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Everything posted by PonyHooves

  1. Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria RP Name: Gerty Greetings Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Earth Pony Eye Color: Blue Coat Color: Red Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Long, straight mane and long straight tail, both of which are a shade of grey. Physique: She is quite a short pony. Her body is rather slim. Her legs are short, yet at the same time are also thin. Cutie Mark: A greetings card. Origin/Residence: She was born and currently lives in Ponyville. Occupation: Card Maker. Motivation: Gerty dreams of making a card that is perfect. She likes to imagine seeing some pony open a get well card and start to feel better, or a birthday card to make their day really special. When she’s feeling down, Gerty thinks back to all of the times when she made pony folk happy. She thinks about her greatest creations and tells her self that she can make them even better. Likes: celebrations, holidays, animals and her family. Dislikes: Ponies with a negative attitude, cards being thrown away after the celebration has passed and her husband coming home at late hours. Character Summary: Gerty Greetings was born in Ponyville. There she lived with her parents who, like her, were also land ponies. She also had a little sister who looked up to her dearly. Her mother was an artist and her father was an actor who worked in Canterlot. He would spend months away from the family leaving only his wife to take care of Gerty and her younger sister. Often Gerty Greetings felt sad about her father not being around as often as she’d like him to be. She saw all the other fillies and foals at her school with both of their parents. But, most of the time Gerty only had one to be with her. It made her feel like an outcast. But she stayed strong for her younger sister, who equally missed their father when he went off to work. Then one morning when her father was about to leave, Gerty got up early and grabbed onto his leg. She was begging him not to leave because she knew he was going to be gone for a long time. He turned to her and said. ”I promise I’ll write to you this time... You’re not alone. I’m always with you in your heart.” Gerty Greetings let go of her father’s leg and gave him a kiss before he left the house. She knew he’d never break his promise. He always kept his promises. Two days later a letter arrived. It was addressed to Gerty. She opened it up to find that it was a letter from her father. Inside the envelope were several photos of her father both on the stage of the theatre and a few off stage. She beamed a bright smile. Gerty Greetings loved the photos. They were so special and meaningful to her that she wanted to send something equally as special back to him. That’s when she got the idea of making him a greetings card. Gerty worked really hard on making it perfect. When it was completed, her cutie mark appeared. As she grew up, Gerty Greetings made her own small greetings card business. At first business was very slow. But two weeks into the card making business, it all changed. She out wearing her saddle bags stuffed with all sorts of cards she’d made. There were birthday cards, get well soon cards, cards congratulating success, cards welcoming new foals into the world and cards for weddings. Gerty Greetings was daydreaming while she was walking. She wasn’t paying much attention to where she was going when suddenly she stepped in a bucket, fell over, only to get her other hoof stuck in a bucket. Frantically she reared and kicked, trying to get the buckets off her hooves. They came flying off and she kicked a wall. Gerty Greetings ended up going to the local doctor’s clinic where she met the love of her life. While he was treating her, they got talking. She told him about her little business and he even looked at her cards. He bought some get well soon cards. He told her that they would be perfect for cheering up some of his patients. That made Gerty smile. From then on she spent more time with the love of her life. Soon, she moved out of her parent’s house and went to live with him. They got married and had three beautiful off spring, which grew up and moved out getting jobs of their own. Gerty Greetings had some clear flaws. She day dreamed too much. This meant that she blocked out the world around her and often got lost in a world of her own thoughts. She was also very clumsy. She would get herself into all sorts of crazy situations. These situations meant that she saw her husband’s place of work several times per year. When those two flaws were combined, she was a walking disaster. Since then she has learned not to day dream outside of the house and to watch her step. It has made her slightly less accident prone and she has had less visits to the clinic. But, she still has her moments where accidents do happen. But one accident a week for her is a great achievement.
  2. Let me see.... - White chocolate - Gummy snakes - sasparillas http://www.handycandy.co.uk/sarsaparilla-tablets-p-670.html - super sour jawbreakers And loads more!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ert6uHKCdek
  4. - Josh Woodward - Owl City - Busted - S Club 7 - Heather Small - M People - Diana Ross - Keisha White - Cyndi Lauper - One Direction - Cee Lo Green - Sandi Thom - Bruno Mars Hmmm... It's a mixture really.
  5. From the album: Art By Hooves

    A pegasus I made up who is also the father of Pixie Parcel. He is named Golden Heart. He is a doctor who lives in Ponyville. I am currently waiting for his character to be approved. But I felt like drawing him while I waited. Enjoy.

    © Mine!

