the way to several houses. This wasn't her usual route and she was far from home. Luck was on her side for that issue because she'd memorized the map. That was something she was really good at and she knew it. She walked up to the desk; rain water dripping from her long thin legs. "The usual postal worker for around this area couldn't make it into work... So, you've got me until he can get back into work." Pixie Parcel explained. She slipped the extremely large saddle bags off her back. They landed on the floor with a thud. Pixie Parcel let out a sigh of relief. All of that weight was giving her intense back pain. It was too double the size of her own body weight. Never the less, Pixie Parcel did not complain. Instead, she opened one of the saddle bags and took out five letters. Then Pixie Parcel placed the letters on the front desk. She looked at her saddle bags and sighed. "Well, I best be off... I've got plenty more places to go to." Pixie parcel slid the saddle bags onto her back. She let out a small squeak of pain. She was in agonising pain. Pixie Parcel was also shivering as getting soaked, made her feel so very cold. "Achoo!" The pegasus sneezed. As she turned to leave, Pixie Parcel muttered to her self. "I think I've bitten off more than I can chew... This work load is going to kill me."
  9. Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria RP Name: Whisperpaw Sex: male Age: Stallion Species: Unicorn Eye Color: Green Coat Color: Black Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane is short and styled to look spiked. His tail is short and messy. Both of which are a pale shade of blue. Physique: He is very small and slender. But his legs are also quite muscular. Cutie Mark: A wolf’s head with a moon behind it. Origin/Residence: He was born in Canterlot and now lives in Solstice Heights Occupation: Wildlife Conservationist Motivation: When he hears the sound of a humming bird’s hum, his heart skips a beat. When he sees the wild rabbits peacefully hopping around, he lets out a peaceful sigh of relief. When he hears the wolf howl to the moon he shed’s a tear because its sound is beautiful and true. When he sees animal tracks on ground, he smiles a gentle smile, because he knows all of these signs mean his job is really worthwhile. He knows what he’s doing is working to save the wildlife. Likes: The great outdoors, hiking and peaceful summer days. Dislikes: Loud noises, thunderstorms and ponies who try to take away animals homes. Character Summary: Whisperpaw lived with his aunt because his parents had jobs that took away any free time that the average pony had. His aunt had promised to raise him well. Every week his parents wrote to him. His aunt would read him every single letter with love and care. Then she'd take a photo of him and post it to them. He was an only child and a very shy colt at that. His aunt was a singer. She loved him dearly, but she had trouble understanding him at times. She thought it was strange for him to spend most of his time alone. Even when he was at school he never spoke to other ponies. She tried to enrol him in drama lessons. He was doing fine until it came to the day of performing in front of an audience. He got stage fright and went off to hide. Then she enrolled him in a music class. He didn’t like the sound of the musical instruments, so he ran off. She was having quite a lot of trouble finding something for him to do. Then she had an idea; an idea that gave him his cutie mark. She signed him up to go to a colt’s summer camp. Whisperpaw was unsure if it was a good idea. He’d left his home to join other colts of his age to go camping in Whitetail Wood. He was pleasantly surprised about how peaceful it was with the other campers. They were just like him. They were all quiet and shy. He didn’t feel the urge to run away or to hide from anything. On the first night, he sat alone looking up at the stars. In the distance, he could make out the shape of a large dog. But it wasn’t a large dog. It was a wolf. He heard the wolf howl to the moon. Something inside him, made him feel strangely comforted by this beautiful sight. He knew it was a wolf. He made a note of it. Every night he waited for the wolf to howl at the moon. Every night, he saw the wolf. With each night, he made more notes about it. Then on the final night, something happened that he couldn’t have even dreamed about. He watched the wolf howl to the moon as he usually did. He made his note of it. Then the wolf came towards him. It wasn’t afraid of him and Whisperpaw wasn’t afraid of the wolf. Whisperpaw then noticed something about the wolf. It was looking for something. “Have you lost something or someone?” He asked the wolf. The wolf looked down at the ground. There was a small paw print on the floor. It was a wolf paw print; a very small wolf paw print. “You’ve lost your baby.” He mumbled. Suddenly his horn started to glow. It glowed stronger as he followed the paw prints. His horn lead him towards the wolf pup. There it was, the small pup was sleeping in a bush. The adult wolf followed up behind him. “I’ve found your baby...” He mumbled to the wolf. The wolf responded by licking his cheek. Then it picked up its pup and wandered off into the darkness. Whisperpaw turned around to leave, when he noticed a cutie mark had appeared on his flank. When he left school, he spent some time studying wildlife conservation in university. He worked hard, reading book after book. His thirst for knowledge about wild animals was clear. He studied hard and came out with a degree. His aunt cried tears of joy on his graduation day. She knew he had grown up to become a charming young stallion. When he had left college, he moved to Solstice heights because he wanted to live in a more peaceful place, where he and the animals he wanted to help, wouldn't be too far apart. There, he started up his own wildlife conservation programme. He helped out the wildlife in need and offered to educate fillies and foals about the importance of wildlife conservation. He couldn’t have been happier. Once a week he’d write to his aunt, telling her about his adventures. He knew she was interested in his progress. Whisperpaw always has had one serious flaw. He’s always been shy. But his shyness meant he was afraid to speak. Sometimes he couldn’t even bring his self to let out the words he’s wanted to say. What he did about it, was practicing talking in the mirror. He has achieved the ability to communicate vocally from his practice. However, it is always in the form of a whisper. Sometimes he may hesitate and let out a nervous squeak. But in the end he manages to bring his self to whisper a few words.
  10. I didn't even think of that. But now that you've come to mention it, Granny Smith's hip suddenly getting better does sound suspicious. Very suspicious, indeed...
  11. Oh, I almost forgot to mention it... But I used be afraid of the toaster. I used to be afraid of it because I nearly set the house on fire when I put bread in the toaster. I set the temperature too high. It took my dad four months to get it into my head that toasters aren't trying to burn down the house. Now that I think of it, it was kind of a silly fear... But, I was only fourteen at the time. Everyone makes mistakes.
  12. I think everyone likes to look back on the past. Remembering the good times often comforts people and gives them that boost they need as they go through day to day life. Like when I'm in Aquatics at college and I'm stuck with that evil tutor who hates one student and everyone sees her yelling at the student. At those times all I want to do is scream because I think it's mean to blame an innocent person for being childish when they weren't. So then I start thinking about those innocent childhood days when I'd watch Rugrats on TV on Nickelodeon in the morning. I'd remember going bike riding with my childhood friend who lives across the road. I'd remember coming inside when my legs felt tired and watching Dexter's Laboratory, then Cow And Chicken. It makes those awful lessons bearable. Though I have a feeling that the tutor will lose her job if she keeps acting the way she does.
  13. Talk none stop about words that rhym with bean, until he begs you to stop.
  14. - When all of the songs on your phone are out of MLP FIM.
  15. My family always say that I'm like an absent minded proffessor because I'm forgetful. But I do have a friend who, I compare to Derpy becuase like Derpy, she can act really stupid sometimes. But she calls herself a Derpy.
  16. Even though they're not finished yet, I love them!
  17. I'd spend the day with Fluttershy. We could snuggle softly with all of the cute bunnies and start a humming bird choir together. Then we could watch some butterflies as the flutter gracefully from one flower to the next. Then we could go and see if there are any ducks to feed. Ahh, it would be animal heaven.
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