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Everything posted by flutterscotch

  1. Look first at my response to Weesh above then I will specifically point out Johnny Cash's cover of Nine Inch Nails' Hurt: Also, I know it's super lame that among all the great country songs in the world that I am suggesting this, but this song from a John C. Reilly movie is fantastic, even if it is a parody. Slightly NSFW, due to a guy in his underpants. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W3zQkGpzC0/media] And one last thing that's by a Grateful Dead-esque band, but this song is decidedly country, and beautiful Last Lonely Eagle by New Riders of the Purple Sage.
  2. Sturmmann, ^^^Sundown is an EXCELLENT song. And to the entire spectrum of country/bluegrass/blues I am going to add Skip James. There is a reason why this song is in Ghost World, depicting a cynical teenage punk girl branching out her interests. Google: Ghostworld: Devil Got My Woman, it'll be the first clip. Is there a genre you would like someone to find you a song you may like within it?
  3. I am not sure if you will find them too depressing or not, but I really like The Handsome Family. They're Alt-Country, beautiful and sad. A little too dark to post on the board though. Influenced by the old greats like Johnny Cash (who actually, I recommend for ANYONE who doesn't think they like country to listen to the album where he covers other artists, but I think you might have heard it already ) There is a LOT more going on in the alt-country sphere than the modern pop-top 40 country, and has been for awhile, and they tend to be directly influenced by the classic country than Garth Brooks. Garth Brooks is fine, not my thing but I can see why people like him, but some people who decided to become musicians with him as their biggest influence just seem a little stale. (Sorry Brad Paisley, I know I should be in full support of an Ohio Valley boy, and I adore your actress wife, but I reach for the dial when one of your songs comes on) Also, it's a bit old now, but as much as I want to hate the Robert Plant/Alison Krauss mash up on just the principle of it, I just can't. It's fantastic, and just makes it into the country genre.
  4. The problem with Pandora is that it might occasionally focus on a band you have not heard of, but it is not personal and community building. I want the opinions of people, not algorithms. The PURPOSE of this thread is to open a dialogue to discuss things we personally like or dislike and not rely on computer programs to do our discussion for us. This is a social site after all Also, if I wanted that I wouldn't even use Pandora. I'd go straight to AllMusic.com and use their "related" feature, because it is more precise and reliable and doesn't just play the one song by one band that kind sounds like the one you put in originally, it focuses on the band's output as a whole. Electroclash covers bands like Peaches and Fischerspooner, It's in the middle of a lot of electronic and dance genres. Like second generation new wave mixed with Techno. Browneh, you should check out Arrested Development, which is not quite rap, or De La Soul. Particularly these songs. They are older songs, but I consider them a gateway to rap and other hiphop as they were fairly crossover, and a lot of fun. It might steer you towards that kind of sound. If you want a good laugh, check out MC Chris. You should take this to its very roots and branch out from there into other genres and artists inspired by the very same bands you already enjoy. Hopefully you also listen to a lot of Motley Crue and/or Iron Maiden, because a lot of the bands you have listed not only have their roots there, but Sixx AM is, well, Nikki Sixx. For those two bands, the older the album the less commercial and glam it'll be, later the more well-produced and smoothed out. But some links below the spoiler.
  5. Oh my goodness. Here's a short history of my childhood in games. First system: Atari 2600, inherited from my uncle. I kind of was only good-ish at centipede. Then: Moved 6 blocks from the Keansburg Boardwalk in NJ...which had loads and loads of video games, and in fact when I was around 10 my mum, to get rid of us, would just hand us a roll of quarters or dimes and tell us to go away. Next was system that I didn't exactly ask for but got anyway: Atari 5200. I'd asked "Santa" for a NES. I could flip the score on Dodge-em. Got the NES in 1989. Got a whole bunch of ****py games like Monster Party, Q*Bert, Taboo and Fester's Quest, in addition to Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest), and rented Zelda every chance I got. My brother and I only one time in our lives pooled out Christmas money together to buy something we mutually agreed upon: SMB3. My dad randomly found the Adventure of Link (and why yes, I did drop my copy on the floor to see it the game would glitch and fill item slots, many many times. That Death Mountain cave system was HARD) and SMB2 in a vacant apartment he was cleaning out, so gave them to us (a sub to this is that my dad was inexplicably good at any NES game you threw at him. Still is. It is very weird.) Because I didn't have Nintendo Power, and the internet wasn't really a thing that was as useful as it is today, I made this: Got a Genesis a few years later. Still liked the Nintendo better. After that found a used Commodore 64 in a thrift store. Years of entertainment. I still hate Cauldron 2. You can play it here and share my frustration (100% legit site, I am glad they made it freely available: http://www.cauldron-2.com/ ) In college we would have these parties where people would come to my house around Halloween and we'd play every incarnation of Castlevania start to finish, on all systems, continuously. They would be 3 day long parties, where at all times someone was at the controller. We had plans to gut all the cartridge-based systems and put them on a board that sadly never came to fruition because I broke up with my boyfriend at the time. Our (4 year, mind you) relationship ended with a high five and a Ms. Pacman battle to see who got to keep the Gamecube. More recently: I spend a lot of time in the arcade near my house. I am not any better at PacMan (even thought I have a strategy guide) or Galaga than I was in 1987, but it is fun to play. I also love to go to the arcade in Salisbury beach which has an expanded selection of games, and Funspot, in New Hampshire, which is the largest arcade in the world. Am I stoked they have copies of Krull and Dragon's Lair there? Yes, yes I am. My husband and I still have Bubble Bobble and ExciteBike wars. I play The Adventure of Link on average once every two years just to prove that I can. I can tell you where every warp whistle in SMB3 is without batting an eye even though I haven't touched it in almost 20 years. I still get the Pacman Cereal (She's got a shocking pink bow! OH!) and Nintendo Cereal system (NIN-TEN-DO, it's a cereal now! NIN-TEN-DO wow!) commercials stuck in my head. I am also obsessed with this video game store near me that still carries TURBO GRAFIX 16 games. My coffee mug at work is this (well, almost this, it's the ghosts chasing packman and not blue): I made these for my friend last Christmas: My husband and I have agreed that when we buy a house and get it paid off, the first thing we are buying is a Ms. PacMan cocktail table. Why, yes, I like old school video games!