  6. Thanks for pointing that glitch out... When I was typing it up on word, I was struggling to think of what to call him. I fixed up the other bits too.
  7. Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria RP Name: Golden Heart or Dr Heart when he’s working Sex: Male Age: Stallion Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Brown Coat Color: Grey Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: His mane is short and scruffy. His tail is wild and untamed. Both of which are pure white. Physique: He is quite a tall pegasus, but his body condition is relatively normal as in he has the average overall weight of most pegasi. Cutie Mark: A golden heart wearing a stethoscope Origin/Residence: Golden Heart was born in Cloudsdale, but he currently lives in Ponyville. Occupation: Doctor Motivation: Golden Heart, has long working hours. But when he goes to sleep, he dreams about making sick little fillies and colts feel better. He dreams about taking away their pain. When he works and he sees a sick filly or colt smile; it makes his job feel more worthwhile. When he sees a mare or stallion thanking him for everything he has done for them, he feels the warm motivation building up inside him. It is the kind of motivation that gets him going through the toughest of days at work. Likes: Making children smile, listening to the patients stories of what happened and spending quality time with his family. Dislikes: Missing seeing is daughter delivering the post in the morning and spending less time with his loved ones due to his long working hours. Character Summary: Golden heart was born in Cloudsdale. He was an only child who lived with his parents, who both were pegasi like everyone else in Cloudsdale. His mother controlled the rain clouds and made sure they rained where and when they were scheduled to rain down upon. His father coached one of the pegasi who competed in the pegasi races. His father wanted him to grow up to join the pegasi races or control the weather like his mother. His mother on the other hoof, just wanted him to be happy. This is why she asked him where he wanted to go, unlike his father who took him to the racing courses and made him practice. Golden Heart didn’t like racing too much, but he tried his hardest on the practice track with his father. Although, his father was never pleased with the time it took for him to get to the finish line. Because his father was a coach, Golden always got free tickets to see the great races. It was when he went to the races with his father that both of his parents became concerned about him. Golden always seemed to be more interested in the racing injuries than the actual race in its self. At first they thought it was just a childish phase and that he would grow out of it in a matter of months. But when he continued in showing interest in the injuries, they took him to a psychiatrist. After a few consultations, they found out that Golden didn’t like watching them get hurt. He just wanted to know how their injuries were healed. From then on, they accepted that was just who Golden was. Then one day when Golden was with his father watching the race for the championship, there was an accident and a pegasus in the race had injured his wing. There were no doctors in the crowd for some reason. Something in Golden’s head sparked off an idea. Golden zoomed off onto the race track. It was the fastest he had ever flown. He pulled the bandanna off his head and used it as a sling for the injured wing of the pegasus. The pegasus suddenly spoke. “Hey colt... Thanks... Oh, and your cutie mark just appeared.” Golden Heart beamed a bright smile. “It really, really has! I knew I always wanted to make pony folk better.” He cried out. Even his father was proud of him on that day. Golden Heart studied hard in medical school. There, he got his degree and officially became a doctor when he graduated. He left Cloudsdale and moved to Ponyville where he would start work. He wanted to move to Ponyville because he wanted to help out more than just pegasi. He wanted to help out a variety of ponies. But he didn't want to work in a fancy place such as Canterlot. He never felt as though he could fit in amongst the richer pony folk because he didn't understand how to act around them. On his second week on the job, he met a beautiful young mare and fell in love. They got married, had twins both male. Then they had a beautiful daughter. Each of their children grew up and moved out. Their daughter still came back every morning when she had moved to Cloudsdale. She came back because she delivered their post. Golden regretted missing her on every visit, but his duty of work meant he had to start before his own daughter started work. Golden’s flaws were quite obvious. He didn’t spend enough time with his family and he didn’t even take a week off work for his own relaxation. Then one evening when he came home, his wife had already gone to bed. There was a letter for him on the table. It was from his daughter. He read it and began to see how much his family missed him. He never even spoke to her since she’d moved out and his wife barely saw him. From that day on he had learned that sometimes it’s important to take time off work to spend time with his loved ones. It made him stronger because he learned how to better himself. Since that day, he started taking the occasional week off work just to spend with his loved ones. Today he feels that there is such thing as too much work and he understands what went wrong.
  8. When you compare yourself to one of the characters. (-Blushes- Guilty for that one...) When you memorize everything said in your favourite episode by your favourite character.
  9. - Well, I love the animals. - I love the varied personalities of the ponies. - I love how the cutie mark appears when a pony discovers who they are. It reminds me of childhood. You spend your childhood, growing and learning about who you are and what you can achieve in most. Then one day, you stop and think. 'This is what I want to do when I grow up.' Sure some children change their minds because their still discovering themselves. But there are others who keep on at the same dream because they know who they are and what they are destined to be. - I love how they are constantly learning something new about friendship. The lessons they learn are passed down to the younger genteration of veiwers and that helps them make the right choices in life. - And overall I love the humour the show provides.
  10. From the album: Art By Hooves

    The coloured in version of my role play character Pixie Parcel.