  6. Oh wow. I just remembered. Film is made from gelatin. Think of how dark that is for a moment.
  7. I love when people snark on how wrong Amid was. Welcome!
  8. Yay . Looks great! She reminds me of g1 Peachy with a WAY better cutie mark.
  9. I think what you might be experiencing there is some values dissonance, and that might be part of the issue that some people have with the CMC. They are much more akin to 10 year olds in the 80s than 10 year olds in the 90s. At least among people I knew that level of autonomy and lack of supervision was pretty standard, as was the penchant for hiding plans from adults. I think the writers are writing what they know, and haven't make the connection that it seems weird to some people.
  10. Hello! Can you please review the application guidelines and edit your post? We have one application per character and a specific form that we use. They can be found here: It is good to see your enthusiasm though
  11. Yeah, my brother and I also did totally inappropriate, horrible and stupid things that we kept from adults as children that I look back on and think "what the heck was wrong with me?", most of it in retaliation for bullies. These two neighborhood kids would not stop pestering me. They would take stuff from me and generally be completely horrible to me for months. One day they took my yearbook, that I had just gotten, from a school I knew I was leaving at the end of the semester, and threw it in the creek, and stood over me, taunting me. I was in 5th grade. So 11 or 12. Soooo, I snapped and grabbed the tire iron out of the back of my stepdad's truck and smashed the spokes of their bikes in. Guess who got a visit from the cops that day... Some kids are stupid and don't think of consequences no matter how bad they are, and hindsight and maturity are 20/20. But I still wish there was some kind of punishment involved for the CMCs. They essentially got rewarded for their poor behavior.
  12. Are there any particular genres you just don't like...or THINK you don't like? Tell is about it, and one of the friendly folks at Canterlot will post something that just might change your mind! I for example am not a huge fan of Electroclash. Care to change my perception? [colour=#ff0000]Note: this it to broaden your horizons, not trash other people's taste in music. Keep it civil, folks! I'll have one of the mods lock it the second it gets out of hand Don't make me pull this car over![/colour]
  13. We should do a thread Totally off topic and I can move it elsewhere, but we should do a thread where everyone tells their least favorite genres and others try to change their minds with exemplary examples.
  14. Songs this month that I have liked since I was a kid but have become very heavy rotation lately. Armenia City In the Sky - The Who Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy (almost always will be on the list) Wasted Years - Iron Maiden Jump into the Fire - Nilsson Action - The Sweet For the most part I am on a NWOBHM and glam rock kick lately. it happens around this time of year often, actually, probably because when I was a kid I got records usually November-December (For my birthday, Christmas and Valentine's day, which I call VanHalentine's day due to the fact that my mum used to buy me hair metal records every year) and spend a lot of time at my grandparents' house where my uncle's bedroom was a veritable SHRINE to Iron Maiden.
  15. colour coordination, nothing more. What should have tipped us off about Faux-Cadence wasn't that her magic glow was green, but rather that it didn't coordinate with the rest of her.
  16. Okeedokee, just hold tight, I am going to have another SRPH look over this for final approval.
  17. oops, there's an issue with your post formatting, so you should resubmit so we can see your customs!
  18. Quite welcome! Now hold tight and a mod will put you in the correct RPers group soon!
  19. Hello! One little thing: Boulder also has a very high pain tolerance, and can usually shrug off most blows that would hurt or incapacitate another pony. [colour=#282828]Can you please indicate that you mean it's unusual for a pony his age, or otherwise clarify this? [/colour] [colour=#282828]We definitely don't want these kids getting into a "who can incapacitate Boulder" kind of situation because of his legendary pain tolerance, and they sound like the type. [/colour] [colour=#282828]Other than that he's pretty good to go. I am going to mark this as approved, but definitely edit that part to indicate that we're not dealing with a superpony here.[/colour] [colour=#282828][/colour]
  20. Hilariously as I was going through this application, I immediately thought of Daniel Plainview, and then saw your signature It's a well-thought out app with an Equestrian twist, but please be sure to make the character your own during RP. It seems like you are well on your way and this character is "Inspired by" and not just a direct expy, so that is good!
  21. I rather like this character, I can see great potential for RPing in search of other plant and animal pony experts throughout Equestria. You might want to go back in your app and change the font to be all the same size eventually, but other than that, great app!
  22. Hiya Morning Dawn! Once you make the changes that SteelEagle has asked you to, please let us know that this ready to be reviewed again.
  23. Good job, Tales, Let's just never hear the story of how she got a rattlesnake pouch.
  24. Love her. Glad to see another pony writing under a pseudonym (mine writes trashy romance novels, she doesn't even pretend to be a good writer) You have a good handle on the character being unique without being overly super-special, and bringing how she interacts with friends into her backstory was a good call.
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