    © Mine!

  11. The sad song in the background of this part of the movie always sets me off into tears. And I love this one in the final movie.
  12. From the album: Art By Hooves

    Pixie Parcel is my RP character. Here she is in my simple sketch. I will colour her in later. Enjoy!

    © Mine!

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t45i8cjHzko
  14. Hi... Hi... Hi... Hi.... Wait, what was I saying again?
  15. "You can leave if you want... I'll remember you though. I remember everyone who leaves." Lilo & Stich The Movie.
  16. Roleplay Type: World Of Equestria RP Name: Pixie Parcel Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Blue Coat Color: Burnt Umber Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: She has a long, wavy mane and long wavy tail; both of which are white with grey highlights. Physique: Pixie Parcel has quite the slender physique. However, it is not too thin and there are hints of a few muscles in her legs, but not many because she rarely walks. Cutie Mark: A parcel with a letter leaning against it. Origin/Residence: Pixie Parcel was originally born in Ponyville. But as she grew older, she decided to take to the clouds and have a sky high life in Cloudsdale. Occupation: Postal worker Motivation: When Pixie Parcel wakes up, she thinks about all of the ponies eagerly waiting to see what is going to be delivered. At night she dreams about giving letters to a pony; letters from old friends who live far away. Pixie Parcel dreams of their happy faces when they open a parcel to find out that it was a present from a family member arrived on time for their birthday. Knowing she’s going to make some pony happy is what motivates her the most. Likes: smiling faces, animals, delivering the post and flying through the clouds Dislikes: seeing someone upset, losing track of time and disorganized letters Character Summary: History Pixie Parcel was born in Ponyville. She was the youngest out of her siblings. She had two older brothers, who happened to be twins. One of them was a land pony like her mother and the other was a pegasus like her father. She was never really close to her brothers. They were more interested in playing their separate games. This was perfectly fine for her because deep down she knew they loved her. She loved them back too. Pixie Parcel was very close to her parents. Her mother was a card maker and her father was doctor. While her father was out at work, she’d often help her mother make the cards. They made cards for every occasion. Pixie’s cards never turned out quite right. But her envelopes were always neatly made. When it was nearly time for her father to come home from work, Pixie Parcel would open the door and sit down on the door step. She was always met with his heart warming smile. As she grew up, she wanted to spread out her wings. Her mother reminded her about Cloudsdale on several occasions. Every time she heard her mother mention Cloudsdale, she thought about the stories her father had told her about that place. When she was old enough to leave, her father helped her move to Cloudsdale. There, she became the top postal worker, delivering parcels and letters on time. After that, the only time she saw her parents was when she was delivering their letters and occasionally parcels. On each visit, they told her that they were proud of her. Cutie Mark Story One sunny afternoon, Pixie Parcel’s mother was quite busy. She was wrapping up a parcel for an old friend. By the time she had finished, the post office was closed. “Oh no... This won’t do... His birthday is tomorrow... The post office is closed because it’s already afternoon.” She heard her mother mumble to herself. She paced back and forth, trying to come up with an idea. But there was nothing she could think of to have it delivered for the next day. Pixie Parcel looked up at her mother. “I can do it... I know all of the houses around. I’ll deliver it first thing tomorrow morning!” She declared. Pixie kept her promise and she delivered the birthday present on time. But it wasn’t until she got home when her mother pointed it out, did she know that her cutie mark was there. It was a parcel with a letter casually propped up against it. But to Pixie Parcel, it was a wonderful reward to mark a job well done. To Pixie Parcel, her cutie mark meant that she had achieved her goal in life. It symbolized her purpose in life. Every time she looked at in the mirror, she visualized the happy face of the first pony who received his post directly from her. To other ponies that cutie mark is the symbol of a reliable postal worker, who is always friendly and wears a smile. Flaws With every pony there are a few flaws. Pixie Parcel, once took on too many letters and parcels, instead of sharing the work load with other postal workers. She spent an entire day delivering the post and came home at half past nine in the evening. She’d lost her free time and was completely exhausted. Pixie Parcel learned that it was important to share the work load with others, instead of putting too much pressure on herself. Learning from that mistake, she has become stronger in negotiating an even postal work load split. Pixie Parcel still has a problem with managing her time for work and free time. But she feels that she has majorly improved since that exhausting day. Now, she makes sure that she gets home by lunch time in order to enjoy the free time she is meant to have.
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